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<hurricos> mrnuke: what's the difference b/w rebase and merge-commit in your case?
<hurricos> mrnuke: pong
<hurricos> do you need rewind perms and not have them?
<mrnuke> hurricos: merge-commit messes up the history. you have the actual commits, and then a bunch of merge commits. I much prefer the other option
<hurricos> Oh, you want me to rebase it all? :P
<hurricos> I generally like rebase over merge, I just need to figure out what you're looking for me to chnage in the Github repository configuration side
<hurricos> if anything
<mrnuke> If you go to any PR, The ""Merge Pull Request" button defaults to "Create a merge commit". I would disable that option, and have it default to "Rebase and merge", or fast-forward merge
<hurricos> Ahhhhhhhh
<mrnuke> hurricos: Under Settings, there should be a few checkboxes: "Allow merge commits ", and "Allow squash merging ". I recommend unchecking them
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<mrnuke> hurricos: speaking of merges, I was thinking you should be the final arbiter wrt to merges. I haven't merged anything yet because I wanted to double-check this with you
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<neggles> merge commits exist for yeeting an entire dev branch of something into mainline where it's impractical to fast-forward
<neggles> if you can rebase without spending a kshjillion years fixing conflicts, rebase
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<hurricos> mrnuke: I'm OK being the final arbiter, but as any maintainer I will be consulting professional advice ;)
<hurricos> mrnuke: My personal workflow revolves around emacs' magit
<hurricos> My work involves a substantial amount of git, in particular the use of separate branches to implement features for an ETL backend/frontend
<mrnuke> hurricos: I do openrwt stuff for fun. I'm not a professional :-)
<hurricos> thank you and others for pointing out the merge-commit-free workflow, I just discovered git merge --ff-only
<hurricos> Lol I just mean if I see something weird I'm gonna ping people
<mrnuke> (JK. I play a lot with yocto and custom build scripts -- this buildroot stuff is a nice retreat from that madness)
<hurricos> It's been three years since I started at my current job and dragged the process kicking and screaming into git
<hurricos> I've always dreamt of a day where I would never again have to create another f*ing merge
<hurricos> for something I committed to a site-specific branch, git rebase'd onto the main branch and merged it down through all the f'ing feature branches
* mrnuke alias git=fucking && fucking merge
<hurricos> lmao
<hurricos> I'm sitting on nearly 10k commits and a third of them are god damn merges
<hurricos> Hold on, I haven't actually checked
<hurricos> Jesus christ it's 43%
* hurricos buries face in hands
<mrnuke> hurricos: you're still fine as long as it's less than 50%
<hurricos> mrnuke: I feel you. Buildroot (nicely) forces you to argue with other users about how to generalize things
<hurricos> rather than just slicking layers and layers and layers and layers and layers
* hurricos is unaware of the leech on the back of his neck that is sucking out my desire to understand git submodules
<hurricos> mrnuke: defaults fixed. I didn't see a default for making the PR button force a rebase, but I suspect that removing the options to allow merge commits and squash merging might have done it?
<mrnuke> hurricos: Yup. defaults to "Rebase and merge", and the other options are grayed out!
<mrnuke> speaking of submodules, once you discover the svn equivalent, you will love submodules
<mrnuke> you will love git submodules, that is
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<hurricos> I am glad I do not have to interact with svn
* mrnuke has to use SVN at work
<hurricos> No doubt, I have to say, I love that Yocto is so comfortable for keeping cruft working over the years
<hurricos> it's just that, you know, I've seen both development styles and how they manifest
<hurricos> and I just Don't Like Watching Cruft
<hurricos> I'm lucky not to have to develop anything that has specific, obscure hardware integration dependencies
<hurricos> you can't afford to avoid cruft when you depend on the binaries built by another vendor that no longer exists
* mrnuke hands hurricos a crapsberry-pi
* hurricos throws it in the bin
<mrnuke> hahaahaha!
<mrnuke> nice one!
<hurricos> if I wanted an SBC I'd buy a Chromebook motherboard
<mrnuke> x86 chromebooks have the same issue. I worked on both amd and intel versions of their firmware
<hurricos> In terms of compilation? Yes
<hurricos> Thankfully there's a community for it :^)
<hurricos> and thankfully the security model is largely "write flash = pwn board"
<hurricos> though I haven't dug far into what CR50 has brought; my understanding is that that's unchanged except for WSONs replacing SOIC8s
<mrnuke> Well engineers who work on chromebook firmware are not the intern who asked for the lowest salary type
<mrnuke> but there's only so much they can do given how vendors (looking at you amd and intel) just want to push their binary flatulence
<hurricos> no, it's true. The brass tacks are redistributability though
<hurricos> if it's just for early GOP setup ... but I haven't seen The Ugly, I guess
<mrnuke> The run coreboot, which is nowadays just a glue to hold all the binaries together
<mrnuke> I used to be one of the core devs for coreboot. I lost my sanity seeing all the blobs come in. Nowadays, I have no connection to the project
<hurricos> Oh!
<hurricos> I'm typing this from an Auron Paine, with the mrchromebox fw replacement
<hurricos> I imagine bdw is too early for the horrors to have leaked in :D
<mrnuke> Aything Core2duo or later and Bulldozer or later is horrifying
<hurricos> Oof, hahaha
<swalker> updated openwrt/upstream,
<mrnuke> I think I had an AMD laptop running on coreboot once. This was Fam15, before dozer/ryzen. Everything, including the ACPI was written in source. Had almost no blobs. I think you needed a shim for the fancrontroller (SMU), and PCU microcode
<hurricos> did you ever hear about anyone getting anywhere with ich8?
<hurricos> I say that knowing the answer and suspecting the reason (no datasheet availability)
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<mrnuke> ICH8 is old as. I thought coreboot had native code for ICH8 back in the day
<Slimey> what about ich8
<hurricos> No, sadly. C.f. Thinkpad X61 having no Coreboot port
<Slimey> oh that
<hurricos> I'm also mistaking ich8 for the whole platform (965 northbridge)
<Slimey> i spy with my little eye console port
<hurricos> slimey: no idea what's going on with the three pieces of storage on board. SPI-NOR, MXIC NAND and eMMC?
<Slimey> i should be getting these in july
<mrnuke> hurricos: chipset being supported and entire machine being supported are two different things. It's not like openwrt, where if the drivers exist, all you need is a devicetree
<Slimey> Product: 4x4 AX Dual-band AP
<Slimey> Type Identification: BSAP 6040
<hurricos> mrnuke: Right, you get given no interface :P
<hurricos> it's only similar insofar as that without chipset support you cannot hope to port the device
<Slimey> hurricos the 3040 is like that SPI-NOR with eMMC
<hurricos> slimey: I know, I saw. Just not sure why 3.
<Slimey> no clue ill find out when i break into it :D
<mrnuke> hurricos: speaking of hardware support, are you okay with and ?
<hurricos> Ahhh. Let me try working out how to build, ./scripts/feeds {update,install} -a must have finished by now
<hurricos> mrnuke: 1 looks good
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<hurricos> mrnuke: If you prefer, you can re-build the PR to conform to rebase-only
<hurricos> wait
<hurricos> it is already. I can read.
<mrnuke> I included the workflow commit in #1 so that it builds an ipk. Didn't want to harrass Borromini to build one manually every time I commit :)
<hurricos> mrnuke: I'm looking at that now, I almost want that in a separate PR
<mrnuke> That's in PR #2 as a separate PR :D
<hurricos> mostly because, sure, I know where the openwrt/sdk container might pull from ... but where's the realtek-rtl838x-snapshot tag coming from?
<mrnuke> aparcar[m]: ^ how do docker containers get tagged?
<hurricos> Not intimately familiar with github workflows, but I almost expect to see "pull from main tag / Dockerfile-in some changes / run build"
<mrnuke> I hope he's the right person to ping. His nick was on dockerhub as the author of the containers
<mrnuke> hurricos: These are all the tags:
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<mrnuke> I also had no clue about github workflows. I had to learn the hard way
<hurricos> Oh my god
<hurricos> OK. I understand now. I misread realtek-rtl838x-snapshot as having to do with realtek-poe.
<hurricos> No, that looks fine
<hurricos> Throw the workflow into a separate PR, I'll accept that immediately and then your de-mystification
<hurricos> and S-o-b please :^)
<mrnuke> Son-of-a!
<mrnuke> Sure, I'll SoB my commit messages :D
<mrnuke> finished building with the SoB tag
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<hurricos> mrnuke: I also notice this produces an artifact labeled 'mips_4kec-packages'
<hurricos> this artifact is explicitly stored, and the size *seems* right
<mrnuke> yeah, that contains a realtek-poe_ ipk :d
<hurricos> where the heck is it available, if at all (or is it not available due to the nature of the repo ownership)?
<hurricos> Yeah, I see no download link anywhere :P
<mrnuke> Right at the end of that page. You have to click on the action (Show details), and then "Summarry" on the left column
<hurricos> mrnuke: the "build-ipk.yml" region of that webpage eats scroll input.
<hurricos> That's why I didn't see it ;)
<mrnuke> Well, I wanted to build with V=s so that if there is an error, the website can tell us what it is
<hurricos> Of course, but there is no scrollable region for it to eat. Just a web ui issue on Github's aprt
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<hurricos> s/for it to eat/to receive scroll input/
<hurricos> anyways, doeesn't matter
<mrnuke> True. I also found myself scratching my head over guthub's UI. I find gitlab to be a bit more intuitive
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<Borromini> mrnuke: thanks for your work on the PoE code (and hurricos you as well of course)
* enyc meeps
* mrnuke meep! meep!
<mrnuke> Borromini: I've been waiting years to port OPenwrt to this engenius switch! You think I'm going to let a bit of C code stand in my way? :P
<Borromini> :D
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