so do we have any A133 boards with DDR4 memory (not LPDDR4)? Has the DRAM support been tested for those, if yes, what are the MR values to use?
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guys: i compared h616 vs rk3566 in mem transfers ( https://gist.github.com/warpme/663fd6ee809d297c41d152088509b6ac ) It is understandable ddr3 vs ddr4 gives 20..40% diff. But why mem-to-framebuffer is 10x diff? (is a53 vs a55 explanation? no...)?
cacheable vs non-cacheable buffers ?
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warpme: the memory subsystem in the A55 was significantly improved over the A53, so that surely contributes to the gains you see in the *normal* numbers
but the framebuffer differences are most likely due to cached vs. non-cached, as mripard said
the tinymembench docs mentions expected numbers between 100 and 300MB/s for uncached framebuffer accesses, so that looks fine
if you have the OrangePi Zero3, that has LPDDR4 (on A53), so you could see how much this has an impact
but in general we did not really do any work on optimising DRAM performance in the last years, we are just happy if it works at all and is stable ;-)
jernej was reworking the size detection lately for the H616, with the aim of porting this to the H6 and A523 driver as well, I guess the A133 would join in
apritzel: yet it was size misdetection
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MasterR3C0RD: did you by chance manage to update the A133 DRAM "driver"? I see you agreed to most of jernej's comments to what I posted in January
well - here are some tests also with zero3 (lpddr4): https://gist.github.com/warpme/91c0ced506c0ec6edc9f5611eb7dfff4 With this i'm not sure that having _only_ foss code for dram init is right idea. compare this to rk world where vendor provides spl and this spl gives expected perf (not working perf). I think bringing back alternative allowing use vendor boot0 blob might be preferred by some pragmatic users who prefers perf for
apritzel I guess I can test your sunxi-fel branch... Just never used fel so far...
What would be a minimal test ?
Boot device without SD card and run ./sunxi-fel --list --verbose ?
warpme: sorry, but there is really no alternative really to our FOSS DRAM code, we cannot really accommodate those blobs easily
loki666: just "sunxi-fel ver" for a start
Ok I'll try that
loki666: but this wouldn't really test much, so if you have a mainline U-Boot, you should try: sunxi-fel uboot u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin
warpme: and to be honest: most of the BSP code I have seen is shockingly bad, in many aspects
I'll use the u-boot image of my buildroot
warpme: And my hunch is they don't really understand the DRAM init properly either, so they copy something from the IP vendor and add random hacks that makes it work(TM) for them
warpme: do you see performance differences between BSP and our DRAM code? Because I think so far we just copy the BSP config, mostly bit by bit
warpme: so by optimisation I mean optimisations on top of the BSP reference performance, which sometimes looks lacking, just by comparing this to JEDEC parameters
warpme: and I got significantly better DRAM performance out of that
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I'm trying to figure out the gmac1 code and adding the necessary parts from the BSP. In fact, only 700 lines of code have been added now (mostly hacks, but it is necessary for understanding further work). Right now I'm getting error 4510000.ethernet: Failed to reset the dma
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loki666: oh great, many thanks for testing! Is there any chance you could confirm this on the Github pull request, so that the maintainers see the confirmation there?
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apritzel: will do
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