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<rsalvaterra> stintel: MBO only for -full? Seems desirable in other variants too. What's the size impact?
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<stintel> rsalvaterra: it's very much WIP - actually it should be enabled for 802.11 ax APs afaiu
<stintel> have not measured size impact
<rsalvaterra> Oh, I see. Carry on, then. :)
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<f5> assume this is known already, but the main page of the website hasn't been updated to reflect the release of 22.03.0-rc2 or 22.03.0-rc3
<stintel> they're broken
<stintel> so that's probably why
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<f00b4r0> as a matter of fact rc2/rc3 were never formally *released* (because they're broken) :)
<f00b4r0> seems some people assume tag == release
<f5> yeah, sorry
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<f5> assume that a broken release would be removed and hidden
<stintel> I don't see them on ?
<f00b4r0> well, removing a tag is rewriting git history, which is generally frowned upon. But since it wasn't formally released/announced, there is nothing to "remove"
<f00b4r0> as stintel just pointed out before I could finish my sentence :D
<f00b4r0> oh, indeed. These should probably be removed
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<Ansuel> mhhh what happent to rc4 ?
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<stintel> firebox m300 for eur89 on ebay, germany
<Habbie> stintel, what's interesting about the m300?
<stintel> 4c/8t 1.5GHz 4GB ECC 8GbE SD storage
<stintel> iirc
<Habbie> yes :)
<Habbie> oh 4GB is very decent, yes
<stintel> 1U RM and not fanless - might not be for everyone :)
<Habbie> oh, not fanless is a pity
<rsalvaterra> Also, the idle power consumption due to CPU bugginess…
<stintel> but afaict it's faster than apu2
<Habbie> my plans for the apu2 are somewhat overstretching the apu2, but i really don't want fans :)
<Habbie> but i agree, for 89 EUR that's a very nice box
<nlowe> The APU2 works well at gigabit assuming you don't need SQM - but at gigabit speeds, you probably then don't need it
<stintel> that's a myth
<stintel> most connections will benefit from sqm regardless of bandwidth
<stintel> we've tested different connection types with different bandwidths in different continents and enabling sqm always improves latency, by quite a big factor even
<stintel> so please stop spreading that misinformation
<rsalvaterra> True. If you have the raw CPU power needed, SQM is *always* beneficial.
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<stintel> sqm improves latency on a LAN with 10GbE connection even
<rsalvaterra> Unfortunately, none of my devices are able to cope with my wire speed, at the moment.
<stintel> m300 does >900Mbps with qosify enabled on WAN
<stintel> good enough for me for now :)
<rsalvaterra> Hm… I wonder if the RT3200 can do 500 Mb/s with qosify…
<rsalvaterra> … it's the only one I haven't tested.
<rsalvaterra> The Omnia craps out at about 250 Mb/s.
<stintel> you know what to do ;)
<rsalvaterra> stintel: Need to reconfigure it from scratch, I soft-bricked it with my 5.15.42 bump testing… been to lazy to do it, for the last week. :P
<stintel> sysupgrade -b / -r ? :)
<rsalvaterra> #yolo :P
<rsalvaterra> "Aww, it's fine, pretty sure it can't break." <- famous last words
<stintel> :P
<stintel> does anyone know how to make iw scan show vendor specific IEs ?
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<stintel> ah -b
<stintel> or not
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<f00b4r0> hmm that m300 is tempting
<f00b4r0> rsalvaterra: is the idle power draw so bad?
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<f00b4r0> stintel: the m300 can do SQM at line speed, right?
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<rsalvaterra> f00b4r0: It's much worse than it should be, but I don't have concrete numbers.
<f00b4r0> rsalvaterra: ok, thanks still
<f00b4r0> 3 native interfaces and 2 links to the switch, on paper that looks very nice still
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<f00b4r0> oh well, I bought it :)
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<Ansuel> f00b4r0 the worl is not happy for your idle consumption
<f00b4r0> well on the upside: if it can be fixed I'll look into it :)
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<stintel> f00b4r0: it does cake at near 1Gbps for me yes
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<stintel> f00b4r0: but CPU frequency scaling is hard disabled due to erratum
<stintel> irclogs/2021/12/OFTC/#openwrt-devel.log:21|21:54:39< stintel> slh: the M300 with original PSU settled down to 23.2W idle - this is without cpufreq as there's an erratum disabling it on the e6500
<Ansuel> flawed cpuidle no cpufreq WTH
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<f00b4r0> stintel: I see. 23W is not abominable but clearly not great.
<Ansuel> mhhh W under load tho ?
<stintel> well someone responded ipq807x does similar figures idle
<f00b4r0> fair point
<f00b4r0> i have an espressobin headed my way, I'm curious how that'll do, we'll see
<stintel> dunno under load, can't measure either, not at home and don't have per-outlet measurement in my rack
<f00b4r0> well under load shouldn't be very much higher if cpufreq doesn't work
<f00b4r0> the PSU is rated 100W too.
<stintel> I replaced the PSUs in mine and that lowered the idle draw by a few W iirc
<f00b4r0> stintel: are there things needing love still or did you complete the support already :)
<stintel> DSA setup .. only single CPU port is enabled to the switch
<stintel> couldn't figure that out - did get GPL code since but haven't had time to look at it yet
<f00b4r0> i see. well now I have some incentive to help :)
<stintel> great :)
<Ansuel> stintel btw there is a multicpu patch in rfc stage to finally add correct multicpu support instead of my bad hack
<Ansuel> but they are lots of patch to backport
<stintel> I tried getting the other CPU port to work standalone also and never managed to get it working
<Ansuel> the idea is to create a LAG across the cpu port and use that
<Ansuel> 99% the switch should support it
<stintel> then again I'm a noob at all this so I might have done something wrong
<stintel> Ansuel: cool, thanks for the info, didn't know that
<stintel> f00b4r0: ah you bought it? :P
<f00b4r0> stintel: i did :}
<stintel> cool :)
<f00b4r0> was too cheap to pass
<stintel> I do get sometimes this still: [3523012.539647] fsl_dpaa_mac ffe4e0000.ethernet eth1: Err FD status = 0x00000020
<stintel> there's something about that in either of the patch series I sent to the ML
<stintel> wanted to port some userspace utility that controls the FMan (iirc) but that requires the SDK driver - not compatible with upstream FMan driver
<stintel> might just be some weird traffic coming from my ISP's Huawei ONT
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<mrnuke> Ansuel: I had the misfortune of looking over the qca-ssdk yesterday. I wasn't trying to hurt myself, Was just trcking down a bug in the phy driver.
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<robimarko_> mrnuke: Dont tell me that I did not warn you about the level of code
<robimarko_> SSDK is just a nightmare
<Ansuel> mknuke: Check the fal code :D Free nightmare once you notice the amount of abstraction with the define
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<stintel> just looking at serial console of a device running qsdk-based firmware is enough to make me nauseous
<stintel> not sure I even want to look at their code :P
<Ansuel> they are very chatty
<robimarko_> stintel: You for sure dont want to look at SSDK
<robimarko_> Newer stuff like NSS-DP is decent
<robimarko_> But the older stuff is just insane
<Ansuel> btw robimarko_ i should waste some time on ath11k and reworking some logic to make it more conservative... like there are tons of thing that are allocated doing nothing
<Ansuel> but my fear is making things worse...
<robimarko_> Dont poke the bear
<robimarko_> Something will break for sure
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<mrnuke> Ansuel: no. five levels of indirection to get to your ops function, which then dereferences a pointer hidden behind another five levels of indirection
<mrnuke> Only reason I'm looking there again is to delete code. BTW, I found an upstream PHY driver in 5.18 :D
<mrnuke> No bug there
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<Ansuel> mrnuke can you link that?
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<mrnuke> I know what you're going to say. That's not how we do backports in openwrt. It was late at night, and I was trying to go to sleep. I ain't gonna marry that commit :D
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<Ansuel> mhhh i'm missing something where 8081 is used?
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<mrnuke> In my AP that I'm wooking on
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<nlowe> When are the default builds for all supported targets going to change to the 5.15 kernel instead of 5.10?
<nlowe> Seems odd to me, for example, that X86-64 is being built with a 5.10 kernel default at the moment
<nlowe> In the master branch
<stintel> this is per target
<stintel> once enough testing has been done for target X, someone can decide to switch it to kernel X by default
<stintel> it doesn't make sense to do this for all targets at the same time, it's not even possible because not all targets have support for 5.15 already
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<stintel> if you feel a target should change to 5.15 by default (e.g. you have tested it for a while, feel free to send a patch that does so)
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<stintel> s/,/)/;s/)$//
<Ansuel> is that a regex ?
<stintel> yes, to fix some errors in my message before it :P
<stintel> it might need some \ but you should get the idea
<Ansuel> anyway i have some patch from upstream to backport... they are related to devfreq and they are needed for ipq806x... should i place them in generic or in ipq807x ?
<Ansuel> ipq806x*
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<mrnuke> Ansuel: I just ran unifdef on qca-ssdk yesterday. 7000 lines of code removed.
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<Ansuel> well nice... just discovered dwmac driver apply wrong configuration values for their internal regs
<russell--> i'm trying to restore an nvram partition on an old netgear wgt634u, which requires writing flash from linux (cfe is braindamaged), how can i make the right bits writable?
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<PaulFertser> russell--: kmod-mtd-rw provides a module which can be loaded with insmod mtd-rw.ko i_want_a_brick=1 and it makes all partitions writable.
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<f00b4r0> nice.
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<Ansuel> i_want_a_brick LOVE IT
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<russell--> PaulFertser: fixed, thank you!
<Ansuel> Mangix: ping
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<Ansuel> i discovered ipq806x supported qsgmii why they used the dual cpu cofiguration ? isn't qsgmii more performant with more total band?
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<mrnuke> Ansuel: is qsgmii a standard link, or is it somehow vendor-specific (think pisgmii)
<Borromini> well maybe not :-/
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<Ansuel> qsgmii = qualcomm sgmii ? or quad sgmii ?
<Ansuel> so they could have 5gbps cpu port but they decided to take 2 with rgmii and sgmii -.-
<Ansuel> wth why this stupid choice qsgmii would match 5 1gbps port...
<Ansuel> unless there is a fab limitation and qsgmii is problematic with pci or other stuff
<mrnuke> qualcomm sgmii qould be qcasgmii, no?
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<Borromini> Q stands for quad according to Wikipedia (and from what i've heard)
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<mangix> Ansuel: pong
<mangix> btw that LAG comment. Do you mean internally aggregating the two CPU ports and exposing them as a single one?
<Ansuel> yes
<mangix> I remember KanjiMonster suggesting that and people telling him not all switches support that.
<Ansuel> well ar8327 and 8337 supports that
<Ansuel> anyway did you notice any device that use gmac0 ?
<mangix> in what way?
<Ansuel> or sgmii with gmac1
<mangix> i'd have to look at my PR. It's been forever since I looked at this.
<Ansuel> i notice ipq806x dwmac apply some wrong configuration for macid 1 in sgmii
<Ansuel> but now that i think about it it's only ipq806x specific so rip
<mangix> Ansuel: qca9550_airtight_c-75.dts seems to do so.
<mangix> same with qca9558_comfast_cf-wr650ac.dtsi
<mangix> sounds like a broken config. then again, I don't have these devices so I can't really test.
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<Ansuel> anyway i should find time to test the LAG with cpu port...
<Ansuel> but currently i'm preparing some stuff to send upstream
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<mangix> gmac1 is the second gmac, right?
<Ansuel> yes
<mangix> I just noticed, where's 22.03-rc3
<mangix> oh wow it got removed
<Ansuel> no idea what happen
<mangix> TIFU glibc includes pthread.h with unistd.h...
<mangix> /s/TIFU/TIL
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<mangix> time to build with make -j 31, which always fails
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<Ansuel> Mangix why ?
<mangix> broken packages that can't be built in parallel.
<mangix> 31 is too much parallelism
<Ansuel> lol
<mangix> Package libndpi is missing dependencies for the following libraries:
<mangix> <-- lolwut?
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<Ansuel> any idea of this problem?
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<mangix> Ansuel: nope
<Ansuel> think we just found a bug in buildroot with stage1 and stage2
<rsalvaterra> blocktrron: Hm… the hostapd update broke the OpenSSL -basic variant.
<rsalvaterra> hostapd-basic-openssl, more specifically.
<mangix> rsalvaterra: you try a CONFIG_ALL build with gcc12?
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<rsalvaterra> Mangix: Nope, that would take forever. I build my personal configs for my devices, basically.
<rsalvaterra> Since GCC 12 isn't the default, specific packages fixes can always be done incrementally.
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<Ansuel> we should start abusing github actions more
<mangix> rsalvaterra: I see tons of errors.
<Ansuel> take 9 hours but it's a good way
<rsalvaterra> Mangix: Not just you… :)
<Ansuel> still don't know if it's new gcc12 warn or false-positive
<Ansuel> or gcc12 detection was flawed and all this thing only showed now
<mangix> yep
<mangix> I just saw that error in uqmi
<mangix> error: pointer 'ptr' may be used after 'realloc' <-- wtf is this?
<Ansuel> well i think i will have to tag jow since this looks to be a bug with the compilation process
<Ansuel> if a Makefile have some package non-shared and some shared, stage2 will rebuild them and any package dependent on that will be based on the new one built by stage2 (and i described it in the worst way...)
<mangix> a lot of this stuff should probably be converted to C++ to avoid all this gcc breakage
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<rsalvaterra> blocktrron: Enabling support for deprecated API in OpenSSL seems to fix the build…
<mangix> rsalvaterra: sounds like missing openssl/rsa.h header
<rsalvaterra> Well, those functions are explicitly deprecated in OpenSSL 3.0. I don't know about our 1.1.1.
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<Ansuel> if anyone want to take a look
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<mangix> ERROR: package/feeds/packages/domoticz failed to build. <-- looks like I was wrong about C++
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<Ansuel> funny gcc 12
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* mrnuke spots an #ifdef cplusplus in qca-ssdk. Lovely
mzvd has joined #openwrt-devel
<Ansuel> with the amount of effort in fixing that you could totally start creating correct upstreamable driver...
<mrnuke> fixing? That coding can't be fixed. What are you talking about?
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mzvd has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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<mangix> Ansuel: missing context
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