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apritzel: I upgrade all uboot in my kernelci lab. and now uboot ask for crust. I love thing to be complete
suspend seems to work on pine64, but not on bpim64, lets try to add CONFIG_AXP for m64
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ok no change
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montjoie: you could just say "SCP=/dev/null" on the U-Boot make command line, that would suppress the message ;-)
but future suspend test will fail
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apritzel: I checked AXP717 manual, and DCDC4 doesn't seems to have the ramp delay, which Marc Brown asked me to add in my patch, should I send a patch to remove ?
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loki666: yes, looks indeed that would be good, for correctness. Though it's probably not critical this way around, and also I don't even know if someone uses DCDC4?
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The two boards with a AXP717 I have dont
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probably because it says that DCDC4 is only available if the charger is not used