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<digitalcircuit> Still working on tracking down the ipq806x CPU governor -adjacent crash/panic, and what "21.02" is missing that "master" has which makes it work. I think I've gotten a handle on how to properly handle git bisect - I overlooked that package dependencies may change over time, so I may need to adjust the "make menuconfig" results instead of just copy-pasting it.
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<digitalcircuit> And, nope. Or I've happened to pick a series of commits (across openwrt, luci, and packages) that result in failure to build. I'll have to keep digging...
<digitalcircuit> git bisecting isn't quite straightforward it seems.
<digitalcircuit> (I'm currently just trying to see if "master" branch from February when "21.02" was split off triggers the kernel panic or not)
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<jow> ldir: was there any recent dnsmasq change wrt. lease time handling?
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<ldir> jow: no changes to leasetime - HAVE_BROKEN_RTC build option will change what is stored, basically a remaining duration as opposed to an actual time.
<ldir> ldir: I've some questions for you in my seeming role of 'dnsmasq liason'
<ldir> jow: I've some questions for you in my seeming role of 'dnsmasq liason'
<jow> ldir: right, but that option hasn't been made default, in genral or on some targets?
<ldir> but perhaps after I have actually got some caffeine in me
<jow> I was thinking about fixing this issue in LuCI anyway, by impleemnting some heuristic like
<ldir> no it's an 'advanced' build option - I'm not sure who/why it was added
<jow> if (leasetime_remaining > 0 && leasetime_remaining < 0xffff) expires = time() + leasetime_remaining else expires = leasetime_remaining
<jow> so basically if its smaller than whatever the maximum protocol level dhcp lease value is, then assume its relative, otherwise treat it as unix timestamp
<jow> just need to figure out what the maximum allowable dshcpv4 leasetime actually is
<jow> *dhcp
<hexa-> 2**32 - 2 secs
<ldir> fair enough... I think :-)
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<jow> then it won't work
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<jow> I hoped its way less than 32bit max
<jow> in the 16bit ball park
<jow> hexa-: thanks
<ldir> how about 1 day of seconds ?
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<ldir> 86400
<jow> but that would yield totally bogus values for long lease times
<jow> maybe anything smaller than a specific cutoff date
<jow> like 2020-01-01
<ldir> ok, so if you have the configure leasetime from uci use that * no. seconds
<jow> $ date --date="2020-01-01 00:00:00" +%s
<jow> 1577833200
<jow> so if < 1577833200 then relative
<ldir> yes that looks like a magic number to me :-)
<jow> that would be about 18260 days
<ldir> how is luci getting these leasetimes ?
<jow> parsing /tmp/dhcp.leases
<ldir> ok, that's a relief
<jow> specifically line 532
<jow> the workaround/heuristic needs to applied there somehow
* ldir still had insufficient caffeine
<jow> :)
<jow> just rubberducking, don't worry
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<Tapper> lol ldir I have coffi and this track to start my day.
<Tapper> I hope you get your coffi fix soon.
<nlowe> At what point is it worth switching master over to GCC 10.3 by default instead of continuing to use the now unsupported/eol 8.4.0?
<Tapper> I love the playlists That Spotify makes for me.
<jow> nlowe: somewhere in the 21.02.1~21.02.2 ballpark
<jow> (means switch in master once the releases above are cut)
<Tapper> nlowe I have bin using gcc 10 for a wile now mate. I don't know if it makes things any better or werce lol
<Tapper> I onley build master tho.
<nlowe> Agreed. There's also always code gen risk too, especially on unusual archs, but you have to expose the builds to the oxygen of use to know...
<Tapper> I just changed to GCC10 when some one asked for testing and never swiched back
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<rmilecki> nbd: could you check e-mail thread "Unstable WiFi with mt76 on MT7628AN" on linux-wireless@, please?
<rmilecki> nbd: i checked EEPROM yesterday and it seems OK to me
<rsalvaterra> ldir: Mostly. Not completely, before the caffeine kicks in. :P
<ldir> rsalvaterra: the tweak is in my tree;a=commit;h=e2df11e742d928460ec85bf0296d94ded28ee18b
<rsalvaterra> ldir: Oh, Simon says (hah!) he's happy. :)
<ldir> you sound like how I feel - I can't keep both eyes pointing the same way - urrrgghhh
<rmilecki> ldir: wow, thanks for dealing with that regression properly! nice work
<rsalvaterra> rmilecki: I complained because it broke my onions. :P
<ldir> rmilecki: All I did was flag rsalvaterra discovery on the dnsmasq list - Simon did the fixing
* ldir just handed the broken onions on whilst trying not to cry
<rsalvaterra> xD
<rmilecki> nice, guys
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<rmilecki> fixing is one thing, but debugging issues, describing them & reporting it what we often miss
<rsalvaterra> ldir: I still argue that RFC6761 handling in dnsmasq should only apply to upstream public (IP) DNS servers, never servers in (or maybe even private networks).
<ldir> jow: I have a favour to ask.
<ldir> It's a request for help from Simon@dnsmasq
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* ldir observes the tumbleweed and hears the crickets - joins in, chirp chirp chirp chirp
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<kpoman> Hello everyone, I am trying too report problems on a router based on ath79, but I dont see "Issues" on github, was it removed ?
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<Tapper> kpoman Hi mate here's where the bugs live:
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<kpoman> Tapper: thanks didnt know that link, the issue is related here to bad dts/partitioning on a specific device, TPLink RE450
<Tapper> kpoman Yeah mate that is the rite place to post about it. Some one will get around to having a look see.
<kpoman> Tapper: ok
<Tapper> kpoman thanks for finding a bug.
<Tapper> BTW some one should close this bug.
<kpoman> Tapper: do you know which partition, on a dts file, specifies the writable free space for usage ?
<kpoman> is it label = "config"; ?
<kpoman> maybe you can give me a tip, basically I installed openwrt snapshot on a RE450, which has 8MB of flash memory, however after installing I get less than 500kB free space, even with a simple basic firmware with almost nothing on it. On a similar device I do get >2MB of free space
<kpoman> I discussed in the past, people here suggested the dts file of that device was incorrect:
<kpoman> it is quite difficult to use it with such low space, so basically unusable because of bad dts, even if everything works
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<kpoman> on this device, I get this free space out of the box: /dev/mtdblock4 384 352 32 92% /overlay
<kpoman> I think the problem may come from this:
<kpoman> partition@630000 {label = "config";reg = <0x630000 0x020000>;read-only;};
<kpoman> then the next one starts here: art: partition@7f0000
<kpoman> however, if starting there, the "config" one could be much larger, like (0x7f0000 - 0x630000) size, basically 1792kB of available space
<Tusker> kpoman: have you looked at that location ? is it full of 0x00 ?
<kpoman> Tusker: how can I look, check if it is really available ?
<kpoman> I just see that non-used space before 0x7f0000
<kpoman> which seems nonsense
<kpoman> maybe a copy-paste from another device but with wrong config partition size
<Tusker> agreed, but label = "firmware" is where it is usually written to, and the rest is left alone
<kpoman> Tusker: sorry I am really noob here, what "is usually written to" ? firmware is a read-only fs with the overlayfs lower (read-only stuff), and config is the empty, writable, upper part ?
<Tusker> < that says that the config partition should extend up to 0x7f0000
<kpoman> and on that lower there is information about that upper ?
<kpoman> oh let me check that
<Tusker> so, config should probably be <0x630000 0x1C0000>
<kpoman> ok so there is an error on the dts that could be fixed by putting that 0x1c0000 size ?
<kpoman> Tusker: ok, the way to test that would be to download the sdk, patch that dts and compile that target ?
<Tusker> yeah
<kpoman> Tusker: ok, am gonna try that. Great, cheap device, really helps having it working (I am using it as mesh at home)
<Tusker> OK, nice, let me know how you go
<kpoman> Thanks Tusker
<kpoman> gonna try right now
<kpoman> Tusker: do you think I can create a bug ticket for that ?
<Tusker> I don't see why not... if you can provide a patch in that bug report, it would probably be appreciated
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<Tusker> kpoman: Look at the bootlog on that and compare the mtd layout for v1 and v2. they are different oddly enough
<Tusker> kpoman: 0x0000003e0000-0x000000600000 : "rootfs_data" should be where the data is stored, not config
<kpoman> Tusker: these bootlogs are from the original firmware ?
<Tusker> first one is from original
<Tusker> the v1 v2 ones are from openwrt
<kpoman> there are hardware diffs between those 2, v1 has another qc chip and more ram
<kpoman> Tusker: the most important thing to preserve is uboot (to not brick the device and need some extra cable to revive it) ?
<kpoman> I mean if I expand something much higher in mtd offsets I dont risk killing it, right ?
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<Tusker> i suppose you can risk overwriting some factory firmware part that is used, such as wifi firmware blobs etc
<Tusker> but, if you don't write anything in the uboot mtd, you should be able to recover
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<Tusker> always best to take backups of the device before playing with the mtds :)
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<kpoman> Tusker: I dont have jtag or whatever, nor can I find here in Brasilia. I would just do stuff which doesnt require those !
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<kpoman> Tusker: Ok lets try ! hehehe
<kpoman> hope I wont be crying in 5 minutes from now
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<kpoman__> Tusker: ok, it seems to boot correctly. Is there a way to check the size of that partition ?
<kpoman__> I tried with df and it reports not a lot of space
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<kpoman__> the result of "df" there
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<kpoman__> be right back
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<Borromini> Tusker i suppose you can risk overwriting some factory firmware part that is used, such as wifi firmware blobs etc < no you cannot. You might be overwriting calibration data.
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<Borromini> OpenWrt only replaces a small part of the flash and usually sticks to what the OEM uses for kernel/firmware partitions. Not just to maintain compatibility to the extent that you can revert back to OEM firmware, but also not to cripple functionality (e.g. overwriting calibration data would render your wireless unusable)
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<ldir> does anyone know of anything that actually talks to dnsmasq over ubus ?
<ldir> ie. uses the (limited) dnsmasq ubus interface
<ldir> or is the ubus support in dnsmasq basically abandonware ?
<jow> ldir: I'd say it is abandonware
<rsalvaterra> ldir: Well, another chunk of code to drop. :)
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<ldir> rsalvaterra: or it needs to be rationalised 'cos there are 3rd parties coming along looking to enhance dnsmasq's ubus capabilities
<rsalvaterra> ldir: Aw… how about making it optional, then? (Don't know if a new config knob would fly, though.)
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<ldir> in the dnsmasq codebase it is - you don't have to build with 'HAVE_UBUS'
<rsalvaterra> ldir: So there's a knob already…! Hm… jow, shall we disable ubus support altogether in the dnsmasq makefile?
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<ldir> except Etan has some new functionality in upstream dnsmasq that also has ubus support. Simon has another patch with some more ubus support enhancements.
<ldir> Etan's dnsmasq support has a pending patch with openwrt to use this functionality (dns source filtering)
<ldir> so we're in this interesting position of 'somehow ubus support got added to dnsmasq, ubus is a product of openwrt, but openwrt doesn't knowingly use the support nor does it particularly want to'
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<kpoman__> is there anything alse than the dts file in order to make the space available for userland ?
<kpoman__> else
<kpoman__> I modified the dts of my re450-v2, flashed the new firmware, still see very low space on overlayfs
<kpoman__> I mean, I downloaded the sdk, edited the dts of my device for a specific partition (label = "config"; reg = <0x630000 0x020000>;) from size 0x20000 to size 0x1c0000, make menuconfig, make, flashed the firmware, but still see almost no free space for extra packages.
<jow> ldir: if dnsmasq ubus would gain support for managing ipv6 prefixes then this would be interesting
<jow> ldir: it could enable dnsmasq to become a 1st class drop in replacement for odhcpd
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<ldir> jow: right - are you willing to chat directly (seen my email) or shall I act as intermediary? Basically from an owrt perspective 'ipv6 prefix over ubus' = ubus alive, else 'owrt' not really interested, do what you will?
<kpoman__> something am I missing ?
<kpoman__> any way to test the size of the partitions created from a dts file ?
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* rsalvaterra runs
<ldir> it's certainly an approach to the situation
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<rsalvaterra> ldir: Only in my tree, of course. :)
<rsalvaterra> The executable gets smaller, but not by much, about 5 kB.
<ldir> Some of an unkind disposition would say that's 5kB worth of fewer bugs
<rsalvaterra> Ok, let's smoke-test this…
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* ldir waits for rsalvaterra running away from the flames shouting "hot! hot!"
<rsalvaterra_> ldir: Well, seems to run Fine™. No dnsmasq entries in ubus list, both service instances up and running.
<rsalvaterra_> ldir: You're not going to see the world burn today, put the lyre down, Nero. :P
<ldir> you've gained an underscore - should we be worried? These side-effects of disabling ubus are very subtle ;-)
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<ldir> jow: if it is a case that nobody wants to write the code..and I can understand why that might be.. I'll say here and now that I'm willing to contribute £250 toward Simon doing it for us - we would need a behaviour specification.
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<kpoman__> Sorry for bugging the channel, just wanted to know how to make more room available for my firmware. I modified a wrong dts file and still dont see more free space for userspace. What should I check ? Boot logs ? The binary firmware generated and some specific part where the partitioning is done ? Something on the running firmware checking the mtd sizings ? Help please !
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<jow> ldir: a lot of the dnsmasq / ipv6 / ubus / pd topic complex is already paged out in may head and I have currently only like 30-60minutes a day to spend on openwrt, if at all
<jow> ldir: so not sure I am able or willing to tackle this topic in the near future, maybe Q4 or beginning next year
<jow> s/may/my/
<jow> ldir: allthough there is no active user of the ubus support in openwrt yet I wouldn't go as far as dropping it, it serves as an upstream endorsed baseline to add features upon, which is a good starting position
<jow> one possible use I see for it is pi-hole-esque statistics reporting, afair pi-hole folcks patch dnsmasq to make it expose dns cache hit stats
<jow> being able to obtain that same info via ubus would be a huge plus as well
<jow> could help to beautify adblock in luci to show fancy stats
<jow> pie charts and stuff
<lynxis> kpoman__: it depends on the board. in general you've to remove packages. e.g. removing opkg might help, if you don't want to install anything. depending on your case you can try to remove more package. as alternative to removing opkg, you can removing some packages and install them into the ram after boot.
<lynxis> kpoman__: also removing luci+uhttpd might be an option. it all depends on your usecase.
<kpoman__> lynxis: the firmware is almost empty, like on a snapshot. The device has 8MB flash, but is giving me only ~6MB, with less that 600kB of free space on an empty firmware. The DTS is throwing away like say 2MB because of the layout, if you can, just check here, the space thrown away from partition@630000 to art: partition@7f0000 (lot of space between them, however only 0x20000 used). I dont know if that free space can be used to enlarge the rootfs. I
<kpoman__> dont know which one holds the rootfs, I suppose the one labelled label = "firmware"; ?
<lynxis> kpoman__: which board are you using?
<kpoman__> TPLink RE450 v2
<lynxis> firmware will be split off between linux kernel and rootfs
<kpoman__> I enlarged label = "config";, compiled and flashed the firmware and it worked, but I dont see space, I suppose because I enlarged a config instead of a rootfs
<lynxis> kpoman__: I don't know which ones are used by the OEM bootloader. OpenWRT only uses firmware and art partition. The problem might be the partition-table, since the bootloader might use the partition table. so I'm not sure if it's possible to enlarge the firmware partition at all.
<kpoman__> I suppose there is free space on the mtd, about 2MB of it, there between thos 2 last partitions. However the firmware (rootfs) is at the beginning of the mtd, and that free space at the end
<kpoman__> lynxis: there is a uboot one
<lynxis> yes, but u-boot is only the binary partition. it still might use the partition-table.
<lynxis> you can try it out and might break your board.
<kpoman__> lynxis: is there any way to let that config partition usable for the overlayfs, or create a partition after the config with empty space usable
<kpoman__> Right now I have a hue config because I edited the dts. But config is not usable right now, I dont know if it is even mounted
<kpoman__> hue = huge
<lynxis> you have to add some sysupgrade code. it might be easier to replace the bootloader. But just look into the bootloader, maybe you can just throw away all partitions except u-boot, art and firmware and extend the firmware till the art.
<lynxis> no, openwrt is ignoring the config partition. you can try to mount it by hand and you can add a partition entry into the dts. but in the end, I don't know if the effort is worth it. In theory you can create an overlayfs/jffs partition. I'm not sure where are all the bits and peace you've to edit to make it work. You should take a look into the kernel code which parse the "firmware" entry and into procd. And after you managed to get it work,
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<kpoman> lynxis: sorry I got disconnected
<kpoman> lynxis: may you help me by reading the bootlog ? I posted it here:
<kpoman> the relevant dts part. The one I modified is "config" which is now large enough, but I suppose the more space is needed on rootfs_data instead
<PaulFertser> kpoman: rootfs_data is created automatically, the kernel sees how much space squashfs takes, and splits the rest into rootfs_data.
<PaulFertser> kpoman: and rootfs itself is splitted off firmware partition after determining the kernel size, again, dynamically on boot.
<PaulFertser> kpoman: partitions named "config" are usually not used by OpenWrt at all, they're just kept for compatibility with vendor firmware.
<PaulFertser> kpoman: "art" is used only on atheros targets and should always be at the very end of the flash.
<PaulFertser> kpoman: normal OpenWrt system only cares about "firmware" (which is autosplit into kernel+rootfs+rootfs_data on boot) and "art" (to provide calibration data). MAC addresses of interfaces are sometimes stored in different formats in other partitions, but that's highly vendor firmware specific.
<PaulFertser> kpoman: not sure if that answers your question as I do not really understand what you're asking :)
<kpoman> PaulFertser: In my layout ( there is mention to partition-table, info, config and art. The onyl thing I really need is to enlarge my user space for installing a couple additional packages
<kpoman> PaulFertser: because of that original file, I only get ~700kB of free space, on an almost empty firmware. And ~2MB are lost from the mtd, as they dont have firmware nor overlay-upper stuff. Something is wrong there, in particular from config to art, where a lot of space is not used
<kpoman> PaulFertser: I just want to use the not partitioned space, I am noob, I dont know much of the details
<PaulFertser> kpoman: do you need to have compatibility with the original firmware?
<kpoman> PaulFertser: I dont care about the original firmware
<kpoman> but dont have JTAG or other cables
<kpoman> (nor can I buy them here in Brazil, way too complicated country)
<PaulFertser> kpoman: by default it's getting Ethernet MAC address from "info" partition, hm...
<PaulFertser> kpoman: and wmac too.
<PaulFertser> kpoman: I think if you relocate the MAC addresses elsewhere then you should be free to merge partition-table + info + config into "firmware".
<PaulFertser> kpoman: surely you can get a way to attach to UART.
<PaulFertser> karlp: using an SBC or UART converter. Do not tell me Brazil doesn't allow shipping electronic devices by mail ;)
<kpoman> PaulFertser: I was thinking, isnt there a way to keep info where it is, but create 2 partitions and kinda merge them to make it as a bigger rootfs ? Or have an extra partition that I would mount on boot
<kpoman> I mean, keep firmware and info where they are, keep config where it is, and between config and art, create a new empty one that I would give to the overlayfs part ?
<kpoman> (in that case I wouldnt kill/move info)
<PaulFertser> kpoman: this is not LVM, so probably not easily possible.
<PaulFertser> kpoman: you can mount an extra partition on boot, sure, but what would you store there?
<PaulFertser> kpoman: it's not really practical unless you want just some specific directory stored there.
<kpoman> PaulFertser: not really a directory, I want the whole overlay mounted on it
<kpoman> the upper I mean
<kpoman> PaulFertser: maybe some way to mount the upper in that new partition
<PaulFertser> kpoman: oh well, you can probably do that without too much effort. But how big that gap really is?
<kpoman> in such case all my overlay would benefit from that extra space without much configuration
<PaulFertser> kpoman: right, that can work
<PaulFertser> kpoman: just name that partition rootfs_data and _disable_ kernel squashfs splitter.
<kpoman> is it quite big, see: from <0x630000 0x020000>; to <0x7f0000 0x010000>; gives around 1.6MB
<kpoman> PaulFertser: you mean I should add a section for a new partition, call it whatever, example here:
<kpoman> I added a partition at the end of the pastbin
<PaulFertser> kpoman: call it "rootfs_data" specifically
<kpoman> do i need a prefix (I have put extraspace: partition@650000)
<kpoman> do I need any text there, or can i remove "extraspace:" ?
<kpoman> or is it rootfs_data: partition@650000 ?
<kpoman> (sorry, so much noob I dont even know what that string before the partition@thing is, and what is label, are they the same thing ? )
<PaulFertser> kpoman: that prefix is called a label and you need it only if you need to reference the partition from some other DT node.
<kpoman> PaulFertser: do I need the read-only keyword ?
<kpoman> PaulFertser: my new scheme is here:
<kpoman> Please let me know if it seems correct. And also, what do I need to do in order to have the device boot and use that new space ?
<PaulFertser> kpoman: read-only -- certainly not
<PaulFertser> kpoman: looks ok. Just disable CONFIG_MTD_SPLIT_SQUASHFS_ROOT in your config
<PaulFertser> (in kernel config)
<kpoman> ok, let me see:
<kpoman> PaulFertser: I cant find the location of that def. I searched (with "/") for MTD_SPLIT and nothing found. This is on make menuconfig curseapp
<kpoman> and kpoman@kpoman-ThinkPad-P50:~/Dev/openwrt/ath79/openwrt-master$ grep SPLIT .config
<kpoman> # CONFIG_BUSYBOX_DEFAULT_SPLIT is not set
<kpoman> only 2 defines
<PaulFertser> kpoman: it's in kernel_menuconfig
<kpoman> PaulFertser: you mean I should write make kernel_menuconfig ?
<PaulFertser> kpoman: yes, run it, to modify the kernel config
<kpoman> PaulFertser: Ok, this will make it stop being compatible with online repos ?
<PaulFertser> kpoman: with kmods, yes.
<kpoman> PaulFertser: ok so I'll need to add them when building locally. I think I found the key, here:
<kpoman> Device Drivers -> Memory Technology Device (MTD) support -> OpenWrt specific MTD options > MTD_SPLIT_SQUASHFS_ROOT
<PaulFertser> kpoman: yes
<kpoman> Do I disable that one ? then, make -j9 ? (I mean I dont need to clean an old build) ?
<PaulFertser> kpoman: yes, yes.
<kpoman> ok
<kpoman> will it know I changed the dts file and needs to recompile stuff related ?
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<kpoman__> PaulFertser: sorry I got disconnected
<kpoman__> PaulFertser: do I need to factory the device or just sysupgrade it ?
<PaulFertser> kpoman__: sysupgrade should do
<kpoman__> ok, cross fingers
<kpoman__> Cool
<kpoman__> I think it worked, I do see 1664 1K blocks now:
<kpoman__> now lets reconfig my mesh
<kpoman__> and see if it installs stuff
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<PaulFertser> kpoman__: beware, your arrangement is now kinda odd, so probably "sysupgrade -n" will actually keep the configs.
<kpoman__> PaulFertser: I would prefer to make it more generic, like all the other firmwares. Why is this dts so f*cked up ?
<PaulFertser> kpoman__: are you asking my why tplink is insane?
<PaulFertser> s/my/me/
<PaulFertser> I think that's just the way big companies like that (especially b2c) work.
<PaulFertser> kpoman__: it is generic enough already, just do "firstboot" manually before sysupgrade if you intend to not keep your configs. Or reset them manually with firstboot after booting new version.
<kpoman__> well, why on earth would they touch dts partitions from very similar devices ? why have them different at all ?
<kpoman__> PaulFertser: from now on, I may be forced to always flash from my custom-built firmwares ? Or if I now flash a snapshot online, will it keep my partition new disposition ?
<PaulFertser> kpoman__: who knows, probably was done by different teams or just different developers. Probably there was some "requirement" "from the business unit" and the developers didn't care to understand it properly. You know Peter's principle?
<kpoman__> I dont know Peter's principle :o
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<PaulFertser> kpoman__: if you want to use that additional space you'll need to use your self-built firmwares. Flashing vanilla upstream will try to do the auto-splitting again and won't touch your neet rootfs_data area at all.
<kpoman__> PaulFertser: can I push this change to the main openwrt repo ?
<PaulFertser> kpoman__: not sure if it's scientifically backed up but judging by the popularity I guess many people involved in similar institutions share the impression.
<kpoman__> (I mean it makes the device much more usable with 1.6MB than with 600kB)
<PaulFertser> kpoman__: this -- certainly not, it's too "unconventional".
<kpoman__> I saw about Peter's principle, quite common to see
<kpoman__> PaulFertser: ok ! and any way to still install online kmods ?
<kpoman__> overwriting some checksum ? I mean this kernel change is specific and unrelated to kernel itself
<PaulFertser> kpoman__: I'm not sure. Easier to just compile all the kmods on your own and keep them just in case you need later.
<kpoman__> PaulFertser: Ok, and define myself as local repo ?
<kpoman__> I suppose there are wiki pages for this
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<slh> kpoman__: you do realize that you're doing eye surgery with torches and pitch forks there?
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<rsalvaterra> ldir: Another dnsmasq pet peeve… can't specify --bind-interfaces behaviour with UCI. To do that, I need to add bind-interfaces to /etc/dnsmasq.conf *and* set option nonwildcard '0' in /etc/config/dhcp, because WTF.
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<ldir> rsalvaterra: that's not a dnsmasq problem - that's an openwrt startup script problem
<rsalvaterra> ldir: I know, working on it.
<rsalvaterra> Hysterical raisins, I guess. This feature started in 2.63.
<kpoman__> slh: sure, I know I am noob, but my devce right now is pretty unusable. I built a 802.11s, and with original firmware it doesnt work, and with openwrt I cant install required packages
<ldir> rsalvaterra: and to be blunt, the multi-instance dnsmasq.init isn't exactly perfect
<rsalvaterra> ldir: I think we can find a lot of things which aren't perfect in that script… :)
<ldir> but why doesn't --bind-dynamic work for you ?
<rsalvaterra> ldir: It does, but I don't like the idea of having stuff listening on the wildcard. A firewall misconfiguration and you have services exposed on the WAN. Nah.
<ldir> rsalvaterra: isn't that what --except-interface is for
<rsalvaterra> ldir: That makes it not listen on a specific interface. But with --bind-dynamic, you'll still listen on the wildcard, so the result is the same.
<ldir> except dnsmasq knows to throw stuff from that interface away
<rsalvaterra> ldir: If you take a look at the default configuration, you'll see there are no list {,not}interface entries. It will only listen on the wildcard by default.
<ldir> at least there's /etc/dnsmasq.conf to cope with specific use cases.
<rsalvaterra> ldir: Hmm… Does it? I'm inclined to believe you, I haven't looked at that part of the source code (actually, 99 % of the source code).
<rsalvaterra> ldir: Well, fiddling with both /etc/dnsmasq.conf and /etc/config/dhcp is exactly what I'd like to avoid. :)
<ldir> it's too late - catch up in the morning
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<rsalvaterra> ldir: Hmm…;a=blob;f=src/network.c;h=3ef71b92c193c889966e93345f6e677889c3536a;hb=HEAD#l1179
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<rsalvaterra> ldir: Still doesn't solve the "oh, an interface just popped up, I'll listen on it [through the wildcard] by default" problem, though…
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