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<owrt-2203-builds> Build [#57]( of `at91/sama5` failed.
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<slh> stintel: ipq807x doesn't /need/ to have high idle power figures, e.g. the xiaomi ax3600 (ipq8071a) is extremely modest at ~6 watts idle - but ipq8074a with quad-ax-radio and 6 GHz can get into the 25 watts/ idle range
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<stintel> slh: thanks for the clarification :)
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<nick[m]1234> I hopefully fixed all packages that were not compiling with iptables 1.8.8 (rtpengine). Can we now merge iptables 1.8.8
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<Harm_> Habbie: remember the black MT7621 device of which you could not extract the u-boot password? I looked into the u-boot dump, the hash is just a plain md5 hash (not md2!). I changed a few bytes to skip the password check, I can now get into the u-boot shell :D
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<frwol> hi
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<Harm_> hi
<Habbie> Harm_, neat! which bytes? :)
<Harm_> Habbie: in mtdblock1, change
<Harm_> 00001420 02 00 1c 3c 50 05 9c 27 21 e0 99 03 10 00 99 8f |...<P..'!.......|
<Harm_> to
<Harm_> 00001420 00 00 02 24 08 00 e0 03 00 00 00 00 10 00 99 8f |...$............|
<Habbie> ok
<Habbie> no checksum to deal with?
<Harm_> No, this patches fhe function that asks for your password to a 'return 0', so it skips that whole part
<Habbie> i mean, no checksum over the entire uboot to deal with
<Habbie> also, are you fpsusername[m]? or another person? :)
<Harm_> Ah, no checksum apparently. This just booted
<Habbie> neat
<Harm_> I'm someone else
<Habbie> cool
<Habbie> how did you get write access?
<Harm_> I lifted some pins of the flash chip and connected them to my raspberry pi to flash
<Harm_> I tried brute-forcing the md5 hash but my poor GTX980 could not find it after 1.5 days :(
<Habbie> cool :) i still haven't gotten around to that trick
<Habbie> however, i have root access once booted
<Habbie> it's just that i feared bricking uboot if i patched it
<Habbie> so, nice work :)
<Harm_> Yeah, it requires a bit of soldering experience :). With root access you should be able to flash. Next step for me is to gain root in Linux. Shouldn't be hard to patch the squashfs
<Habbie> if your firmware is old enough, i documented an exploit here
<Habbie> but clearly you'll manage without that :)
<Harm_> Yeah I've seen that. My firmware is newer so I couldn't use that
<Habbie> ack
<Harm_> nice work on that btw :D
<Habbie> and also not the other exploits from Tenable I presume?
<Habbie> thanks!
<Habbie> btw, now that uboot is unprotected, do you have TFTP? or at least read/write via the uboot shell?
<dwfreed> Harm_: an 8 character password could take up to a week to brute force on a 980
<dwfreed> based on this random benchmark I found online
<Habbie> and it might be longer than 8
<Harm_> Habbie: I've not checked for other exploits so far (apart from concluding I could not overflow some data by entering a very long password in u-boot)
<Habbie> hehe
<Harm_> dwfreed: iirc I stopped at the point where it was trying 10 character passwords and HashCat estimated 1-2 weeks for that length so it was a bit quicker than that
<aiyion> Good morning. Regarding LAN/WAN LEDs at the front, is there already a syntax to support "ROUTER" LEDs?
<aiyion> Either as in 'blink if there's traffic on lan or wan' or 'blink if there's traffic at all being routed'?
<dwfreed> you could use a iptables led target to accomplish that, but you'd have to do much of that manually
<dwfreed> s/a/an/
<dwfreed> and it would break in software and hardware flow offloading scenarios
<dwfreed> (more accurately, it would only identify the packet that creates the flow, not additional packets part of the flow)
<aiyion> would ucidef_set_led_netdev be extensible to support two interfaces instead of one?
<dwfreed> I don't think netdev in general supports more than one interface
<aiyion> Not yet, yeah.
<aiyion> Then simpler:
<aiyion> This device is similar, has a ROUTER LEd and was mapped to reflect only one of the ports.
<aiyion> I'm currently working with the wzr-hp-ag-300h / wzr-600dhp (diffeent device, same vendor)
<aiyion> There such an LED exists as well, was mapped in ar71xx but has no mapping in ath79 anymore.
<aiyion> Would it be fine to hand in a patch to reflect at least one of the interfaces?
<aiyion> (the one that was shown in ar71xx)
<stintel> Harm_: Harm_: what's the md5 hash ?
<dwfreed> Habbie: ^^^ (I assume that's who stintel meant to hilight)
<Habbie> i read it, but Harm_ might have it closer by
<Habbie> i'd have to dig
<Harm_> stintel: 46947c0bc8d2803f511b5f1ae08cf819
<stintel> dwfreed: thanks lol coffee no worky yet
<Habbie> 46947c0bc8d2803f511b5f1ae08cf819
<Habbie> copied from mine - i was wondering if it might have changed with updates
<Habbie> or be device-specific
<Habbie> (Harm_ is updated, I am on very old firmware)
<stintel> Harm_: what speed did you get ?
<Harm_> Habbie: shell access works fine:
<Habbie> oh good
<aiyion> Habbie, stintel just remembering you had this conversation about a year ago:
<Habbie> also tftp, indeed
<Habbie> indeed :)
<Habbie> i pasted the same hash back then
<Harm_> stintel: don't remember
<Harm_> Habbie: I've compared your dump with mine, we have the same u-boot
<Habbie> Harm_, ah neat
<stintel> Speed.#1.........: 22026.3 MH/s (7.30ms) @ Accel:64 Loops:512 Thr:256 Vec:1
<aiyion> it was md2, not md5 the last time around iirc
<Habbie> aiyion, somebody suspected md2 based on some of the code in the uboot block i rcall
<Habbie> *recall
<Habbie> it didn't sound conclusive
<stintel> so just plain md5 ?
<Habbie> that is what Harm_ says
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<Habbie> i don't know
<aiyion> just wanted to leave, what I remembered, to eventually spark something.
<stintel> I'll let it run for a bit :)
<Habbie> aiyion, it is appreciated :)
<Habbie> ah, hurricos spotted the s-table for md2, in that log
<Harm_> There is an md2 sbox in the code but I've emulated the password check function and it is not touched at all
<Habbie> right :)
<aiyion> nice :)
<Harm_> I created some breakpoints in the code and dumped the output of the hash it generated, when I entered a well known password (i.e. password) and searched for the hash online i found that it was an md5 hash
<Habbie> oh very good
<Habbie> what did you run it in?
<Harm_> code is a bit messy but this allows you to interatively enter a password and see the result
<Habbie> Unicorn is a lightweight, multi-platform, multi-architecture CPU emulator framework based on QEMU.
<Habbie> very nice
<aiyion> Thanks you two, learned something nice again.
<Habbie> same :)
<Harm_> You're welcome :)
<Harm_> stintel: I think I was more around 12000 MH/s
<stintel> I'll let it run for a bit - temperature back home is not that high
<Harm_> nice :D
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<aiyion> "1020"
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<aiyion> Is sure 46947c0bc8d2803f511b5f1ae08cf819 evaluates to 1020
<aiyion> cannot reproduce though?
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<Habbie> interesting, it might know about it because somebody pasted it into it a year ago
<Habbie> but i also cannot reproduce
<Habbie> it does say it supports various hash types
<Harm_> Me neither ( echo -n 1020 | md5sum )
<aiyion> I didn't forget to strip newlines or similar, likely another hashtype.
<aiyion> yeah.
<Harm_> When I replaced the expected hash with 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 in my simulator it happily accepts the password 'password'
<Habbie> ah, you're hberntsen :)
<Harm_> yes
<aiyion> does the password chnage from device to device?
<aiyion> or is it the sameacorss the revicsion?
<aiyion> *across
<aiyion> *revison ...
<aiyion> nvmd.
<Harm_> It is hardcoded in the firmware. H~abbie and I got the same hash embedded in it
<Harm_> (hardcoded in the U-Boot code)
<Habbie> yes - and my device is old and unupdated, while Harm_'s is updated
<Harm_> Yeah, though I'm not running the most recent version though
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<aiyion> good to know, thanks :)
<aiyion> Ive gone through the 20? largest reverse lookup sites I could find and have not seen it yet.
<aiyion> Rather sure its not in rockyou, or similar.
<Harm_> I checked some GPL dumps of various manufacturers with the same mediatek chip, I could not find any u-boot code with this check built-in
<Habbie> i also could not find any
<Harm_> When GPL compliance was requested on their forums I also got nothing:
<Habbie> ah
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<Habbie> this is very random - question i got without necessary context, but, does anybody recognise:
<Habbie> .../openwrt/tmp/opkg_install_list: No such file or directory
<Habbie> followed by
<Habbie> openwrt/staging_dir/host/bin/opkg: the ``install'' command requires at least one argument
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<GraphicHealer> Does anyone here know where I can get openwrt for the Orbi routers?
<GraphicHealer> RBR50v2
<GraphicHealer> And RBS50v2
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<GraphicHealer> Which are the same hardware, but the RBS50v2 is the remote point with the wan port set as lan in software
<GraphicHealer> They are both netgear
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<GraphicHealer> And they are on Atheros chips, which are some of the best for OpenWRT
<GraphicHealer> I looked it up and there are at least 10 other routers with openWRT that have the exact same processors.
<GraphicHealer> And yet these Orbi V2 routers dont
<PaulFertser> GraphicHealer: if OpenWrt already supports boards with the same SoC it's possible that you only need to write a suitable DTS file to describe your target. You'll want to have serial console to debug it.
<Habbie> the rc3 changelog mentions these boards
<PaulFertser> GraphicHealer: usually it's the easiest when you can use vendor bootloader to run an initramfs image.
<GraphicHealer> PaulFertser: I have previously looked into doing that on another device.
<PaulFertser> Thanks Habbie
<GraphicHealer> Netgear has been pretty good (at least lately) with allowing custom firmware on their routers.
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<GraphicHealer> Does OpenWRT support meshing?
<GraphicHealer> Cause that is the whole point of these routers.
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<PaulFertser> GraphicHealer: 802.11s should work
<GraphicHealer> Ah. is that mesh?
<PaulFertser> GraphicHealer: not sure what particular meshing technology you have in mind.
<GraphicHealer> I guess whatever these use in the first place
<GraphicHealer> Considering the hardware os already there
<GraphicHealer> *is
<PaulFertser> OpenWrt supports 802.11s if hardware supports it (ath10k does), OSLR and BATMAN over IBSS etc.
<GraphicHealer> Ok....
<GraphicHealer> I work in IT but that doesn't mean I understand all the standards, etc.
<GraphicHealer> I know linux and some hardware stuff, but witeless protocols still tend to be a mystery for me
<GraphicHealer> *wireless
<GraphicHealer> Along with compilation. Never really have gotten compilation setups quite working right
<GraphicHealer> So this will be fun
<GraphicHealer> PaulFertser: what protocol do you think the orbi uses?
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<GraphicHealer> Or is that something I'd find out in the serial debug?
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<Habbie> the commit message suggests you can telnet - might be easier to find things out that way, on a running system
<PaulFertser> GraphicHealer: it looks like wifi hardware in that Orbi is supported by ath10k softmac driver so 802.11s should be available.
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<GraphicHealer> PaulFertser: cool. Thanks for the info. I gotta get to work, but I'll probably be looking at the hardware this weekend!
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<Ansuel> seems an easy fix can i backport it to 5.10 and push it to 22.03 since it still has to be tagged for the wolfssl change?
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<Habbie> can I build a host GNU make with the openwrt.git tree? :)
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<jow> Ansuel: / is exactly the reason why packages should not enable build time features in other packages
<jow> ideally we should have a buildroot mechanism to prevent such inter-package feature dependencies
<jow> especially when feed packages enable features in core packages, or shared ones in nonshared ones
<jow> can lead to problems in other situations as well
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<Ansuel> jow learnd that the bad way... but i wonder if a good solution would be ""unify"" a configuration from stage1 and stage2. This problem wasn't present with local compilation and presented only with CONFIG_ALL. Wonder if we can think of a way to select the package (and enable the config flag) but skip the compilation. But I guess all this would be a big workaround to problematic Makefile that should be written correctly in the
<Ansuel> first place
<Ansuel> (wonder if we have other case like that... i mean we notice this just because the package had an hash for abi... if it was simply libwolfssl we wouldn't even notice)
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<KGB-1> has been updated. (11.1% images and 97.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<Habbie> my very random question earlier - turns out package/Makefile requires gnu make 4.0 since 21.02.2
<Habbie> centos7 ships 3.82
<Habbie> i assume we want to fix this?
<Habbie> (alternatively, we could warn/error, but i suspect plenty of people still use centos7..)
<Ansuel> can you create an issue?
<Habbie> definitely -
<Habbie> oh that redirects to github now anyway
<Ansuel> anyway in prereq we have "Please install GNU make v4.1 or later." so why prereq is not failing?
<Habbie> oh
<Habbie> that's an excellent question
<Ansuel> $(MAKE) -v | grep -E 'Make (4\.[1-9]|[5-9]\.
<Ansuel> this is the command used
<karlp> centos7 is from 2009?
<karlp> people are still using that as development build servers?
<Habbie> 2014
<Habbie> and yes, but perhaps not that many, as openwrt master has been "broken" for a year in this regard
<Habbie> Ansuel, that command exits 1 on the machine, i'll find out why 'make' did not hit it
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<Habbie> ah, 21.02 still has 3.82 in
<Habbie> i summarised it all in
<Habbie> we can go a few ways here :)
<Habbie> (happy to PR things after a decision)
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<Lechu> Ansuel: I checked the register mapping between AR9331 and AR9344, and some registers were shifted around. Fields seem to have stayed in place, at least. Color me surprised.
<Ansuel> to me ar9344 seems more similar to qca8k than ar9311
<Lechu> Building now with a hack, let's see how it goes.
<Ansuel> the tagging scheme looks identical
<Lechu> Yeah, maybe it'll be easier to attach it to qca8k actually
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<Lechu> also ar9331 is in dire need of refactoring of all that regmap stuff with a ton of #defines
<Ansuel> theory time ar9311 -> ar9344 ->qca8k (and ar9344 is in the middle as they were changing switch implementation
<Lechu> I need to compare the datasheet against ar8327 then as well.
<Ansuel> about regs i had this crazy theory of converting eerything to regfield implementation but that would slow down the driver considering it's used on low spec devices
<Lechu> Also, I very much like the idea of modularizing existing drivers - obviously, for ability to convert individual devices
<Ansuel> again problem is that you will quickly fall in making the driver slower
<Ansuel> (and also unreadable making another qca ssdk that supports 7 different switch with regs all over the include)
<Lechu> Yeah, probably :|
<Ansuel> bu yhea feature wise the 3 driver are very similar... even in how the function but creating a unified driver produce major problems (perf regression, bigger size....)
<Lechu> I also think that this should be done the other way around - separate drivers, sharing some common code.
<Ansuel> that will be done for ipq40xx internal driver
<Ansuel> problem is when the regs are different
<Lechu> dereferencing a register map, even a const one is costly :|
<Ansuel> that can be handled by regfield implementation but add tons of overhead to the driver (regfield implementation you declare the regmap and on the function side you reference it with a define)
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<Ansuel> (that still lacks stuff)
<Lechu> duh, still no traffic -.-
<Ansuel> check if you it's sending packet back
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* enyc meows
<enyc> we ae curious why rc3 etc ''deleed'' ;o
<enyc> not important, no doubt rc4 will be tagged in time
<enyc> jow: you make me wonder if debian pbuilder style, minimial build deps in chroots etc etc is what you are saying by "buildroot mechanism"
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<hanetzer> Lechu: hrm, regmap->define? whatcha talkin bout?
<Lechu> hanetzer: drivers/net/dsa/qca/ar9331.c
<hanetzer> mainline?
<Lechu> Ansuel: no traffic other than tagged egress from CPU, same as before. I'll go digging through regmap then, I guess.
<Lechu> hanetzer: yeah
<Lechu> hanetzer: that driver is using regmap, but with direct register addressing, with offsets in #defines, which is PITA when trying to support a second, similar device
<hanetzer> gotcha, so its a bastard hybrid instead of pure define/readl/writel vs the regmap api
<Ansuel> Lechu what i would first check are the 0x000 regs (the one that configure the gmac and the initial configuration)
<Ansuel> i bet the regs are different
<Lechu> Ansuel: for sure they are, I caught at least 3 different addresses
<Lechu> haven't yet looked into the fields as much tho
<Ansuel> your goal is to get the switch to send tagged packet.
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<rsalvaterra> Ugh… irqbalance is broken.
<rsalvaterra> Is Hannu Nyman usually around here?
<rsalvaterra> Build from master, I have to.
* enyc meows about attic-hatches :O
<enyc> wrong window
<enyc> sorry
<rsalvaterra> I'm starting to think I'm doing way too many git-src overrides…
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* mrnuke meep! meep!
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<KGB-2> has been updated. (96.2% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<jow> enyc: it would solve the problem, but would also shift a lot of responsibility to the server side (to "reassemble" the repos there)
<jow> enyc: so people building openwrt themselves would either require additional infrastructure to create their own repos or we'd need to maintain different implementations (repo generation in buildroot and repo generation on the server from uploaded ipks)
<jow> not sure if it makes sense
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<mangix> Ansuel: welcome back
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<Ansuel> Hi ?
<Ansuel> what's the problem?
<Ansuel> where is ksmbd-server defined
<Ansuel> i found something like that for ath11k with some strange dependency for wifi offload
<jow> Mangix: what is the motivation for dropping the iconv stub?
<jow> ah, musl gained builtin support
<Ansuel> Mungix the recursive dep doesn't make sense o.o
<Ansuel> unless i'm missing some config
<mangix> jow: was motivated by the recent glib2 iconv/intl update.
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<KGB-1> has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<mangix> jow: turns out CMake's find_package(Iconv REQUIRED) does not work when libiconv-stub is used.
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<mangix> I think the libiconv-stub patch needs to be merged first and then CMake PRs reran
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<mangix> ok never mind. find_package(Iconv) is completely broken
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