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<digitalcircuit> I haven't yet made any progress on debugging the NBG6817 ipq806x 1.4 GHz L2 cache frequency bug, but I have finally gotten a reply to the mailing list which also shares Ansuel's reply (since it didn't seem to post from mobile): https://lists.openwrt.org/pipermail/openwrt-devel/2021-July/035935.html
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#214](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/20/builds/214) of `gemini/generic` failed.
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#210](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/22/builds/210) of `ipq40xx/generic` failed.
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<digitalcircuit> (Err, I phrased that poorly - I finally made my reply. Ansuel had replied impressively fast to my original email last week.)
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#210](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/49/builds/210) of `mvebu/cortexa53` completed successfully.
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#208](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/31/builds/208) of `layerscape/armv8_64b` completed successfully.
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<PaulFertser> digitalcircuit: adding constant load can be done with https://www.amazon.com/10-ohm-5-watt-resistor/s?k=10+ohm+5+watt+resistor (or similar), that will provide constant 500 mA current draw.
<PaulFertser> digitalcircuit: and if you suspect power supply do you probably have access to an oscilloscope to inspect the voltage coming from it?
<slh> using an external PSU for the HDD - or a powered USB hub is probably an easier test
<PaulFertser> I understand digitalcircuit is not easily/reliably reproducing it.
<slh> yeah, that's the problem - and potentially load spikes from the external USB HDD
<slh> but load spikes are pretty difficult to get hold of, it's easier trying to avoid them (at least for testing), than positively ruling them out for such an erratic issue
<PaulFertser> So adding a constant high load might make it happen all the time
<PaulFertser> With a 'scope you set a trigger and so you'll see if the input voltage drops at all, no matter how short the spike is.
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<digitalcircuit> PaulFertser, slh: Thank you for the heads up and discussion!
<digitalcircuit> I had overlooked just throwing high power resistors at the power supply. I'll check what I've got and I can order more if needed to fully load the router PSU (without exceeding resistor power limits).
<digitalcircuit> Definitely not as good as a real scope, but we'll see. I'll keep a powered USB hub in mind as an option, even if it feels a bit like defeat :)
<digitalcircuit> The USB voltage/current meter I got does appear to graph and log, including over Bluetooth, so I should be able to get a handle on what the HDD spikes to. It looks like it might handle the full router PSU too if I gave it the right connections: https://usbchargingblog.wordpress.com/2021/01/20/fnirsi-fnb48-usb-meter-tester-upm-review/
<digitalcircuit> Unfortunately, I don't have a proper oscilloscope yet, just a digital multimeter. My hope was for an obvious issue (e.g. constant current pointing out the fault), but if not, I'll want to look into options (I've been meaning to get a 'scope eventually anyways). Setting a trigger makes sense!
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<slh> sadly a scope isn't in everyone's tool chest, it should be, but prices are a bit discouraging for that - and the cheap old stuff won't help that much with setting triggers
<slh> (and they're not quite trivial to operate either)
<PaulFertser> What about cheap fx2lp based devices? They can sample up to 12 MHz with 8-bit for -10 V -- +10 V range.
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<PaulFertser> It sucks but still better than nothing I think.
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<digitalcircuit> I think I recall bigclivedotcom on YouTube mentioning inexpensive introductory oscilloscope options - well.. at least compared to high end ones like the kind that were in college electronics labs. I haven't looked into this in depth yet.
<digitalcircuit> PaulFertser: that also seems promising as a starting point to look around, thanks!
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<PaulFertser> digitalcircuit: eevblog forums have threads about relatively cheap and reasonable devices from Rigol and Siglent.
<digitalcircuit> PaulFertser, ah, noted! If I don't achieve success with the tools I've got (once that USB meter arrives), I'll take a look through there as well. Though depending on my patience after further testing, I may try a powered USB hub first, as slh suggested. I'm determined for now, though :)
<digitalcircuit> Well, not *right* now - I should wind down, but I'll see pings later. Thank you both for your suggestions and remarks throughout my troubleshooting - I appreciate them!
<PaulFertser> digitalcircuit: trying a different more beefy or just newer power supply for the whole thing might also give additional data points.
* digitalcircuit nods!
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<FPSUserename> Habbie, which firmware did I say was on my unit?
<Habbie> 19:42:44* FPSUserename | Firmware versie:1.00.28v2
<FPSUserename> I let the other unit be connected to the modem for a while (not sure if it did anything), but it says Firmware versie:1.00.31v1
<Habbie> 19:43Z <Habbie> FPSUserename, ah, i have 1.00.15 (see photo)
<FPSUserename> Okay, seems like we know which is the latest version as of now
<Habbie> apparently :)
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<FPSUserename> I updated the reddit post to make it more readable and it looks a lot neater now
<Habbie> 28 -> 28v2, right?
<FPSUserename> ioh yes
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<FPSUserename> Habbie found a changelog on the firmwares https://forum.kpn.com/internet-9/experia-wifi-super-wifi-updates-484206
<Habbie> does not go back as far as the version i have :D
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<FPSUserename> True
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<FPSUserename> I have to say that this extender does get quite hot
<Habbie> i can hold my hand on the heatsink
<Habbie> but it certainly isn't cold
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<FPSUserename> Same here, but it's warmer than I thought when I read that these units consume about 4-5 Watt
<Habbie> the power supply is 12W
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<fda> additional with latest revision of openwrt, kconfig reports "recursive dependency detected!" with PACKAGE_python3-numpy NUMPY_OPENBLAS_SUPPORT NUMPY_OPENBLAS_SUPPORT
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<FPSUserename> Habbie, 12W powersupply doesn't mean that the device will use (up to 12W). I bet that the company found a fitting powersupply that meets the requirements at a good price. By the way, most powersupplies have peak efficiency at around 60% load (especially desktop powersupplies). Having a powersupply that just meets the requirements will mean that it's constantly at 100% load, generating a lot of heat
<Habbie> FPSUserename, of course
<FPSUserename> It's that I found on Tweakers that this unit consumes around 4 watts of power, while the older white extender sat at around 11W (they comapred to an ubiquity extender/ap that used around 5.5W)
<FPSUserename> So all in all, these units are quite capable, provided that we can crack it open and flash openwrt. It's only a shame that they don'
<FPSUserename> that they don't support AX/ WiFi 6 and 6E
<FPSUserename> But AC is enough for me anyway, got 200mbps up and down on fiber
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<Habbie> FPSUserename, do you have a log of the password prompt if you pick a TFTP option?
<FPSUserename> yes, hold on a sec
<FPSUserename> After the third try it reboots if it's incorrect
<FPSUserename> no matter which option you choose (apart from 3), the same prompt will be shown
<Habbie> do you have access to it right now?
<FPSUserename> To the extender? yes, I can test things
<FPSUserename> But I need that password though
<Habbie> can you try 46947c0bc8d2803f511b5f1ae08cf819
<Habbie> for the password
<FPSUserename> will do
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<FPSUserename> Not the password
<Habbie> darn
<Habbie> and if you hex-decode it before putting it in?
<Habbie> (this might be tricky)
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<FPSUserename> lets see
<FPSUserename> Nope
<FPSUserename> F”| ÈÒ€?Q_àŒø
<FPSUserename> That's if Iconvert it to string
<Habbie> ok
<Habbie> because, this is what 'strings' takes out of a dump of mtdblock0
<Habbie> Input Password==>
<Habbie> %02x
<Habbie> 46947c0bc8d2803f511b5f1ae08cf819
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<FPSUserename> So what else is there to do? Would be nice if you could upload the dump
<Habbie> hmmm
<Habbie> i'll have to check what parts i can upload
<Habbie> or maybe somebody in here has better hints on extracting a uboot password
<FPSUserename> Who said again to me to tag him/her if I got a flash dump
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<FPSUserename> God I dislike IRC so much because it's so damn primitive. No history visible either
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<rsalvaterra> FPSUserename: It's a feature. Keeps the children away.
<FPSUserename> lmao
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<PaulFertser> Habbie: oh you got the dump? Where is it shared?
<Habbie> it was PaulFertser
<FPSUserename> I bet you could keep the history if you use a client, but I'm just doing a guest session from the webbrowser
<Habbie> PaulFertser, it is not currently shared
<FPSUserename> Ah nice!
<FPSUserename> Hopefully Paul can help you decode the uboot
<PaulFertser> FPSUserename: I'm not sure, have very humble RE experience but probably we can get lucky.
<FPSUserename> It's up to Habbie
<Habbie> both mtdblock0 and mtdblock1 mention 'uboot'
<Habbie> that one contains the password prompts
<Habbie> and the thing i hoped was the password
<Habbie> have to go into a meeting now
<PaulFertser> I kinda planned to load it in radare2 , do xref search for the code that references Password== string and then dig the disassembly.
<Habbie> that makes sense
<Habbie> i've been looking for an excuse to toy with radare
<Habbie> but not today for me
<PaulFertser> The string in question is probably an md5 of the password, and who knows, probably unsalted.
<FPSUserename> hmm, it says "critical error dqs_gw_coarse > DQS_GW_COARSE_MAX cannot find any pass-window"
<FPSUserename> lol
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<Habbie> PaulFertser, oh yes, it is the right size
<PaulFertser> Habbie: thank you. Do not expect a fast result though, I'm not really a master of it.
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<Habbie> i haven't done reverse engineering of binary blobs since 2001 either
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<blocktrron_> nbd: do you have any information if MT7915 firmware supports 802.11mc ranging as Responder?
<blocktrron_> The vendor driver exchanges (presumably) a per-phy activation sequence, however in contrast to mt7615/mt7622 there is no TMR version defined for the mt7915.
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<russell--> PaulFertser: "Copyright (c) J.S.A.Kapp 1994."
<Habbie> i saw that
<russell--> that date is weird
<Habbie> oh, RSA
<russell--> ah, yeah, that makes more sense
<russell--> 46947c0bc8d2803f511b5f1ae08cf819
<Habbie> yep
<Habbie> right near the password prompt
<Habbie> PaulFertser suggested it might be MD5
<Habbie> and the format fits
<Habbie> it is not any if the 450k words i have in /usr/share/dict/ :)
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<russell--> probably the easier thing than cracking the hash would be to find the instructions that check and replace them with NOPs
<Habbie> makes sense
<Habbie> but i don't have the uart soldered and FPSUserename (who left again) cannot put the NOPs in there
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<Habbie> which is why i hoped having the dump would allow us to get the password
<Habbie> assuming the password is even the same on his, of course
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<russell--> Habbie: is there an FCC ID?
<Habbie> good question, it's a european device
<Habbie> why do you ask?
<Habbie> (i'll check the label in a bit)
<russell--> because the FCC publishes information about things with an FCC ID
<russell--> including internal photos etc
<Habbie> right
<Habbie> there are a few photos
<Habbie> well there is one photo
<Habbie> i could take more photos but my heatsink is still on it
<Habbie> anything specific you're wondering about?
<russell--> could this be it: https://fccid.io/RAXE3200
<Habbie> no, this board is square
<Habbie> it's likely there are many similarities, of course
<Habbie> i do not obviously see an FCC ID printed
<Habbie> i see a CE logo but no FCC logo near it
<russell--> do you have a model number?
<Habbie> yes, but it's useless
<Habbie> note how 'Model Naam' has the same suffix as 'LAN MAC adres'
<Habbie> (the words are close enough to english that they mean what you'd think)
<Habbie> option domain-name "sw3-vm-server1.arcadyan.com";
<Habbie> in /etc/dhcpd-brx.conf
<Habbie> (the device does not run a dhcpd in any ISP-supported configuration)
<wb9688> Yes
<wb9688> (from what I've seen Habbie post)
<Habbie> it is
<Habbie> sorry if i'm not answering questions usefully - i'm in a meeting and i don't know what you're looking for :)
<russell--> you could make a GPL request and cc KPMG Certified Public Accountants
<Habbie> mm, uboot is GPL
<Habbie> but the password might be hidden in config, which would not be GPL
<russell--> it might let you build your own u-boot that doesn't have the undesired parts
<Habbie> why do you mention KPMG?
<Habbie> russell--, yes, but then how do we flash that?
<russell--> with an external programmer on the SPI flash
<Habbie> right
<wb9688> JTAG or directly to the flash
<Habbie> so far I have been assuming that -if- we can flash, there are no actual hard problems
<russell--> i just was looking at their investor pages and say they have CPAs, which might care more about compliance issues (as a joke)
<Habbie> russell--, KPN's investor pages?
<russell--> Arcadyan's
<Habbie> ah!
<wb9688> KPN != KPMG
<Habbie> i assumed KPN because KPMG is dutch too :)
<wb9688> Oh
<Habbie> i know that :)
<russell--> accountants have a reputation for being sticklers for rules they find out about
<wb9688> Habbie: I was telling russell-- but my typing is not so fast so you had already sent multiple new messages
<Habbie> hah
<Habbie> wb9688, are you on your phone again? :)
<wb9688> Of course I am
<wb9688> You knew that already ;)
<stintel> fda: are you fda77 on gh ?
<stintel> if yes, please let me know how to attribute (Reported-by: Full Name <full@name.tld>)
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<rsalvaterra> mangix: Ping. Does transmission fail to run with wolfssl (with your patch), or doesn't even build?
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<fda> stintel, yes fda77
<fda> this "full name" is currently my biggest problem. i never used my rn on the internet for anything...
<fda> im not yet sure if i should, and in case with which mail
<fda> minor bug: sysupgrade copies losetup to ram if found. even it is only a busybox applet. this applet does not know the "-D" sysupgrade want to execute
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<rsalvaterra> mangix: Nevermind, answered my own question, I think. https://github.com/transmission/transmission/issues/1537
<stintel> fda: well then I'll just skip the reported by and tag you in the PR
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<fda> thx stintel
<fda> with freetz we wrote all the time only "by" (patch or something) or "thx nick". in case of known github account "@nick"
<nick[m]12> me?
<Habbie> nick[m]12, probably not :D
<fda> no, not you ...
<nick[m]12> okay. ;)
<blocktrron_> Habbie: depending on the bootcommand the device uses (and how the U-Boot lock is implemented), pulling the SPI to reset when loading the kernel image can also lead to a writable shell.
<fda> this should not catch busybox's losetup in sysupgrade, in case someone want to check and commit.. https://pastebin.com/BvKnHmyx
<Habbie> blocktrron_, ack, i think PaulFertser mentioned something similar
<blocktrron_> I have not read the entire backlog, so sorry if this was already proposed
<Habbie> a few days ago
<Habbie> and in different terms
<Habbie> so maybe not even the same
<blocktrron_> apart from that, the newer mesh series is the same as the one offered from BT
<PaulFertser> Habbie: that was tmn505
<Habbie> ah thanks
<blocktrron_> While other carriers *cough* deutsche telekom *cough* decide to buy the cheaper version from arcadyan
<Habbie> blocktrron_, ack - many of these devices appear to be rebranded all over the place
<blocktrron_> Same casing - you receive Quantenna with USB attaches realtek wifi. Works about as nice as you'd expect.
<Habbie> lol
<Habbie> anyway, i suspect people might have drawers full of this one
<Habbie> and the MT7621 chipset is still nice
<Habbie> so openwrt would be fun
<Habbie> could even be a router then (the ISP firmware is wifi only)
<blocktrron_> is there a mtd dump anywhere of the bootloader here?
<Habbie> is the block that contains the password prompts
<Habbie> and some hex just near it that might be an md5 hash
<tmn505> is there separate u-boot environment partition?
<Habbie> tmn505, how would i recognise it? i sadly need to share partitions carefully at this point
<Habbie> but i have mtdblock0-11 here
<tmn505> there is default u-boot environment embedded in Your mtd1, usually if the environment is saved it has the same values, so search for 2nd "bootdelay"
<Habbie> bootdelay is in 0 1 2
<tmn505> the size of environment is usually 64k
<Habbie> 2 3 8 9 10 11 are 64k
<Habbie> i'll upload 2
<tmn505> yep that's the one
<tmn505> looks like they store some wifi data
<tmn505> anyway You can prepare Your own environment with uboot-tools, if the u-boot will pick up the values that could be some vector You could ffiddle with boot process.
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<Habbie> tmn505, i know some of these words - how would i get the environment onto the device?
<tmn505> write it with flash programmer?
<Habbie> i haven't touched the hardware yet
<Habbie> FPSUserename has on theirs, but they're not here now
<PaulFertser> Habbie: what's in block0?
<Habbie> PaulFertser, everything i found in any other block appears to be in 0 as well - so everything i think?
<Habbie> i don't know if that normally is how it works
<PaulFertser> Habbie: how did you dump it?
<tmn505> also looking at default environment values maybe there is some tftp recovery procedure
<Habbie> PaulFertser, unpublished software exploit
<Habbie> PaulFertser, i may or may not have independently found one of the exploits recently published by tenable
<PaulFertser> Habbie: you found an exploit to get shell on the target?
<Habbie> PaulFertser, because they provide zero details
<Habbie> PaulFertser, i did
<PaulFertser> Habbie: awesome. Probably you could dump dmesg output via that, and then you'd see what offsets and sizes the blocks use.
<Habbie> dmesg was useless (full of wifi scan data) but i can reboot tomorrow and see
<Habbie> or maybe this meeting will become boring soon ;)
<Habbie> PaulFertser, would dmesg do anything that /proc/partitions wouldn't?
<dwfreed> "Sorry I dropped from the meeting, my wifi died"
<tmn505> haha! with that the device is Yours, from there You can also write new u-boot environment. Maybe fw_setenv is there, mtd should also be there.
<Habbie> dwfreed, haha, no i want to be in this meeting for the interesting bits :)
<PaulFertser> Habbie: for i in /sys/class/mtd/mtd?; do grep . $i/offset $i/size; done
<Habbie> tmn505, yes, until i brick it and can't fix that because I haven't even taken the heatsink off ;)
<Habbie> PaulFertser, cool, will try that soon
<Habbie> tmn505, but yes, i did realise i can do anything i want now - once ;)
<Habbie> but that may not help other openwrt users
<Habbie> i'm also on very old firmware so the exploit may have been fixed in most existing devices
<stintel> happy late night hacking folks :)
<Habbie> stintel, thanks!
<tmn505> indeed, with current state only tftp recovery is viable if images from provider are signed
<Habbie> FPSUserename reported that picking tftp in the uboot menu asked for a password
<Habbie> i also noticed that 'config backup downloads' are reported as 'openssl enc' by 'file'
<Habbie> but i should be able to figure that out from my dumps
<tmn505> is there a reset button somwhere?
<Habbie> there is
<Habbie> two yellow ethernets
<Habbie> then a black button which is reset
<Habbie> the white button next to it is a very cheap power switch
<Habbie> one more button on the side, WPS i think
<Habbie> (not my photo, my heatsink is still on)
<Habbie> i'm not a hardware person so i went looking for other 'ins' before i broke stuff
<fda> i someone want to check, i changed setting export filename to backup_HOSTNAMEWITHOUTDOMAIN_rREV-HASH_D-A-T-E_TIME.tgz + included insta3lled pkgs list. place in feeds/packages/net/cgi-io/patches/ https://pastebin.com/saR6z8ne
<tmn505> maybe there is recovery procedure wtih pressing reset button or cobination of buttons which won't ask for password
<Habbie> right, that's possible
<Habbie> i should probably try the UART soon
<Habbie> (FPSUserename has that, I don't yet)
<tmn505> if format of image to upload is figured out then that would be the vector to upload OpenWrt
<Habbie> ok
<Habbie> how about dts?
<Habbie> (i barely know what i'm saying here)
<tmn505> its simple
<Habbie> i believe there also may still be a JTAG angle to get around all of this, but not very user friendly
<Habbie> tmn505, please go on :)
<tmn505> usually its replicating already existing ones
<tmn505> but tbf I haven't done any commits in ramips target :)
<Habbie> hehe
<Habbie> me neither
<Habbie> my only openwrt work before this has been in packages, testing on ath79 and x86_64 :)
<tmn505> if You know how to exploit a device then dts is least of Your worries
<Habbie> good to know
<Habbie> i'm just afraid that i'll replace some things and brick it
<Habbie> to the point that I do need to touch SPI on some flash chip :)
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<Habbie> (or JTAG, or ...)
<stintel> can you clamp the spi and read it before continuing ?
<stintel> ehr, the NOR*
<tmn505> then shove all testing to FPSUsername :)
<Habbie> stintel, i don't know - this was the plan until i decided to try software first :)
<stintel> :D
<Habbie> FPS does not have a fitting clamp
<Habbie> i don't know if my clamp fits
<stintel> I do, but I'm ~2000km away :(
<Habbie> haha
<Habbie> where are you?
<stintel> Sofia
<Habbie> 2128km
<Habbie> yep
<Habbie> could probably get the right clamp from aliexpress quicker and cheaper ;)
<stintel> I can do it in <24h
<Habbie> google maps tells me that too :D
<Habbie> but i'm not in any rush anyway
<stintel> but I've recently done the trip from sofia to belgium and back so no way :P
<Habbie> haha
<Habbie> if we had to do that, i would happily drive to belgium ;)
<Habbie> i've done two day conferences in belgium while sleeping at home
<hurricos> v
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<stintel> Fosdem ?
<Habbie> loadays, very small, 50km more to the north (Antwerp North instead of Brussels South)
<hurricos> is
<hurricos> sorry ugh. Trying ut radare2
<Habbie> i've always gotten a hotel for FOSDEM
<stintel> ah yeah, I know loadays, never been though
<stintel> I believe I know some of the guys organising it
<hurricos> OK, as someone who has briefly used Ghidra, I am loving radare. Wayyyy less overhead :^)
<Habbie> FOSDEM is 200km for me
<stintel> walk in the park ;)
<Habbie> hurricos, you're not PaulFertser? but you're looking at my dumps? :)
<stintel> LOL
<stintel> "looking at my dumps"
<stintel> sorry
<Habbie> lol
<Habbie> no can do, my toilets don't have these plateaus :D
<hurricos> yeah, I also threw that hash you dropped into `john --format=md5-raw ...`
<Habbie> hurricos, nice
<hurricos> no dice, btw. Only running it on 2xL5640.
<hurricos> yet*
<dwfreed> Habbie: someone posted an image of those toilets to imgur recently; weirdest thing I'd ever seen
<Habbie> i only tried 500k words on it, no juice
<Habbie> dwfreed, with the plateaus?
<dwfreed> Habbie: yeah
<stintel> I could feed it to hashcat maybe
<Habbie> dwfreed, super normal here 30 days ago
<hurricos> stintel: you need hardware for that ....
<Habbie> hashcat can run on CPU
<dwfreed> Habbie: what changed in a month? :D
<stintel> I have hardware :P
<Habbie> it's how i did 500k in a few seconds
<hurricos> it's not really much better than John on CPU
<Habbie> but i don't know how to operate hashcat beyond that ;)
<hurricos> at least not for md5
<Habbie> well i'm too dumb to run john at all ;)
<hurricos> ah
<Habbie> dwfreed, a month?
<dwfreed> Habbie: "super normal here 30 *days* ago" (emphasis mine)
<stintel> where was the hash ?
<Habbie> dwfreed, oops! 30 years :D
<dwfreed> Habbie: I figured :D
<Habbie> taking the liberty to paste 7 lines:
<Habbie> Input Password==>
<Habbie> %02x
<Habbie> 46947c0bc8d2803f511b5f1ae08cf819
<Habbie> Fail!!!
<Habbie> Input Password==>
<Habbie> Correct!!!
<Habbie> that's strings output from mtdblock1
<Habbie> so we suspect that is an md5 for the uboot password
<stintel> Speed.#1.........: 2057.4 MH/s (9.75ms) @ Accel:16 Loops:1024 Thr:64 Vec:1
<hurricos> sintel: What hardware?
<stintel> rx 5700 xt
<stintel> even fully open source drivers
<hurricos> ROCm or just ....
<stintel> yeah=
<stintel> Speed.#1.........: 22640.2 MH/s (0.98ms) @ Accel:256 Loops:512 Thr:64 Vec:1
<stintel> heh :P
<hurricos> great. well I was getting around 24x9MH/s :|
<hurricos> lol
<PaulFertser> From a cursory look I have an impression most of the text strings are relocated somewhere so no direct xrefs are available. I'd probably try compiling https://github.com/pinney/MT7621-u-boot-mod/ to see how it usually goes.
<PaulFertser> 0xbfc00000 looks like the correct offset for the code
<Habbie> PaulFertser, apparently i have size but not offset in the mtd dirs, i'll try a reboot soon
<PaulFertser> Don't forget it's little endian mips.
<Habbie> yes, i also pondered building 'uboot with a password' to see how things look
<Habbie> If you like expensive bricks proceed without caution.
<Habbie> lol
<stintel> let's see how long the AC can keep up, it's going to be 38C here tomorrow, not a good day to run hashcat 😂
<Habbie> wow
<dwfreed> it is currently 35 C with a heat index of 42 C here
<dwfreed> But I also live in a humid subtropical climate, so this is mostly to be expected
<stintel> oof
<Habbie> dwfreed, where are you then?
<dwfreed> Habbie: Oklahoma now
<Habbie> ah
<dwfreed> The freedom units are 95 and 108 respectively
<Habbie> 108% of freedom, wow
<dwfreed> We have an extreme heat warning today, and a heat advisory has already been issued for tomorrow
<Habbie> i believe that
<hurricos> what does an implementation md5 look like in MIPS? :|
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<Habbie> hah, i wish i could answer that
<Habbie> we don't even know if it's MD5
<hurricos> that's what I'm trying to confirm lol
<Habbie> i'd really love to spend some time with radare later this week
<Habbie> it's been on my list for a long time
<hurricos> I don't think it's md5
<Habbie> why not?
<Habbie> (i believe you, just very curious)
<hurricos> pseudocode, no magic numbers
<Habbie> right
<hurricos> who would implement md5 completely from scratch?
<hurricos> If they did, they'd use some of the precomputed tables here
<Habbie> you'd still need the magic numbers anyway
<hurricos> and xxd -r is showing me none of these are here
<Habbie> or do the sines, i guess, yes
<hurricos> (and the tables are little endian as is the isa)
<fda> dwfreed: you like 15°C? visit me ^^
<Habbie> did you account for endianness?
<hurricos> yes
<Habbie> ok
<Habbie> :)
<hurricos> I'm on x86_64 too, just in case ....
<hurricos> lol
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<hurricos> btw it looks like it relocates to 87f94000
<hurricos> it's md2
<hurricos> 001b7f0: 0038 0038 0038 0038 0000 0000 292e 43c9 .
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<hurricos> you're welcome
<hurricos> @stintel set it for md2
<stintel> heh, doesn't look like that's supported :D
<hurricos> (specifically the S-table for md2 is listed at 0x1b7fc)
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<hurricos> md2 is also a good deal harder by default with `john`
<Habbie> even shortly after a reboot, dmesg is already full of wifi
<Habbie> i may try to be even quicker tomorrow
<stintel> my john also doesn't seem to be able to do md2
<hurricos> --format=MD2
<hurricos> or --list=subformats
<hurricos> You do need bleeding-jumbo
<stintel> ah
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<Habbie> i love how a bunch of people in here are just jumping on some flash dumps
<Habbie> and trying to figure out stuff
<stintel> oh john jumbo also has opencl support
<hurricos> yeah!
<hurricos> Throw it at it, see what you get
<stintel> will do
<hurricos> probably nothing much considering :^)
<hurricos> but I'd also say to look around that address, it might be md2(md2(pass))
<stintel> looks like md2 is not supported in OpenCL
<stintel> 79 0g 0:00:00:32 3/3 0g/s 44089p/s 44089c/s 44089C/s mobw69..moy50i
<hurricos> heh
<stintel> not sure if that's good or bad :P
<hurricos> poor, I was riding at about 1.2MH/s
<stintel> in total?
<stintel> this 1 line is like 44KH/s
<stintel> ?
<hurricos> yeah, in total. Slower than MD5
<hurricos> about 120KH/s x 12, so what, more like 1.4M
<stintel> so that's ~3.5MH/s here
<hurricos> oh, that's cpu
<hurricos> yeah gotcha
<stintel> yeah, md2 not implemented in ocl
<hurricos> right
<stintel> md5 went better on hashcat :P
<stintel> anyway I need to sleep, I'm 1h ahead of you :P
<Habbie> sleep well :)
<hurricos> it looks like the whole function is all one, too, which makes it hard to get into u-boot by shorting SPI pins
<hurricos> because it will simply not be able to load the prompt
<hurricos> pretty securely written
<Habbie> ack
<Habbie> zzz
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