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<junari> When I run some task, it may hit a weak core and sometimes a more powerful core. Because of this, the performance is different. I found the capacity-dmips-mhz parameter, but it doesn't seem to work for me
<junari> for example, little core: 42600497152 bytes (43 GB, 40 GiB) copied, 11.1165 s, 3.8 GB/s
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<junari> big core 67492642816 bytes (67 GB, 63 GiB) copied, 11.4469 s, 5.9 GB/s
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<junari> Looks like I forgot to save the changes and the capacity-dmips-mhz parameter is actually working
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<jernej> junari: that's for A523?
<junari> jernej: yes
<jernej> so you have DVFS fully worked out?
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<junari> so far I've only tested performance mode
<jernej> I guess my question is more like if you figured out DSU/CPU clocks?
<jernej> e.g. write driver for it
<junari> Yes, but it quick backport from BSP
<jernej> that's ok, there are AW BSP drivers which were cleaned up for upstream
<jernej> I'm just trying to understand where we are with A523 support
<jernej> so I guess I can soon start to look into display support :) I believe it's very similar to H616, which needs to be solved beforehand.
<junari> Yeah, I think that would be a good starting point for driver development to send it to upstream
<junari> I also have some work in progress on temperature sensors. There are still some confusing aspects, but it somehow works
<junari> I'll be looking forward to your HDMI work :D
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<junari> Hmm, looks like running processes are not switching to higher performance cores. Still randomly
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<loki666> i'll try with a longer timeout
<loki666> ah no that was already with 1500
<apritzel> loki666: yeah, tbh the timeout is already very generous (actually far too long for a busy loop), so I doubt it's that, but wanted to rule that out
<apritzel> junari: the new BSP clock drivers are quite close to mainline (for a change), so it's absolutely fine to copy in this case
<apritzel> junari: they of course need some adjustments
<apritzel> was what that benchmark you showed, some kind of memcpy?
<junari> apritzel: it's dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null bs=1M count=10000
<apritzel> so I guess that's purely CPU frequency then?
<apritzel> well, must be, there is probably no difference otherwise ;-)
<apritzel> junari: that's on some H728 board, right? I find it quite odd that the slow cluster is only 1 GHz there, On the other packages it's always 1.4GHz
<junari> Yes, the speed difference is due to the task hitting different cores
<junari> It is x96qpro+ and these are the frequencies I got when I booted into android operating system
<apritzel> ah, I see, that's where I got the 1GHz for the slow cluster from as well
<junari> But I'm already in the process of overclocking
<apritzel> but the capacity-dmips-mhz is somewhat pointless, right, because it's the same for all eight cores, given they are all the same microarchitecture (same core even)
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<junari> I did a run of 7z b at different frequencies and added opi-zero3 to the comparison
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<loki666> apritzel: what's the next move then ? Seems like there was no ongoing operation since cmdr is 0x0...
<loki666> So it looks like the current operation never complete
<loki666> Its always with clock disable
<junari> loki666: do you know of any other upcoming consoles on the a527 besides gamemt e6 max?
<loki666> junari: a guy contacted me to send me a device... not received it yet, and no idea which console it's going to be
<loki666> don't think it' even shipped yet
<junari> I think this processor will be in demand in these kinds of devices. Since it can emulate psp with x2-x3 resolution in heavy games quite easily
<loki666> maybe the Helegaly K560... don't know
<loki666> ah no
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<loki666> apritzel: about the mmc2 issue... I was wondering why it happens en mmc2 and not mmc2, could it be because vmmc-supply is GPIO controlled regulator which has a latency?
<loki666> It also always happens right when I insert the card
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