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<apritzel> sent the A523 U-Boot patches, please have a look:
<apritzel> that boots linux-next!
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<jernej> apritzel: very nice series! iirc you said that you also work on better clock management for U-Boot proper?
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<montjoie> when merged, I will add my radxa board to kernelci
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<apritzel> jernej: thanks! Though "nice" is not the first thing that comes to my mind, it's more "massive" and "annoying" ;-) But I guess we have to just get through this ...
<apritzel> and many thanks for the reviews, much appreciated!
<apritzel> jernej: do I get this correctly, that the mode registers are registers in the DRAM *chips*, specified by JEDEC (per DDR generation), and set general access strategies (burst length, etc), so are not board specific?
<apritzel> so in the DRAM init code we decide on which features we want, then program them. It's just that their meaning and encoding differs between DRAM generations, so we have to use values specific to DDR3, LPDDR4, ...?
<apritzel> jernej: oh, and regarding the new clock code: I have some easy code to implement clock_set_rate() for a few clocks on the A64, without boiling the ocean and pulling in all of the Linux infrastructure
<apritzel> this is purely for the video PLLs at the moment, I don't think we will need much more. For MMC we need (non-DM) SPL support anyway, so can just keep using the old code
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