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<stintel> WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/zstd/Makefile' has a build dependency on 'ninja/host', which does not exist
<stintel> getting a shitload of those. how fix ?
<aparcar[m]> stintel: I think you have to remove tmp/ or build_dir... mangix knows
<stintel> yeah apparently removing tmp worked, I had just tried that but thanks for your response ;)
<Tusker> yeah, zstd issue seems to be a clear pointer that there is a build tree issue
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<ldir> rsalvaterra: morning ping - pm?
<rsalvaterra> ldir: pong, I'm here. :)
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<russell--> fyi, this PR allows me to use a netgear gs108tv3 without the bridge_vlan configuration: https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/4323
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<rmilecki> russell--: wow, nice thing, assuming it's correct
* russell-- is looking at it working, so he's pretty convinced
<russell--> the pr only applies for 5.4
<russell--> "working" for my config anyway
<russell--> this is a little weird, ip shows the switch port interfaces, e.g. lan7 and lan bridge (br-pub in my case) as "down":
<russell--> 11: br-pub: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN group default qlen 1000
<russell--> lan7 is one of the interfaces in br-pub
<russell--> 9: lan7@eth0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue master br-pub state LOWERLAYERDOWN group default qlen 1000
<russell--> and yet i can ping through it
<russell--> well, i could at one point ... not at this moment
<russell--> a client hanging off of that port got a dhcp lease
<russell--> oh, lol, the ethernet cable fell out, retrying
<russell--> 9: lan7@eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue master br-pub state UP group default qlen 1000
<russell--> that's better
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<russell--> yeah, all better with the cable plugged in
* ldir makes note, works better when no high impedance air gap - stops scribbling
<russell--> wires > wireless
<ldir> wires these days = dedicated RF conduit
<rmilecki> russell--: :D
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<stintel> hmm getting this when trying to tftp recover an rspro: Invalid image format (error: -2)
<stintel> using the factory image
<stintel> google absolutely unhelpful
<stintel> oh and they aren't sysupgradeable anymore either
<stintel> maybe I should just throw them away then
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<russell--> when did it stop working?
<stintel> problem now is that I don't remember the password and my serial console has rx only, tx doesn't seem to work. so I can't recover via serial so I tried tftp recovery
<stintel> oh well
<stintel> RIP, I guess
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<russell--> well, first thing is FIX YOUR SERIAL CONSOLE, since you'll need it again
<russell--> but, yeah, i unplugged my ubnt-rs a while ago
<stintel> it's 23:00, I'm in my secondary location, and I probably won't have time to go buy new cables / convertors / ..
<russell--> redboot is kind of archaic
<russell--> might be possible to port u-boot to it
<russell--> sounds like a lot of work for limited benefit though
<russell--> "If You somehow ended up with kernel 4.19 or later, the only safe option is to use TFTP recovery. After recovery any subsequent sysupgrade will be safe (TM) if kernel is patched with mentioned patch. I tested this on RouterStation."
<stintel> so the factory image was simply too large
<stintel> I'll try to update the wiki if I can get in
<PaulFertser> stintel: if you can't I can reset your password
<stintel> PaulFertser: thanks but reset worked apparently
<PaulFertser> stintel: cool :) congrats with recovering the device
<stintel> thanks :)
<stintel> I guess I'm going to order a couple of new USB to serial convertors, nullmodem cable etc
<stintel> so that I have them the next time I'll be here
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<stintel> alright, wiki updated
<stintel> it's going to take some time to get used to the new /etc/config/network "syntax"
<karlp> something's up with opkg or the way packages are placed in the subtargets? https://github.com/openwrt/packages/issues/16048 and https://github.com/openwrt/packages/issues/16001 both show problems trying to get librt from a subtarget, ath79/nand, and ramips/mt7621 and ramips/7688?
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<philipp64|laptop> What is Vincent's handle on this channel?
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