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<rsalvaterra> daemon.err modprobe: no module folders for kernel version 5.15.44 found
<rsalvaterra> Mind if I tone this down? Not having module folders isn't an error.
<rsalvaterra> Also, "folders"? This isn't Windows. :P
<Borromini> :P
<Snuupy> hi Borromini
<Snuupy> I compiled openwrt master with the 5.15 kernel, applied a patch for DFS bands on the MT7612U dongles, and rebuilt kernel/images/installed ipks
<Snuupy> it was a ride
<Borromini> i can imagine :)
<Borromini> gotta go, bbl
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* neggles sobs in snapdragon
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<mrnuke> robimarko_: I'm looking at your branch(es) for ipq807x. I'm royally confused about the networking stuff.
<robimarko_> mrnuke: What is confusing you?
<mrnuke> robimarko_: all of it
<mrnuke> Then I see "qcom,phy-mdio-addr = ". Whait? WHat? Isn't there supposed to be a phy-handle?
<robimarko_> mrnuke: Yeah, in ideal world
<robimarko_> But those are QCA drivers, so they are still using the old school connect the PHY by using the bus name string
<mrnuke> How did qualcomm get away with shippung suuch a driver?
<robimarko_> How would anybody stop them?
<mrnuke> Client: "Umh, vendor, your code doesn't make sense"
<mrnuke> I imagine some poor engineer at Senao. Must have gone to the hospital for severe face injuries from facepalming when he got the code dump from qualcomm
<mrnuke> Is the ess switch stuff necessarry to get ethernet packets? I got my WAX218 to the point it finds the phy and established a link, but no packets flowing
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<robimarko_> Yeah, without proper ess-switch config networking wont work
<robimarko_> Cause that configures the switch and UniPHY
<robimarko_> They like all vendors have the stance that clients should be happy that they give them code
<robimarko_> They couldnt care less if its of any quality
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<mrnuke> robimarko_: Do we have an understanding of what the switch and uniphy do?
<robimarko_> mrnuke: In what sense?
<robimarko_> They are the ethernet switch and PHY block that connects to your ethernet PHY-s
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<mrnuke> Is this a correct description: RJ45 <-> PHY <-> phy-block <-> switch <-> cpu/openwrt?
<robimarko_> Yeah
<robimarko_> Plus the ethernet controller that sits between the switch and CPU
<mrnuke> Holy smokes. Looks like I do have to copypasta that weird ess node from the vendor dtb
<robimarko_> Yes
<robimarko_> Most of the ess-switch node is required
<mrnuke> Are there any hopes of ever having aproper upstream driver?
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<robimarko_> Hope is there
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<robimarko_> But its same thing as IPQ40xx
<robimarko_> Until somebody takes it up it aint gonna happen
<mrnuke> I take it nobody took up the IPQ40xx either?
<robimarko_> Well, company that I work for did
<robimarko_> But only recently
<robimarko_> As it was the only thing not upstream for IPQ40xx, as we upstreamed everything else
<robimarko_> Ethernet driver is being upstreamed right now by Bootlin
<robimarko_> And there is a working DSA driver and driver for the weird PSGMII PHY-s
<robimarko_> We are planning to upstream both of those
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<mrnuke> Yay! DO you happen to know if the ipq807 hardware is significantly different?
<robimarko_> Yeah, its rather different
<robimarko_> It shares some stuff like PSGMII from IPQ40xx
<robimarko_> But the switch, ethernet controller and PHY are heavily updated
<robimarko_> To support 2.5G SGMII and 10G Base-R
<mrnuke> I miss the days when hardware made sense
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<robimarko_> It still makes sense, just not without a datasheet
<mrnuke> I woke up this morning thinking "hey, you know what would be cool: to patch the qcom,phy-mdio-addr to use a phy-handle". But I realize now that how futile that effort would be
<robimarko_> It can be done
<robimarko_> And it is not actually that hard, I did that for IPQ40xx with the QCA driver
<mrnuke> If you think it's not a terrible idea, I can give it a try
<mrkiko> robirmarsorry, maybe I already asked but - will in future be any chance to use that hw in openwrt in general? Or are bootloaders in general hostile / locked ?
<robimarko_> Yeah, the PR branch is moving slowly to being ready for a OpenWrt PR
<robimarko_> We are sorting out some ath11k bugs
<robimarko_> Most of the code has been sent upstream and there is decent board support
<robimarko_> The goal is to get it into OpenWrt soon-ish
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<robimarko_> Bootloader situation really depends on the vendor, some utilize secure boot but you can just change the env to not use the default bootcmd
<Slimey> some :P
<mrnuke> " that hw in openwrt " is the reference for ipq807x ?
<mrkiko> robimarko_: so the situation is not much worse than it is in general
<robimarko_> mrnuke: You are gonna have to give me more context to that
<robimarko_> mrkiko: Well yeah
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<mrnuke> robimarko_: It was in reference to mrkiko's question about upstream openwrt support. I didn't catch if your following answers about the PR branches refer to ipq807x or another arch
<robimarko_> Its IPQ807x
<mrnuke> Yay!
<mrkiko> robimarko_: and, absolutely unrelated at some extent - what happened with the project to support the Xiaomi AX9000 from a board-related / bootloader related perspective? Considering the situation with the bootloader and all, I tought one might be better in waiting a device with same performance hoping things are better
<robimarko_> mrkiko: Well I have an AX9000 and its running fine
<robimarko_> Minus the current ath11k limitation about AHB and PCI at the same time
<mrkiko> mrnuke: guess the answer was yess; sorry, didn't catch you where talking with me
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<mrnuke> mrkiko: I just pulled a qualcomm by mistake: I made things confusing. Glad we got it sorted out :)
<mrkiko> robimarko_: but support isn't upstream right? And to flash it you should open it and do it via uart I guess
<robimarko_> No, nothing IPQ807x is in OpenWrt yet
<robimarko_> You dont have to use UART for AX9000, there is an exploit to enable SSH
<robimarko_> Its documented on the wiki
<mrnuke> (re wiki entry for ax9000) "Make sure that your UART adapter is 1.8V I/O level, 3.3V or 5V adapters will kill your SoC" -- who tried at and killed their SOC?
<robimarko_> I hope nobody, but I made sure to make it clear
<mrnuke> Looks like I was playing with fire when I connected a 5V UART to my WAX218 -- didn't kill it though. All is fine :D
<mrkiko> robimarko_: ok, so then UART will be needed only in case you flash a bad image and openwrt's failsafe doesn't rescue you as well
<robimarko_> mrnuke: Then your board has a logic level shifter or your UART can do 1.8V as well
<robimarko_> mrkiko: Hopefully, though I will move to expanding the rootfs into a single one to not waste like 75% of the NAND
<mrnuke> robimarko_: I suspected as much. I measured the VCC -> GND on the UART footprint, and it was 3.3V. Figured I'd give it a try :D
<mrkiko> robimarko_: thanks
<robimarko_> mrnuke: Then it has a level shifter for sure as SoC I/O is only 1.8V with the exception being SDIO
<mrkiko> BTW - a person is asking for help on the gl-b2200 thread of the openwrt forum; I can not answer easily. If someone might point him to IRC to talk with me or via mail ...
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<csrf> although I understand that it's not recommended for general use, can I edit the config_generate script as a quick&easy way to change the default IP for the lan interface on a custom build?
<dwfreed> why not just use uci-defaults?
<mrnuke> robimarko_: Will the future upstream OpenWRT ipq807x use the nss-packages feed until a proper driver is available?
<Slimey> heh the wireless standards group needs to add a flag that can tell people connected to a SSID to not use the mac address randomization that some devices offer :P
<f00b4r0> that would kinda defeat the purpose, wouldn't it?
<Slimey> yes but it makes it harder for wireless network administrators to block or track users via mac address
<f00b4r0> which is exactly the point ;)
<Slimey> but for police asking for logs its a bummer lol
<f00b4r0> also the point :)
<f00b4r0> police gets randomized macs logs. Not the admin's problem I'd say.
<dwfreed> iirc, the randomized macs are all only locally unique, so an admin could just captive portal them and tell them to turn it off
<nick[m]1234> jow: how can I accept a packet without traversing the firewall4 hook again?
<nick[m]1234> goto dores not work :/
<nick[m]1234> If I hook with priority INPUT - 1, I can not "final" accept a packet?
<robimarko_> mrnuke: SSDK and NSS-DP will be moved to the main tree and those will be used until a better solution exists
<mrnuke> robimarko_: thank you for the info. Now that I have an understanding of how the development for this chip works, I'm better prepared to enable the WAX218 properly
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<mrnuke> robimarko_: Your help today has enabled this : (screenshot of luci on WAX218). Thank you!
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<csrf> dwfreed, i understand that u can run customization scripts in uci-defaults
<csrf> but I want to save rom space, and the lan ip is a simple change
<dwfreed> a script takes *kilobytes* if that of rom space
<csrf> I figured it would be simple to just change the 'config_generate' script
<dwfreed> when you factor in squashfs, you're looking at total consumption of less than a kilobyte, probably
<csrf> if that's indeed where the ip gets set
<csrf> ok, well, still, assuming I don't want to use uci-defaults, will it work if I set the ip in 'config_generate'?
<csrf> or is there a better / other place to set it?
<dwfreed> I mean, there's one way to find out
<f00b4r0> "kilobytes" are already fairly large scripts
<dwfreed> f00b4r0: yeah, but in normal filesystems, a single file is generally a minimum of 4 kilobytes
<dwfreed> squashfs is of course special
<f00b4r0> ^
<Borromini> csrf: you can recompile your image and set a different IP in the buildroot
<Borromini> that's only worth your while if you do other stuff that requires buildroot too, though
<csrf> Borromini, where do I set it?
<csrf> uci-defaults just seems like overkill to set the lan IP, which is something u should ideally be able to set via 'make menuconfig' imo
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<Borromini> there's CONFIG_TARGET_PREINIT_IP=""
<Borromini> which I believe should do that although the 'preinit' makes me unsure.
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<csrf> Borromini, yeah, I was under the impression that preinit was for some kind of failsafe mode, but I'm not sure
<Borromini> yeah. I do set it to a 10.x subnet myself, but I also got UCI defaults setting that 10.x network. Has been ages since I configured that so cannot tell for sure. The preinit might be just for failsafe e.g.
<jow> nick[m]1234: you can't
<jow> nick[m]1234: a huge design flaw of nft imho
<jow> nick[m]1234: we probably need to sprinkle includes over the entire ruleset to offer various include places for users to stage rules inside chains before/after the default routes and into the fw4 table context as well as outside of it
<dwfreed> why not just use the same structure as fw3?
<dwfreed> you've got the chains that fw3 makes jumps to, and ensures exist, but otherwise doesn't touch
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<slh> mrnuke: I remember at least three or four instances on the forum where people destroyed their ax3600 or ax9000 with 3.3V UARTs
<slh> so the warning is needed and real
<slh> depends on the vendor/ device if they added a level shifter or just brought out the bare 1.8V UART lines from the SOC
<Habbie> noob question: could those have been prevented by using a multimeter first?
<slh> the archer c2600/ ipq8064 already needed 1.8V UART, so this isn't really a new story either
<slh> yes
<Habbie> ok, cool
<Habbie> then that's my personal takeaway here :)
<slh> but many of those affected don't have a multimeter and just ordered some usb2serial 'thingy' from the internet
<Habbie> ack
<Habbie> i do try to be more methodical
<Habbie> as a result i might also be unreasonably slow at doing things with devices
<Habbie> but i haven't destroyed any yet
<slh> dito, multimeter I have (and use, several actually), when it comes to logic analyzer, scope or spi-nor writers, I'd have to pass as well
<slh> there are also some devices with 2.5V UART (but that's even less common)
<slh> (and so far none in the ipq807x target)
<dwfreed> Habbie: serial is inverted logic (0 results in the normal "high" voltage level, and 1 is 0v), so when the TX line is idle, it'll be sitting at the voltage level the UART expects
<Habbie> yep
<Habbie> i recently learned that
<Habbie> from you perhaps even
<dwfreed> I feel like I've mentioned it to you before
<Habbie> :)
<Habbie> probably around a week before i posted :)
<dwfreed> so voltmeter between TX and ground, which there's usually pin of in the serial connector will tell you exactly what the UART voltage is
<Habbie> ack
<dwfreed> I have a mini radioshack multimeter, bought not long before radio shack completely died off
<dwfreed> does AC and DC volts, amps, and ohms, and has a forward voltage and continuity tester
<dwfreed> can also auto-detect AC vs DC
<dwfreed> reminds me I should make one of those handy 3.5mm serial adapters one day
<slh> I never really liked 3.5mm jacks for that - but don't really have a replacement either...
<dwfreed> the contact sliding may be problematic if not planned for
<Habbie> same - i think they're a very cute hack but i wish we had a better idea
<Habbie> dwfreed, contact sliding?
<dwfreed> on insertion, tip will touch all 3 contacts
<Habbie> oh yes
<slh> my preferred setup would be but I haven't actually implemented that either (and some devices might not like serial connected very early during the boot)
<dwfreed> as well as ring 1 may find itself touching the contact for both rings on the way in if the tolerances are off
<Habbie> slh, (why not? how would they know?)
<Habbie> that's a neat small board, btw - but indeed, might be harder to fit than a jack
<dwfreed> ooh, that is nice
<slh> Habbie: some devices are picky (as in not properly designed in terms of pull-up/ pull-down resistors), on those the voltage feeding from rx into the SOC can be enough to get the SOC into a weird state that makes it fail to boot (no problem if you only connect a split second after applying power to the board), most devices don't have that problem though
<Habbie> wow, ok
<Habbie> ah, rx is active high too, of course
<Habbie> eh, idle high
<dwfreed> slh: a smarter chip that doesn't bring up serial until the USB serial device has been opened, perhaps?
<Habbie> dwfreed, so, don't connect Vcc? :)
<slh> the permanently mounted mico-usb usb2serial just appears more sensible to me than an audio-jack (with its potential to short out the contacts)
<dwfreed> Habbie: correct, this should get power from the USB
<dwfreed> slh: agreed
<Habbie> yes, agreed
<slh> dwfreed: yeah, that would be the ideal solution (albeit rarely really needed)
<slh> (but I do have some devices falling into that category, e.g. o2 box 6431)
<dwfreed> wish the gl.inet devices could do serial over their USB power ports
<dwfreed> though the bigger ones that might be annoying to do
<Habbie> i recently pondered soldering something to the right pins on the power port on a device, indeed
<Habbie> why would the bigger ones be a problem/
<Habbie> ?
<slh> I never liked soldering audio jacks either, part of the reasons why I'd favour the micro-usb2serial approach - they need a lot of heat, and then easily melt away