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apritzel: about pinctrl, how I should bind reset-gpios for gmac?
[ 10.068412] sun55i-a523-pinctrl 2000000.pinctrl: pin PH19 already requested by 4500000.ethernet; cannot claim for 2000000.pinctrl:243
junari: do you mean for the PHY? I wouldn't know that the GMAC takes a reset *GPIO*?
I mean snps,reset-gpio for mac or reset-gpios for phy
isn't that the same? snps,reset-gpio is deprecated, and having that in the EMAC node sounds wrong indeed
so drop snps,reset-gpio and just use reset-gpios in the PHY node?
Is it necessary to configure the pin as gpio-out in the pio section in these cases?
ah, no, this is taken care of automatically by any kind of *-gpios properties in the DT
I mean by the generic kernel code dealing with those properties: the drivers or subsystems request those GPIOs, which will automatically configure them correctly
I understand. In that case PH19 should not be part of emac-pins bindings, ight?
just mention it once in this reset-gpios property
actually most of the PHY resets I found are somewhat optional, since they are typically pulled up, so if you just leave this pin alone it should work anyway
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I've had different experiences. In some cases it didn't work at all, and in some cases it worked 50% of the time
I think jernej has encountered this too if he has been working with the myir t507 board
yeah, could well be, but I have also seen boards where we don't describe them at all
phy resets are mixed bag, so upstream DTs are too in this regard
No problems with reset-gpios now, it's all because I additionally described gpio in the pio section
But the ethernet didn't work, but I had a little hope
junari: on the X96QPro+? This would be expected, as this is the *second* EMAC, IIRC, which is definitely different from what sun8i-emac supports
I think wens once mentioned that the different descriptor format might be supported by the other dwmac drivers or the stmmac-generic code, but we would need to at least wire this into sun8i-emac
It feels like both ethernet are declared in the device tree. I didn't pay attention to that at all
I don't remember how I found this exactly, but I think the running BSP kernel somewhat gave it away
yep, I will check it too
And we don't have any datasheets for this second ethernet?
Yeah, you were right. In the device tree, 4500000 is disabled. And in the boot log I see [ 19.043517] dwmac-sunxi 4510000.ethernet eth0: configuring for phy/rgmii link mode
it's all documented in the T527 manual (but not in the A523 one!), it's the GMAC200 there. The actual registers look familiar, but definitely the DMA descriptors are completely different
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as mentioned, wens seemed to recognise them, so it might not be too complicated to wire them in, but surely the devil is in the details there
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hello I seek a way to test crust works on my boards
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montjoie: I had compiled and installed crust on a A64 board in the past
there is a guide in debian documentation about u-boot-sunxi