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<MasterR3C0RD> apritzel: Afraid I didn't get a chance recently, life's been a rollercoaster. I'll see if I can't take a look within the next week or so
<apritzel> MasterR3C0RD: OK, thanks for letting me know. I guess I will try to fix the issues I can address easily (KConfig parameters), then send it again
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<junari> Andre, thanks for the tip. I looked at the drivers and it appears that the new emac1 should use the implementation from dwmac4_dma. But they are identical in BSP and mainline. I continued to investigate
<junari> I used one of your old ccu driver variants, it didn't have CLK_MBUS_EMAC1, I added it myself. But it turned out to be missing in the booted system
<junari> After upgrading to v4 emac1 works
<jernej> nice!
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<junari> But the most important thing is that it is almost a complete copy of the implementation from STM
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<junari> This driver is the only one that matters. And half the code in it is sysfs entries
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<junari> I'll try to get it all in decent shape this weekend and post it for future work
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<apritzel> lol, AW is way ahead! In that BSP driver: Copyright(c) 2022-2027 Allwinnertech Co., Ltd.
<gamiee> :D
<apritzel> junari: very nice work, many thanks!
<apritzel> just be warned, mainline is probably pushing for code sharing, so to integrate the AW glue bits (if any) into existing code
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<apritzel> montjoie_ had this (less pleasent) experience almost 10 years ago with the H3/A64 EMAC driver ...
<apritzel> junari: so I'd recommend to send early and get feedback, to avoid working in the wrong direction
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<montjoie> 10 year ago, I am old
<apritzel> tell me about it ... ;-)
<maz> or don't! :)
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<mripard> shit, it was 10y ago already?
<mripard> and more importantly, the H3/A64 was 10y ago ?!
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<montjoie> may 2017 for dwmac-sun8i
<montjoie> probable start of work 2016
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<junari> apritzel: Thanks for the information. I'm not sure I can finalize it. It doesn't take much time to make something work. It takes a lot more time to get it right
<apritzel> junari: sure, if you could put it somewhere (github), and have your patches Signed-off-by: you, then we could pick it up
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<junari> Yes, of course. I was planning on doing it this weekend
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<loki666> no feedback on my panfrost patch...
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