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Yes, a523 ths needs gpadc clocking enabled. Without it, temperature reading doesn't work. I saw it in the BSP. I tried adding devm_reset_control_get_shared() instead of devm_reset_control_get(), but the temperature sensor didn't work. I'll look at it more later when I have time. For now I added the emac1 driver and bindings. I will post the cpufreq stuff next weekend after cleaning up my hacks a bit, leaving only AW hacks. I didn't have time to finish
it this weekend
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apritzel: does a523 uboot has network ?
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according to dts, no :'(
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montjoie: no, no Ethernet. I tried it briefly, but it didn't work. Maybe worth a try again, as EMAC0 looks A64 compatible. junari is working on EMAC1 support - which is apparently a different IP
junari: so did you just copy the BSP driver for this dwmac200, or did you do any modifications?
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apritzel: and USB ? for adding a net dongle
montjoie: USB 2.0 works, and I have been using an Ethernet dongle for TFTP booting kernels
do you have a github branch with all patches ?
montjoie: you just need to select the respective USB Ethernet driver in the U-Boot config, like CONFIG_USB_ETHER_RTL8152
no, not yet, I am preparing a set of patches for the next branch, once this is out, I will rebase the A523 patches on top of that and then push it somewhere
having a github branches ease work, I just have to wait for CI to produce uboot bins
I hear you, it's just that typically those branches tend to get used for quite a while, and the plan is to get this merged in the next few weeks already, so I don't want to create some stale repo
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unrelated, I seek spaces length between lot of boards (opi, bpi) and never find them. does it is published ?
"spaces length between lot of boards"????
oups forgot some word, I mean holes
post pin headers on this stuff is going to be 0.1in/2.54mm; sometimes it's 2.0mm or smaller
I mean length between each holes
for rpi, found in seconds, other boards, nothing
I did some measure, but not so precise
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montjoie: you mean the location of the mounting holes? Some companies have mechanical drawings, found some .dxf files for for the OPi Zero3, and some .stp file for the Radxa
but yeah, it's not easily available, seems like something to add to the Wiki (hint hint)
I try to do a 3d impression of all board adapter to made the greatest tower of board ever
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apritzel: you're right, mode registers are part of DRAM chips
jernej: thanks, I was trying to make sense of your comment a while ago for the A133 DRAM driver ...
in general, at least in AW case, they are usually set to same values per DRAM type, but they're there for a reason
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so in some rare circumstances, they could differ a bit for specific board
apritzel: let me know when you'll have some U-Boot video clock code to test
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