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<stintel> it seems the slowness with OTA upgrades of some of my ESP32 devices is gone. was there an Airtime Fairness problem after all?
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<f00b4r0> stintel: using Arduino framework?
<stintel> esphome
<f00b4r0> same
<stintel> esp-idf
<stintel> it's esp32-c3
<f00b4r0> i thought esphome used arduino?
<f00b4r0> i see
<stintel> I replaced my esp8266's with esp32-c3 and gave away the esp8266's
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<stintel> and have only 1 esp32 non c3 in use still
<stintel> still waiting for the esp32-c6 to become actually available somewhere
<f00b4r0> heh
<stintel> once I have them I will replace all my esp's with c6
<f00b4r0> i'm still happily using 8266 (and a couple 32s). But I don't use any of the big frameworks
<f00b4r0> i have one device still running from Arduino and the perf is abysmal
<f00b4r0> hence my earlier question
<stintel> maybe I should start looking for an alternative for raspberry pi zero w (and 2w) with wifi6 also
<f00b4r0> not sure what the benefit is for these devices?
<stintel> cleaner spectrum for all
<f00b4r0> sounds rather theoretical? :) "if it ain't broke..."
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<stintel> every device that uses less airtime is an improvement
<f00b4r0> I'll take your word for it :) Then again I'm still using n and ac and that works for me, so my expectations are fairly low :-)
<stintel> ac didn't work at all for me due to ath10k firmware shitting itself 10 times per minute
<f00b4r0> ouch
<stintel> I'm extremely happy with the EAP615-Wall
<stintel> cheap, ax on both bands, don't shit themselves at all, and not QCA!
<f00b4r0> hehe, what's not to like then ;)
<stintel> even PoE-PT
<f00b4r0> I'll keep that in mind should I ever want to upgrade
<stintel> I'm now looking forward to something similar with a 6GHz radio
<f00b4r0> but right now I think I only have one client device that can do ax (a MBP)
<stintel> same, my Galaxy S21 :P
<stintel> but looking at a new laptop which will have it
<f00b4r0> well typically when home I use the holy spaghetti ;)
<stintel> and once I have 6GHz APs I'll request new laptops at work also
<stintel> my laptops don't even have RJ45 port
<f00b4r0> mine neither, but adapters are cheap
<stintel> for me a laptop needs to portable
<f00b4r0> sure, that's why I use this at home (desk) only
<stintel> I used wired for work laptop until I replaced the QCA junk in my network
<stintel> now both the macbook pro and the thinkpad x1 are connected via wifi
<f00b4r0> what hardware was causing you issues? Because I don't see any problem like that with my mikrotik devices
<stintel> I even use barrier (synergy fork) for software KVM
<stintel> it works so well you almost wouldn't believe it's connected wirelessly
<stintel> D-Link DAP-2695
<stintel> ath10k ac wave1 is useless
<stintel> might be due to use of 802.11w but disabling that is not an option for me
<f00b4r0> ah, i see
<f00b4r0> I don't use w
<stintel> I've been using that since I've implemented support for it in OpenWrt in 2010 :)
<f00b4r0> ;)
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<mrkiko> Maybe some day I ill swap my Intel Wi-Fi NIC with an AX capable one. Do you think it's feasible or am I just better waiting?
<stintel> my 7 year old xps13 has an ax200
<stintel> actually considering an ax210 to be able to test 6GHz support
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<mrkiko> stintel: thanks for the hint.
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<kistlin> someone here that knows creating packages by heart?
<kistlin> i'm facing an issue very close to https://forum.openwrt.org/t/solved-first-step-on-packages/26223
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<kistlin> i'm using a src-link but it just doesn't want to pick up the package
<karlp> you'll need to be more specific, likely linking to pastes of your files.
<jow> exactly. at the very least pastebin your Makefile
<jow> a missing CallPackage macro call for example could be a reason for OpenWrt to completely ignore your package
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<kistlin> is this "$(eval $(call BuildPackage,myapp))" at the end of the Makefile?
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<jow> uhm yep, that one
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<kistlin> i'm pointing the feed like this src-link myfeed /home/user/myapproot/
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<jow> it must be a directory of directories
<kistlin> the makefile is in this structure "myapproot/myapp/Makefile"
<jow> sounds fine, still - pastbin your current Makefile
<kistlin> and in the Makefile things like "define Package/myapp"
<kistlin> yeah i'll check if i can paste it sec
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<kistlin> when I update, the symlink is created in the feeds folder
<kistlin> but when installing there is none at package/feeds/ where other packages have links. not sure if relevant
<jow> works for me
<kistlin> and if I do ./scripts/feeds install myapp it says "No feed for package 'myapp' found"
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<kistlin> hmm...
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<jow> in menuconfig I see "MyCategory" and within that a selectable "[ ] myapp"
<kistlin> thanks for trying it.
<kistlin> i'll try a clean setup again not that something is cached and maybe because myapproot is a cmake project it contains quite some build artifacts and cmake output. maybe it is interfering
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<hurricos> stintel: f36, AX210 works flawlessly *except* (on non-HE) for certain WPA Enterprise roaming things
<hurricos> Since HE requires WPA3 I haven't seen any Enterprise auth stuff on 6GHz
<hurricos> Works fine with 6GHz as well with my MT7916's
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* enyc meeps
<enyc> Curious if there is likely to be an rc5 or not, not important but friend helping testing things / bugreports be interested
<enyc> I note a bug tagged for 22.03 not closed yet.
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* mrnuke meep! meep!
<stintel> meep meep! :)
<stintel> now I wanna watch roadrunner
<mrnuke> :)
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<slh> stintel: iwlwifi and ax210 over 6 GHz is a bit wonky, it works, but it easily gets upset (5 GHz works more reliably), the windows drivers don't have those stability issues (admittedly, that has gotten better with v5.18, but it's still not 100%, nor on par with the windows drivers)
<stintel> all intel wifi is wonky :)
<stintel> but at least not as wonky as qca
* enyc ROARs
<slh> sadly, yes (actually I've had less issues with QCA so far, than with Intel ax200 or ax210)
<stintel> scroll up 14h ;)
<slh> I've read the backlog already, yeah, different environment, different devices - personal experiences will differ
* Borromini is intrigued
<stintel> it's either a galaxy s9 or macbook pro 2020 (afair) that caused ath10k-ct firmware to start crapping itself
<stintel> but qca ath10k firmware was also not usable
<stintel> so that was the end of qca for me
<stintel> and now I'm working with qca devices again for work, currently testing a tri-band AP. seriously, just looking at the serial console makes me want to kill people
<slh> yeah, very chatty
<stintel> 100% reproducible warnings they don't care to fix
<stintel> error loading this, error loading that
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<stintel> regulatory db in BDF files, of course with wrong data
<stintel> so I can't even enable 6GHz without using a wrong country-code
<stintel> horrible crap
<mrnuke> stintel: the "c" in "qca" stands for "crap" ;)
<stintel> quality crap alright
<mrnuke> Reminds me of the farmer that had difficulties explaining the quality of the manure was not satisfactory
<stintel> does anyone know a way to extract the regulatory info from the qca bdf files ?
<stintel> I rather not use US as country-code as that will make it possible to use channels that are totally not allowed in EU
<stintel> pfff what a load of horse crap
<mrnuke> Somebody recently pointed me to https://github.com/ecsv/qca-swiss-army-knife
<mrnuke> No idea if it has what you need, but thought I'd mention it
<T-Bone> stintel: it might also confuse clients who will try to match the regdomain advertised by the AP
<slh> it probably doesn't, as the BDF internal regd handling sit one level beneath (but there have been very recent ath11k changes on that regd handling)
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<slh> as in Intel, which follows 802.11d
<f00b4r0> i see
<xdarklight> hauke: ping
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<stintel> interesting. the device reboots before sysupgrade finishes
<stintel> that explains corrupt rootfs
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<stintel> or was that just screen playing tricks on me
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<stintel> also DEVICE_COMPAT_VERSION := 1.1 in the device profile does not seem to reflect in the built image
<stintel> what's up with that ?
<stintel> Thu Jun 16 20:42:37 UTC 2022 upgrade: Writing image to /dev/mmcblk0p2...
<stintel> U-Boot 2014.07 (Aug 12 2015 - 13:55:34)
<stintel> from screenlog file :/
<stintel> I see, compat_version requires a file in /etc/board.d
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<f00b4r0> stintel: sadly i don't have a console log at hand and the M300 is currently unplugged, but ISTR there was more output before the U-Boot line
<Ansuel> Hi
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<stintel> f00b4r0: yeah I'm not entirely sure what's going on ... this time I added some read in /lib/upgrade/legacy-sdcard.sh and the result was syusupgrade only wrote partition 1 skipped partition 2
<stintel> maybe something is off in the legacy-sdcard stuff
<f00b4r0> i sysupgraded the device a dozen times without any problem, fwiw
<stintel> same with my backup m300
<stintel> thing is, it did not used to do that, only started doing it at some point
<stintel> I guess I can build the commit that adds support for it and see if it reproduces there, maybe hardware started acting up, who knows
<f00b4r0> have you tried swapping the backup with the main (swap SD cards)? That would rule out hw
<stintel> no but I tried another SD, same problem
<f00b4r0> another sd with same system tho, I suppose? :)
<f00b4r0> or was it completely clean?
<stintel> what do you mean ?
<f00b4r0> I read your message above as a hint that you may be fiddling with the SD card image for development purposes. If you're running two different images on both devices, the problem may lie in those differences, is my guess
<stintel> no, I'm only checking that now
<stintel> normally using the exact same image on both devices
<stintel> I have a script that copies the image to both devices when I run "owrt.sh m300"
<stintel> it's *always* the exact same image
<f00b4r0> i see
<f00b4r0> then hw issue is indeed more likely
<stintel> that's the whole point of having 2 identical devices, test on device 1 and only upgrade device 2 if ok
<f00b4r0> or hw differences (sd controller maybe?), with a specific change that would only upset one
<f00b4r0> except you confirmed both devices aren't identical :)
<stintel> yeah that's ... unfortunate :/
<stintel> I'm gonna build 3fda16078b9979be836df0d156ca0dc0a0778f91
<f00b4r0> *nod*. If that works, then you know where to look :)
<stintel> yeah I watched closely now, it reboots before p2 finishes writing
<stintel> maybe watchdog related ?
<stintel> Thu Jun 16 21:22:00 2022 kern.info kernel: [ 27.150232] w83793 0-002d: Registered watchdog chardev major 10, minor: 130
<stintel> w83793 only appeared when I enabled I2C
<f00b4r0> i distinctly remember a message when sysupgrading that began with "watchdog did not [restart?] this device"
<stintel> I saw that earlier as well
<owrt-2203-builds> Build [#62](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-22.03/images/#builders/63/builds/62) of `at91/sama7` completed successfully.
<stintel> Watchdog did not previously reset the system
<f00b4r0> that one
<stintel> ow
<stintel> so ... on my main m300 there's some stuff in /tftpboot - this isn't there in the backup one
<Ansuel> watchdog attached to i2c
<Ansuel> wat ?
<stintel> this means the sysupgrade takes loner
<stintel> longer*
<f00b4r0> ah ha
<f00b4r0> yeah then the scenario of the wdog not being kicked during upgrade and killing the box makes a lot of sense
<stintel> yep
<f00b4r0> i'm going to call it a night, ttyl!
<stintel> nn :)
<f00b4r0> tx :)
<stintel> parm: timeout:Watchdog timeout in minutes. 2<= timeout <=255 (default=2) (int)
<stintel> fuck me
<Ansuel> LOL
<stintel> hmmm
<stintel> ubus call system watchdog -> status offline
<stintel> rmmod w83793 -> sysupgrade goes fine
<stintel> fuck me
<stintel> I'll work around it by rmmod w83793 in /lib/upgrade/platform.sh and keep that locally until I figure out how watchdog works and how to fix it properly
<jow> stintel: upgraded (the stage2 sysupgrade) is supposed to take over the watchdog fd
<jow> the watchdog is supposed to get served throughout the entire duration of sysupgrade
<stintel> jow: the weird thing is procd claims the watchdog is offline
<Ansuel> procd is reading the wrong thing?
<Ansuel> or the wrong watchdog?
<stintel> there is only 1 /dev/watchdog
<stintel> and it disappears when I rmmod w83793
<stintel> brb, putting the main m300 back in the rack
<jow> f00b4r0: was it this message you remember? https://git.openwrt.org/?p=project/procd.git;a=blob;f=watchdog.c;h=39ae9ff9aa5823ab05c9b1af3e650a11e93cf7d3;hb=7a0096853594874d4c60266ec338ac23728017df#l122
<jow> "Watchdog did not previously reset the system\n"
<stintel> jow: yes, I pasted it just after he wrote that
<stintel> 23:25:17 CEST
<jow> ah
<jow> it's just a diagnostics message
<jow> not related to handover
<stintel> Watchdog does not have CARDRESET support
<stintel> Watchdog did not previously reset the system
<stintel> sometimes one, sometimes the other
<stintel> whatever that means
<stintel> I'm gonna inject a sleep 150 in platform_do_upgrade of the backup m300 and see what happens
<jow> I suppose it just means that the watchdog does not offer information about the state it came from
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<jow> stintel: that watchdog offline thing, do you see it only during sysupgrade or during normal operation as well?
<jow> (probably a brainfart, iirc there's no ubus during sysupgrade)
<stintel> jow: normal operation - but it was on the backup m300, which always sysupgraded fine
<stintel> so let me check now, with the main m300 back online
<jow> stintel: ah, okay that makes sense too
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<stintel> also offline
<jow> too bad, would've been an easy explanation
<stintel> gonna try that sleep 150
<jow> but dmesg messages indicate that the watchdog is active?
<jow> despite procd claiming offline
<stintel> well ...
<stintel> [ 19.296400] w83793 0-002d: Registered watchdog chardev major 10, minor: 130
<stintel> registered doesn't have to mean active, does it ?
<jow> yeah
<jow> let me try to find the driver sources
<stintel> could be a procd bug, could be w83793 watchdog is weird
<stintel> but I have never properly looked into how watchdog works
<jow> stintel: could be because the procd defaults are unsuitable for this driver...
<jow> stintel: default timeout 30
<stintel> yes. 2min
<jow> 30 * 60 = 1800
<jow> >> 255
<jow> erm sorry
<jow> divided by 60 :P
<stintel> yep, sleep in platform_do_upgrade on the main m300 resets the thing before sysupgrade starts writing the images
<stintel> great, at least I found the root cause and have a workaround
<stintel> this has been annoying me to no end
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<jow> stintel: is this w83793 driver built as module?
<stintel> yes
<jow> ah
<stintel> using rmmod as a workaround ;)
<jow> it auto-arms on modprobe?
<jow> anyhow, I think the issue is here:
<jow> watchdog is opened before modules are loaded
<jow> so likely a no-op on boot (watchdog remains dead)
<stintel> ahh
<jow> when procd transitions into upgraded on sysupgrade, that watchdog_init() procedure is called again
<jow> which will then arm the watchdog I suppose
<stintel> yeah
<stintel> should we simply move watchdog_init(1) after kmodloader ?
<jow> that would likely fix it
<jow> but I'd like to understand how the watchdog becomes active
<jow> or rather when it becomes active, why it is not getting servied
<stintel> maybe a ubus method to reload the watchdog could be useful too
<jow> because upgraded should regularily poll it
<jow> there is
<stintel> oh ?
<jow> the system watchdog method actual accepts args
<stintel> yes but that doesn't call watchdog_init
<jow> ah, you're right
<jow> can only be closed or timing updated
<stintel> I can add an argument reload and call watchdog_init(1) if true ?
<jow> yeah
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<Ansuel> rmilecki: ping ?
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<stintel> wait what. now both my m300 don't have the cpu1_vid :/
<stintel> and CPU temp in both are high :/
<Ansuel> m300: exploding
<stintel> well it can't be coincidence after playing with the w83793 module ...
<stintel> with that module unloaded I can't check that temperature anymore
<stintel> temp1: +77.2°C (high = +100.0°C, hyst = +95.0°C) sensor = thermal diode
<stintel> fan3: 8653 RPM (min = 0 RPM)
<stintel> that's a tad bit warm to my liking
<Ansuel> so you didn't have the module loaded before?
<stintel> yes, I did
<stintel> it's also the watchdog
<stintel> procd 1 root 9w CHR 10,130 0t0 155 /dev/watchdog
<stintel> hah
<stintel> and the thing reboots
<stintel> and the thing reboots
<stintel> ubus call system watchdog '{ "frequency": 1, "reload": true, "timeout": 120 }' -> now it doesn't seem to reboot
<stintel> ubus call system watchdog '{ "frequency": 5, "timeout": 30 }' -> insta reboot
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<stintel> of course I forget to rmmod the thing and knocked the main m300 offline again
<stintel> I guess that means it's time to sleep :P
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<enyc> Hrrm... Having all sorts of squiggledy-fun with 22.03-rc4 and new DSA way of setting up switch...
<enyc> caused LuCI to go bezerk in br-lan config -> Bridge VLAN filtering ;o -- suddenly came back to that screen and got 11 entries all of a sudden, lots of duplicate lines etc...