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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#96]( of `ipq40xx/chromium` failed.
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<mangix> svanheule: yeah GCC12 problem.
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<zexon> hello hello
<zexon> i download a theme from github and install it, when i open the web interface, it says
<zexon> that /usr/lib/lua/luci/template.lua:55: Failed to execute template 'sysauth'.
<zexon> usr/lib/lua/luci/template.lua:55: Failed to execute template 'sysauth'.
<zexon> and A runtime error occurred: /usr/lib/lua/luci/template.lua:55: Failed to execute template 'header'.
<zexon> and other like this
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<zexon> how to fix /usr/lib/lua/luci/template.lua:55: Failed to execute template 'xxx'
<zexon> i download and install a new theme
<zexon> :<
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<Tapper> Hi any one know if OpenWrt can be hacked this way?
<Tapper> Is it just old oems that don't update?
<Tapper> OEMS
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<mrkiko> Tapper: tried to schim the article to understand the infection vector (how the thing gets into the router / it's executed), but can't find that. so I have no answer.
* Tapper nods
<Tapper> That is what I was thinking.
<SwedeMike> Tapper: any remote exploit (even from LAN) can be used
<EqUaTe> given it mentions a script being run, i'd wager it requires some level of user interaction
<PaulFertser> Tapper: I can't see the article describing any attack at all, they talk about how this malware behaves after somehow starting executing, but not what happens before.
<SwedeMike> basically any of the "authentication not required" could be used via some software/browser running on the LAN
<Tapper> PaulFertser yeah. That's why I asked here. You cant defend against sonthing if you don't know how it starts.
<f00b4r0> initial attack vector is hinted: "In this case, the actor exploited known CVEs (CVE-2020-26878 and CVE-2020-26879)"
<Tapper> SwedeMike So why the list of routers and not just say all routers?
<f00b4r0> Tapper: it targets MIPS machines that have CVE-riddled software
<f00b4r0> presumably WAN-remote exploitable CVEs
<SwedeMike> Tapper: guess the sw needs to understand different router vendors and their individual CVEs, to abuse them
<Tapper> OK.
<Tapper> makes sence
<f00b4r0> it won't keep me from sleeping at night ;)
<stintel> plenty of other things that do that already 😂
<f00b4r0> lol
* stintel looks at w83793 wdt
<f00b4r0> i noticed your last comments yesternight
<f00b4r0> seems like sysupgrade may need to be taught about the specifics of this particular dog
<Tapper> So it looks like OpenWrt with out the OEMs crap is safe from this one. I mite be rong.
<EqUaTe> old openwrt versions may well be vulnerable, but it's likely to be versions that have been unsupported for years.
<stintel> f00b4r0: w83793 is just buggy
<f00b4r0> stintel: it's hardware. Of course it's buggy ;D
<robimarko> Thats a feature, not a bug
<f00b4r0> ^
<f00b4r0> ;D
<robimarko> Otherwise it would be way too simple
<EqUaTe> robimarko: only if you're intel or microsoft.
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<robimarko> It seems that more and more companies have that view now
<EqUaTe> too many sales engineers.
<stintel> f00b4r0: did you notice I pushed 5.15 testing kernel for qoriq? and some more stuff like disable CONFIG_COMPAT and enable HARDENED_USERCOPY ?
<stintel> and your patches too
<f00b4r0> I did, thanks!
<stintel> I will backport these to 22.03 also, probably on Friday
<f00b4r0> 👍
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<Tator> Is there some way to find out which package provides a given filename?
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<stintel> Tator: opkg search /path/to/file
<Tator> Ah, I thought I remembered something like that. Thanks.
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<Tator> Ah, but as I recall, that only works for installed packages. What if I'm looking for a file I'm missing?
<Habbie> grep the packages tree perhaps
<Habbie> (from git)
<Habbie> indeed search only works for installed packages here
<stintel> opkg search filename
<stintel> maybe
<stintel> ehr
<stintel> yeah, ignore me
<stintel> geez
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<Ilya-1234> Hello people of development. I'm interested in adding support of OrangePI R1 to OpenWrt. My knowledge was enough to build my own image. Unfortunately this wasn't enough for using my hardware as personal router. I'm READY to donate my hardware for this or support this initiative with some money. I'd prefer to AVOID paypal (personal trait). So my question is: how can I help project elsewhere?
<Ilya-1234> Sorry for my bad English.
<Ilya-1234> s/elsewhere/somehow else/
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<Tator> Yo.
<Tator> How do you build just one specific kernel module?
<Tator> This build system is driving me up the wall. All the examples I can find say to build the entire kernel, but the thing is building the modules in the wrong order.
<Tator> There's probably a missing dependency in there somewhere.
<Tator> But I don't feel like tracking it down. I just want to tell it to build a needed thing so that it will stop complaining about it when building something else.
<Tator> I feel sorry for anybody who has to use this thing. It must take like a week to make the slightest change.
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