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jernej not on 6.12/6.13 with H700 (installed on about 650 units)
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well, you would only see it if you have kasan enabled, which is not by default, because it's meant as debugging tool and would slow down operations
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ah, no wonder, DT size says value is 2 bytes, driver size uses 4 bytes
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so, did anyone has issues with speed grade and DVFS on H616? :)
loki666: this fixes issue on H616 for me, but I'm not sure if it's general enough fix to be included upstream: https://paste.c-net.org/MeasuredUsing
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Well no know issues with speedgrade, I can test your patch
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jernej: haven't seen that, but then I typically don't have KASAN enabled
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IIRC in general the size of MMIO area is not very strictly enforced, at least not on that granularity (more on a page level)
nvmem_cell_read() returns an optional length field, we should use that to set the limit, maybe using a union? But that would break endianess
jernej: anyway good catch, should probably enable more checking features in my config
on the H6 the DT says 4 bytes, though the info we want is in bits [7:5], A100 needs bits [15:12], so technically 16 bits would suffice
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apritzel: btw I still have a patch for the A133P speed bin and OPPs, but I guess without a board device tree, it will not be accepted
my zero28 device tree is still a big mess
loki666: yeah, a proper A100/A133 DT is indeed missing from the tree. I have something for my Liontron board, though I need to double check some PMIC rails first
but hopefully I can post something soon, and then we can push for the remaining A133 patches
apritzel: yeah, using length would be best. I also noticed that it relies on little endian CPU. I guess using le32_to_cpu() or le16_to_cpu() would make sense.
apritzel: is it possible for my H616 U-Boot fixes to be merged for v2025.04?
jernej: you mean both eMMC and DRAM? I was internally debating that, as it's technically not a regression (those things never worked before properly)
jernej: are you relying on U-Boot release tags?
There is the U-Boot next branch, and I wanted to push it in there in the next days
Yes, I mean DRAM and MMC.
the release is in about three weeks from now, and I am a bit afraid of last minute regressions
I understand that for MMC, but DRAM worked, just not stable?
anyway, just asking as I never fully understood what's acceptable for -rc and what not.
It's said, that U-Boot isn't as strict Linux, right?
yes, but the code changes quite a bit, so there is the theoretical chance of things getting worse
yes, but ...
getting changes into early -rcs still is fairly easy, but we are at -rc4 already, so there will an -rc5 and then the release, I think
so technically it should only be regression fixes at this point, I think
jernej: are you using tagged releases for LibreELEC images?
the code would be in master in about a month regardless, so that wouldn't make a big difference
apritzel: please don't misunderstand, I don't mind waiting one more cycle
but I can surely be talked into pushing it into 2025.04, still. Especially the DRAM fixes would have a point
I'm just trying to understand decisions
actually I was debating this myself internally ;-)
LE uses tagged releases, yes, but we can easily add extra patches
besides, H616 release was never done due to DE3.3 issues
I might ask on the list for guidance
but I've noticed that H6 needs same DRAM patches :)
I've already added it to LE
so ideally, in next cycle, I would extract common routines and shared them between H6, H616 and later with A523
jernej: that would indeed be very welcome!
and with next cycle you mean v2025.07? The cut-off date for that would be around Easter
so there are no official H616 releases for LibreELEC, due to the missing upstream Linux HDMI support? So it's all a bit of Wild West anyway?
eh, we never shy away from large patchsets :)
(as long as there is someone who takes care for them and tries to upstream them)
tokyovigilante said he'd work on hdmi after de33 initial patch
loki666: HDMI is trivial in comparsion to DE3.3
as I have only H616 devices with HDMI, but none with LCD, I'd appreciate that ;-)
apritzel: main issue why there is no H616 support is non-working YUV scaling support
so if a posted patchset would contain HDMI support, I could actually test that
that's the DE3.3 issue you mentioned before that blocks the current patchset from being merged easily?
no, this is second issue, but it can be addressed later
since it's internal to the driver and needs some aspects to be redesigned
YUV scaler is a bit picky when registers are written, but other units are sensitive too, just much less
so all mixer units must have shadow registers which get applied at vblank
apritzel: yeah, I consider need to split, writing commit messaged, DT bindings and overall compatible string check to be WIP
loki666: I have proper PMIC support and general enablement ready, so it's just CPU bring up that's missing
jernej: btw: I reworked the PMIC support in TF-A, it should be child's play to use that for another SoC, and even a different PMIC
apritzel: you have a branch patch for that ?
loki666: not yet, but will hopefully post something later today. For now you can ignore the PMIC, that's just needed for power-off, really, and the "general enablement" is like trivial reporting that it's an A133
loki666: so if you just get it to work for now by hacking the H6 code that would be very much appreciated
h6 is the sunxi_cpucfg_has_per_cluster_regs() == true branch ? right
loki666: yes
apritzel: please include me in cc for that
jernej: sure, I need to rely on your +1 for that anyway, I guess ;-)
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seems that my first PR hasn't been taken yet
apritzel: regarding nvmem, doesn't the binding also allow specifying which bits and bit length of the nvmem cell?
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wens: you mean this "bits" property? Didn't know about it, but I guess putting that in DTs now would break older kernels, since the sun50i driver would then mask again?
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apritzel: yeah, but you can probably do it for the newer SoCs, and adjust (skip shift & mask) in the driver accordingly
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