<slh> well, ax200/ ax210 can do AP with linux, just only on 2.4 GHz - which renders it rather useless for that purpose
<mangix> uhh, what?
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<mangix> slh: why would intel enable AP mode?
<slh> Mangix: I guess their main problem is with DFS(-certification), but they have enabled AP mode on 2.4 for more recent chipsets
<Ansuel> slh well they handle reg domain in their own special way
<mangix> my 8260 for example did not have working AP mode.
<Ansuel> aka they scan near wifi and assume the reg domain
<slh> yep
<mangix> maybe the AP mode is for Windows Laptops
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<owrt-2203-builds> Build [#72](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-22.03/images/#builders/11/builds/72) of `at91/sama5` completed successfully.
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<russell--> i'm getting an lzma decode error trying to tftp boot on a gl-inet gl-ar750
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<SwedeMike> rsalvaterra: Dave Täht responded re CAKE and you were indeed right, CAKE "does a better job" but it takes more CPU (he mentioned 2.5x slower)
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<russell--> how is "2.5x slower" consistent with "does a better job"?
<stintel> just run some flent rrul tests and see for yourself
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<rsalvaterra> SwedeMike: Right, like I interpreted.
<rsalvaterra> russell--: Speed isn't everyting. Just like efficiency isn't effectiveness.
<rsalvaterra> *everything
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#590](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/49/builds/590) of `mvebu/cortexa53` completed successfully.
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<mrkiko> nbd: thanks a lot! :) Waiting on this. If you can, feel free to PM in case I do not react in a day or something :D
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<owrt-2203-builds> Build [#71](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-22.03/images/#builders/47/builds/71) of `bcm27xx/bcm2708` failed.
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<zexon> hello
<mrkiko> zexon: :)
<zexon> how can i modify the default openwrt web interface
<mrkiko> zexon: what do you mean? Theme or behaviour?
<zexon> theme, like design a different interface, not change color
<mrkiko> zexon: maybe refer to some already made theme and to hte luci source code, and/or hang on for someone more prepared on the matter :D
<zexon> what is 'hte', i'm not good at English
<SwedeMike> russell--: uses more CPU but in the end better outcome
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<dwfreed> hte is a common typo for the
<russell--> idle CPU is wasted CPU
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<zexon> so i can't find the lua code that work for the default web-interface to change it, is it right?
<zexon> thanks a lot to every one :>
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<russell--> zexon: on the device or in the build environment?
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<zexon> on the device, or can i find the lua script for displaying frontside of website in the build environment?
<russell--> in the build environment, cd to your feeds/luci and: git grep <searchstring>
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<russell--> zexon: on the device: opkg list_installed | grep luci
<russell--> then for each package: opkg files <package>
<zexon> thank you, i take a look at these files
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#593](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/46/builds/593) of `ath25/generic` completed successfully.
<rsalvaterra> nbd: Is qosify able to match on proto:ipaddr:port? This would be very useful for DoT/DoH, for example.
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<stintel> rsalvaterra: no
<rsalvaterra> Bummer. :(
<stintel> for DoT you can probably just use tcp:853
<stintel> DoH or DoQ is going to be another story
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<karlp> what's the Q stand for? that one's new to me
<Habbie> QUIC
<Habbie> udp:853, so not a big problem
<stintel> ah that's not using 443 - great
<Habbie> yep
<karlp> is that not just http2 now?
<stintel> quic = http3
<Habbie> there was some discussion about numbers but 443 was not on the menu
<Habbie> karlp, no
<karlp> stintel: thanks
<Habbie> stintel, also no
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<Habbie> http/3 runs -over- quic
<Habbie> DoQ runs over quic; no http involved
<rsalvaterra> stintel: I know, but matching on tcp:853 is still too broad for my taste… :/
<Habbie> (http2 runs over tcp)
<rsalvaterra> Maybe QUIC (HTTP/3) is the final push for fascist sysadmins to enable UDP on their networks… :)
<stintel> rsalvaterra: at some point you need to tell your OCD to fuck off :P
<stintel> tcp:853 should really be enough :)
* stintel is using it too ;)
<rsalvaterra> *sigh*
<rsalvaterra> You're not wrong. :P
<stintel> or use a different IP for every service and do it IP based - there's plenty of IP's available ;)
<rsalvaterra> Did you edit /etc/qosify/00-defaults.conf?
<stintel> no I added 99-local.conf
<rsalvaterra> Fair enough, it does seem a better way, yes.
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<stintel> the thing with qosify is both the tcp and udp map have an entry for each possible port, this design won't scale with IP:port
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<Tapper> rsalvaterra
<Tapper> stintel If you have made changes to /etc/qosify/00-defaults.conf can you share? I set mine up from the forums. I don't really know if it's that good. I will past bin it. Here's what I have. https://pastebin.pl/
<owrt-2203-builds> Build [#70](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-22.03/images/#builders/31/builds/70) of `bcm27xx/bcm2710` failed.
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<owrt-2203-builds> Build [#70](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-22.03/images/#builders/52/builds/70) of `bcm27xx/bcm2709` failed.
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<eduble> hello
<eduble> I'm trying to run openwrt over a network filesystem root
<eduble> but I am having an init hangup issue
<eduble> someone else tried this sort of things?
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<jow> eduble: when netifd starts (/etc/init.d/network) it will reset all interfaces, this likely severs the NFS connection
<jow> this is a long standing issue
<jow> try temporily disabling the /etc/init.d/network script (remove the /etc/rc.d/S??network symlink in the rootfs) and retry
<jow> to at least confirm the issue
<eduble> jow: ok, but I am not getting there yet
<eduble> serial trace stops after "procd: - early -"
<eduble> the call to execve(udevtrigger) does not return
<eduble> once in a while, it works... but most of the time, this is what I get
<eduble> I compared with the build embedding the initramfs inside the kernel image
<eduble> in this case, '/init' is called
<eduble> and this script copies the whole filesystem to a tempfs filesystem at /new_root
<eduble> then calls /sbin/init there
<eduble> this works like this
<eduble> but I would like to avoid this preliminary copy of the whole filesystem
<eduble> because having a network root filesystem allows a larger OS, so I don't want to copy the whole thing in RAM
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<stintel> any idea why wpa_supplicant -dddd is awfully silent? CONFIG_NO_STDOUT_DEBUG=y is commented out in all build configs ...
<stintel> running it on the cmdline, stopped wpad init script
<robimarko> Arent all of the debug prints stripped during build-time?
<stintel> how/where and why if CONFIG_NO_STDOUT_DEBUG is not enabled ?
<stintel> oh ffs
<robimarko> Yeah, I hit the same issue multiple times
<robimarko> Its rather annoying when trying to debug
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<stintel> robimarko: thank you btw for pointing that out
<stintel> that's a 10 year old patch, we should probably investigate if we can ditch it in favor of CONFIG_NO_STDOUT_DEBUG=y
<stintel> for now I'm going to build with WPA_MSG_MIN_PRIORITY=0
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<robimarko> CONFIG_NO_STDOUT_DEBUG should do the same as the patch
<robimarko> But in a more sane way, we should probably get rid of the patch
<stintel> although CONFIG_NO_STDOUT_DEBUG exists since 2009, so there must have been a reason for adding that patch
<stintel> might no longer be valid though
<robimarko> AFAIK, CONFIG_NO_STDOUT_DEBUG should remove all debug prints
<stintel> yes, the custom patch makes that level configurable
<stintel> we should really try to reduce the amount of patches we carry for hostapd though
<stintel> I'm trying to get approval to work on upstreaming all the ubus related stuff
<stintel> because at least qsdk and mediatek sdk are based on openwrt so they use ubus, so I'm 99.9% sure there are waaaay more users of hostapd ubus than hostapd dbus, yet ubus not upstream and dbus is
<stintel> and having the ubus code upstream will expose it to broader review, etc
<stintel> and reduce maintenance burden
<robimarko> Isnt dbus wpa_supplicant only
<stintel> that could be, either way, there are so many hostapd ubus users in the world that it makes sense to upstream it, imo
<robimarko> Yeah, it makes a lot of sense to upstream it
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<kistlin> i have an lte module and configure it for qmi mode. i followed the steps in https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/network/wan/wwan/ltedongle#interface_configuration
<kistlin> there i see that the data status is "connected"
<kistlin> what are the next steps that i see an interface to ping something on the internet through the lte module?
<kistlin> a config for the module is in /etc/network/config
<kistlin> well i see a wwan0 but cant set it to up nor do i get an IP
<stintel> nick[m]1234: I guess you're interested in adding MBO reason codes to DAWN :)
<nick[m]1234> stintel: yes ^^ but I am still a bit unsure what exactly is the benefit. I try to find some doucments explaining the new stuff, but I can not find anything really useful :/
<stintel> nick[m]1234: yeah the WFA document is members-only I'm afraid
<nick[m]1234> stintel: sad. I am not a member. :(
<stintel> either way, use of these codes will make client steering cleaner. the effective usefulness will still depend on how clients handle it, as usual :)
<ynezz> eduble: back in the days, I was using following base-files-nfs package http://sprunge.us/klV5zh
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<eduble> ynezz: thanks, I'm looking at it
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<jow> stintel: that patch adds a configurable cutoff limit for debug messages
<jow> like "compile with only debug messages having priority >= x"
<stintel> 28|14:47:41 < stintel> yes, the custom patch makes that level configurable
<stintel> did we ever try to upstream that ?
<jow> no, because it's one of these optimizations that only make sense on weird embedded systems
<stintel> weird embedded systems are the biggest users of hostapd
<jow> ;)
<stintel> I might try upstreaming some hostapd patches at some point, using that as argument
<jow> I like that argument
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<mrkiko> kistlin: so, dhcp doesn't work over that interface?
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<mrkiko> kistlin: some LTE modules provide an emulation of dhcp or something like that, some others need you to configure the IP statically after getting parameters from the QMI interface; don't know how openwrt / uqmi is supposed to handle this case
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<kistlin> mrkiko: hmm, i managed to ping google with AT commands so that internet connection should work.regarding dhcp do you mean i should run something?
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<mrkiko> kistlin: in general all should happen automatically, but still - what happens if you run udhcpc against wwan0 ?
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<kistlin> mrkiko: it assigned an ip ...
<mrkiko> kistlin: ok, so now you should be able to ping the Internet, right?
<kistlin> mrkiko: yeah it works. thanks.
<mrkiko> kistlin: but it should happen automatically, don't know why; try adding such an entry to etc/config/network
<kistlin> maybe it doesn't yet work automatically because if it starts up it goes into 3G only but not LTE
<kistlin> mrkiko: do you mean "config interface wwan0" and there an option proto 'dhcp'?
<mrkiko> kistlin: yeah
<mrkiko> kistlin: but I have very very little, near to zero, experience with this thing in OpenWrt itself, I usually use ModemManager
<kistlin> mrkiko: hmm there i have the options proto 'qmi'
<kistlin> what i don't get is wwan0 shows up with "ip addr" but in the config it has a different name
<mrkiko> kistlin: which is effectively right ... ohm, sorry, I was saying something wrong
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<svanheule> but I think it's a false positive
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<svanheule> the state->buffer pointer would only be reused is realloc fails, which means it is still valid https://sourceware.org/git/?p=elfutils.git;a=blob;f=libdwfl/gzip.c;h=ba8ecfba6c316b261ee38bb288ab163664ade9e5#l96
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<stintel> looks like the w83793 watchdog always expects V (magic close character)
<stintel> just started it with magicclose enabled, then stopped it, and after 2 minutes it did not reset the device
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<stintel> still doesn't survive handover to sysupgrade like that though :(
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