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<owrt-2203-builds> Build [#78](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-22.03/images/#builders/48/builds/78) of `mediatek/mt7629` completed successfully.
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<kerneltoast> nbd: hi! i've got an interesting problem with mt7915: transmitting from mt7915 with MCS >9 @ 160 MHz bandwidth results in a near-dead connection, and i'm not seeing any packet mangling from a monitor capture
<kerneltoast> when i force MCS 10 or 11 on mt7915, it suddenly starts sending BA requests and then the BA miss count rapidly goes up
<kerneltoast> this even happens with mtk's official driver on my device's stock firmware, so i don't think it's a bug in mt76
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<swalker> updated openwrt/upstream, https://sdwalker.github.io/uscan/index.html
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<owrt-2203-builds> Build [#78](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-22.03/images/#builders/47/builds/78) of `bcm27xx/bcm2708` completed successfully.
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<Habbie> Mangix, ah
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<mrkiko> Mangix: something like libubox host build failure
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<mangix> mrkiko: I'd like more info.
<mrkiko> Mangix: eh, I should restart building ... give me some time
<mrkiko> Mangix: but bascically ld gives a reference error - arc4random
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<mangix> mrkiko: incredible. are you building on macOS?
<mrkiko> Mangix: no, archlinux
<mrkiko> Mangix: I am distclean'ing things now- will rebuild from scratch
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<mangix> mrkiko: so arc4random is a function only found on BSDs. The only thing I can think of is that you have libbsd installed locally and json-c is picking up that.
<mrkiko> Mangix: can confirm I have libbsd locally installed
<mrkiko> Mangix: via package manager
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<mrkiko> Mangix: well, so ... let's look at what happens. If I am able to reproduce it I'll send you the build output
<mangix> mrkiko: simple way to fix your issue is pacman -R libbsd; make package/libjson-c/{clean,compile}
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<mrkiko> Mangix: well, I did actually build my image by reverting the commit, I am just trying to provide useful hints on why things are breaking
<mrkiko> Mangix: if you think it can be useful
<mrkiko> Mangix: and - removing libbsd would smbclient, which would remove mplayer - and I do use mplayer :D :D
<mangix> wait a minute...
<mangix> is the host build failing?
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<mrkiko> Mangix: yes
<T-Bone> hauke: would you consider https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/commit/6a5b4228e30244b44a49f523dea66caf3fbe3307 for 21.02? Otherwise checking out 21.02 after some more recent branch requires a distclean
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<f00b4r0> (cherry picking this patch fixes the issue)
<mangix> mrkiko: edit package/lib/libjson-c/Makefile and remove CMAKE_HOST_OPTIONS
<zorun> f00b4r0: in general, changing major branches is not supported and will break stuff
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<f00b4r0> zorun: i don't see why. It works for me™ ;P
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<f00b4r0> the point is to avoid having to ditch e.g. the toolchain and other tools that make the bulk of build times
<mangix> mrkiko: oh no wait. DISABLE_EXTRA_LIBS is not even being used.
<f00b4r0> and the patch I linked is a one-liner, so it's not invasive.
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<zorun> I know, I am the one who committed it in the first place ;)
<zorun> right, we can backport it for consistency
<f00b4r0> heh, then you should be pushing it ;-)
<zorun> f00b4r0: what is breaking exactly? it looks like both symlink or empty exec should be equivalent in 21.02?
<f00b4r0> you can't run "make" without this patch
<f00b4r0> due to the error listed in line 2 of commit msg
<zorun> strange, we don't even have meson in 21.02
<f00b4r0> the change is generic AFAICT
<f00b4r0> and it happened for me on ath79
<f00b4r0> well
<f00b4r0> on anything in fact
<f00b4r0> since you can't even run make menuconfig
<zorun> ok, will test (for curiosity) & backport
<f00b4r0> basically I went master -> 22.03 -> 21.02 (as I was backporting the same patch) and in 21.02 I hit that bug. Cherry picking fixed it immediately.
<f00b4r0> have to run, bbl :)
<nick[m]1234> f2fs-tool fails after upgrade. On my buildsystem I can not reproduce the error. Can someone with the error check https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/10191 ?
<mrkiko> nick[m]1234: hi! Any news on the board conversions?
<zorun> right, got it, it redoes the prereq steps and basically fails to "touch /bin/true"
<nick[m]1234> mrkiko: no ;)
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<mrkiko> nick[m]1234: issues with testing?
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<zorun> f00b4r0: done
<mrkiko> Mangix: http://ix.io/41zs
<mangix> you need to run make package/libjson-c/host/clean first
<mangix> wait a minute
<mangix> this failure is in libblobmsg
<mangix> you know what, just delete build_dir/hostpkg and try building again
<mrkiko> Mangix: consider I started from a distclean state
<mrkiko> Mangix: but effectively this was the second run since I did the first one in parallel - otherwise it would take much more time. Now deleted the folder and re-doing it
<mangix> anyway, the patch definitely fixes it
<mrkiko> Mangix: http://ix.io/41zt
<mrkiko> ok, so we have a problem and a fix :D
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<mangix> mrkiko: what I think is happening here is that libbsd is getting linked statically which makes libubox need to link it. tempted to call it an arch linux packaging bug.
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#605](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/65/builds/605) of `archs38/generic` failed.
<nick[m]1234> Mangix: do you also experience the f2fs-tools failure?
* enyc meeps
<mrkiko> Mangix: in theory, anyone trying to build on Arch should experience this, then... so I expect this will come up somewhere at some point
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<mrkiko> I unfortunately won't be able to move fast at least for some days
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<mangix> nick[m]1234: haven't built openwrt in a while
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<nick[m]1234> Just did a git clean -xdf and recompile everything with the patches. lgtm so far.
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<robimarko> Has anybody looked at: https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/10162
<robimarko> It looks interesting
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<nick[m]1234> Can someone with merge access may merge the json-c and f2fs-tools fixes?
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<f00b4r0> zorun: thanks!
<f00b4r0> robimarko: indeed. One bit of info missing is the boot time impact. I suspect there's a decompression time penalty. Probably not as bad as lzma + lzma-loader, but you never know
<stintel> I'd much rather see more work done on self-decompressing kernel
<stintel> and ditch lzma-loader altogether
<stintel> we have maybe 10+ different miniforks of it
<stintel> it's a disaster
<f00b4r0> true that
<robimarko> f00b4r0: Yeah, I am still to test it myself, though I doubt that couple of seconds on the usually slow devices matters more than flash usage
<robimarko> LZMA loader is a dumpster fire currently, every arch has its own cobbled together fork
<f00b4r0> robimarko: sure, if it's the same order of magnitude. If the device takes 2 or 3x more time to boot, the evaluation may be different :)
<f00b4r0> but I agree that we should strive to get rid of lzma-loader
<stintel> get rid of, or at least merge it into a single one used by all targets that need it
<stintel> that said, I did not manage to get the self-decompressing kernel to work on realtek
<robimarko> I am not in the loop, does MIPS support zImage?
<f00b4r0> i wonder if this could help us further repel going back to lzma-loader on mikrotik ath79 initramfs (see #9911)
<stintel> I believe svanheule had it working on ath79
<robimarko> Yeah, better get zboot working rather than lzma-loader
<karlp> isn't one of the limiting factors bootloader requirements though?
<f00b4r0> robimarko: fully agreed
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<stintel> I was trying it on the Edgecore ECS4100-12PH because the default u-boot env bootcmd: bootcmd=mtdparts default;sf probe 0;sf read 0x81000000 0x00200000 0x300000;bootm
<robimarko> karlp: AFAIK, the whole point of zboot is that it is self-extracting, thus not requiring bootloader support
<stintel> I can change the u-boot env but it's nicer if we can just boot with the default env
<robimarko> stintel: I am seeing more and more crazy stock bootcmd-s
<robimarko> They really like hardcoding the kernel size there
<stintel> yeah :(
<stintel> and 3M is not much in 5.10 or 5.15 times
<robimarko> 3M is great, D-Link hardcoded the kernel partition to 1.3M
<stintel> pfff
<f00b4r0> yikes
<robimarko> And to sweeten the deal, they use dual FW on the 32MB of NOR
<robimarko> And enforce checksum verification
<f00b4r0> ugh
<robimarko> And that only works within the partition bounds
<robimarko> Had to modify the bootloader to get rid of that
<robimarko> OpenWrt currently works by luck on DGS-1210 series as it fails checksum verification but the implementation is so dumb that it just cares that one of the FW-s passes
<robimarko> And just boots from the initially requested offset
<stintel> pfff I cancelled my order of the dual 10G NICs. ordered on amazon.de with expedited delivery on thursday, they were still not dispatched so they wouldn't arrive before I'm travelling again
<stintel> expedited delivery my ass
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<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#16](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-21.02/images/#builders/3/builds/16) of `omap/generic` completed successfully.
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<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#17](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-21.02/images/#builders/1/builds/17) of `tegra/generic` completed successfully.
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<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#16](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-21.02/images/#builders/11/builds/16) of `sunxi/cortexa53` completed successfully.
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<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#18](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-21.02/images/#builders/2/builds/18) of `kirkwood/generic` completed successfully.
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<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#16](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-21.02/images/#builders/44/builds/16) of `realtek/generic` completed successfully.
<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#16](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-21.02/images/#builders/50/builds/16) of `oxnas/ox820` completed successfully.
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<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#16](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-21.02/images/#builders/52/builds/16) of `octeontx/generic` completed successfully.
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<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#16](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-21.02/images/#builders/59/builds/16) of `pistachio/generic` completed successfully.
* enyc meeps
<enyc> 21.02 builds, but no new 22.03 as-yet? keep seeing people asking if there is an rc5 or what
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* mrnuke meep! meep!
<nick[m]1234> hauke: can you maybe merge the fixes added today for json lib and f2fs?
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<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#16](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-21.02/images/#builders/23/builds/16) of `ramips/rt3883` completed successfully.
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<f00b4r0> tmn505: re your RedBoot patches, have you checked if CONFIG_MTD_SPI_NOR_USE_VARIABLE_ERASE wouldn't help?
<f00b4r0> it intends to replace the now-defunct 4K_SECTORS + 4K_SECTORS_LIMIT combination
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<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#16](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-21.02/images/#builders/38/builds/16) of `x86/64` completed successfully.
<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#16](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-21.02/images/#builders/47/builds/16) of `ramips/mt7620` completed successfully.
<KGB-1> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_kirkwood.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<hauke> nick[m]1234: done
<nick[m]1234> hauke: :) thanks, but this PR is still missing: https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/10192
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<hauke> nick[m]1234: does it fix your upgrade?
<hauke> nick[m]1234: should I add a Fixes line?
<nick[m]1234> hauke: Yes. I ha no issue with update, because I had not the libbsed package enabled. A fixes line would be perfect. :)
<hauke> nick[m]1234: also done
<nick[m]1234> hauke: thaaaanks! :) Had a bad feeling that I broke those two important packages on some platforms. ^^
<robimarko> hauke: Any chance you can look at my backports patch for QMI helpers?
<hauke> robimarko: I will try to have a look in the next few weeks
<robimarko> Ok, I am finally getting IPQ807x stuff upstream and want to make a OpenWrt PR soon-ish
<hauke> we should anyway start getting a more recent mac80211 version
<hauke> robimarko: nice
<robimarko> hauke: newer backports would be great
<robimarko> I though about updating the point release over the weekend
<robimarko> As I need to get ath11k sorted
<robimarko> QCA upstream is so slow, it takes months to get stuff reviewed
<hauke> robimarko: what do you mean with "I though about updating the point release"?
<robimarko> The backports 5.15 point version
<robimarko> To the current one
<hauke> ah ok
<hauke> did you try it
<hauke> does it need some fixes?
<robimarko> Not yet, it will have to wait till weekend
<hauke> ok ;-)
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<hauke> nick[m]1234: do you use the wpan-tools?
<nick[m]1234> hauke: no
<nick[m]1234> hauke: but it was very outdated
<hauke> nick[m]1234: ok, I have a ieee802.15 device, but I think I never really used it
<nick[m]1234> hauke: maybe we should even remove it? seems that noone cares anymore about its presence
<nick[m]1234> hauke: the links were wrong
<nick[m]1234> hauke: I found a lot of unmaintained packges. sometimes the openwrt mirror is the only link that still provided the packages.
<nick[m]1234> I would be very happy about support in https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/10176
<hauke> yes maybe we remove it
<hauke> but there is still a board using it by default ;-)
<nick[m]1234> Than maybe we should update the tools. ;) However, sadly I am not able to "really" run-test it.
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<hauke> nick[m]1234: we have a github action to build test the tools for linux and macos
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<rsalvaterra> SwedeMike: In the context of the buffer bloat chat, the other day, it seems like there's a Portuguese ISP that gets it…! https://www.dslreports.com/speedtest/71094711
<SwedeMike> very nice!
<rsalvaterra> This is with the provided CPE. Quite remarkable.
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<Ansuel> i wonder... any reason tools is not part of the toolchain ?
<Ansuel> or any problem if for example i cache them in github ci ?
<Ansuel> i'm having fun with external toolchain trying to reduce github ci actions but tools compile time is still 20 min
<Habbie> i guess the SDK is not for you in this case?
<Ansuel> sdk is good for packages. with openwrt repo we need actions that runs on a full buildroot
<Ansuel> so i'm trying to reduce all the wasted time with things not related to the target
<Ansuel> currently to arrive at the target build 20min of "setup" are needed.... 10-15 min of them are tools compiling
<Ansuel> github.com/Ansuel/openwrt/runs/7186547625 this is the current runner
<Habbie> yeah, got it
<Habbie> ccache + github caching might make sense
<Ansuel> ccache is not a bad idea
<Ansuel> will try to add that and cache it based on the target
<Ansuel> and be banned from github
<Ansuel> :D
<Habbie> github caching is quite nicely limited
<Habbie> it may just stop helping at some point if you "abuse" it
<Ansuel> oh well a build in just 37 minutes not bad
<Habbie> indeed
<Ansuel> also i should reall add something to get just a txt of the failed packages
<Habbie> i wonder if you could split tools and toolchain and then carry the artifacts to the next step that relies on both
<Habbie> or even split further down - surely not all targets depend on eachother
<Ansuel> at this point i would just cache the tools dir
<Habbie> ack
<Habbie> good one to try first
<Ansuel> i will totally test if cache would improve build time
<Ansuel> (first)
<Habbie> ack
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<Ansuel> ?
<mangix> i can't find the PR on github
<Ansuel> the user was a bit slow to answer to i fixed the title and merged. should i stop doing that?
<Ansuel> (honest question)
<mangix> another thing is that the driver is a shitshow. it needs a cleanup badly. also hardware checksum support so that GRO can work properly.
<mangix> there's also the issue that there's an upstream ag71xx driver which is not this one.
<Ansuel> it's a dsa driver
<Ansuel> but perf are shit
<mangix> qca8k is the dsa driver, no?
<Ansuel> fot that soc it's mixed... some are qca8k based other are based on another driver and still doesn't actually work due to changes in the tagger
<Ansuel> but main problem is that perf drop from 1gig to 100-200
<robimarko> If its the internal switch then AR9331 DSA exists
<robimarko> I think somebody was working on AR934x support as well
<Ansuel> robimarko there was one guy that tested it
<Ansuel> it didn't work
<Ansuel> by checking the documentation the tagger used for ar9331 is wrong
<Ansuel> (but it was probably ar934x)
<robimarko> Well, you gotta also remember that old atheros docs were hit and miss with the "facts"
<Ansuel> true but we found 2 diferent documenation that had the same tagger documentation just one had more info than the other
<Ansuel> it's similar to qca8k one with the difference of a different handling for the ports dest/source
<mangix> robimarko: i failed to get that driver working on qca9531
<robimarko> Finally added most of the peripherals
<robimarko> Mangix: That one is similar to AR934x?
<mangix> i think so
<mangix> specifically talking about this branch: https://git.openwrt.org/?p=openwrt/staging/blocktrron.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/dsa-ar9344
<Ansuel> robimarko: nice!
<Ansuel> any news with ath11k and nvmem ?
<robimarko> Nope, did not really have time for it
<robimarko> I did get NVMEM to work with ath11k a while ago
<robimarko> But it was hacky, need to refactor the firmware request function
<robimarko> As it assumes that firmware API is used and kind of abuses goto
<Lechu> Mangix: tried that as well, but I only got it working on AR9331 and (somewhat) on old AR7240
<robimarko> I can fit nvmem there but then I have to really take care not to use the FW struct as its a NULL pointer
<Lechu> no traffic so far on AR9344 and higher.
<mangix> sounds about right
<Lechu> Ansuel: is the tag driver you gave me from that tree?
<Lechu> looks similar (surprise surprise)
<Ansuel> yes
<Ansuel> oh no
<Ansuel> it's not from that tree
<Ansuel> does it have some changes or just things implemented in a different order?
<Lechu> I'd have to compare
<Lechu> anyway, it's great that someone else is trying as well
<Ansuel> he probably also notice the bad perf
<Lechu> I might just try to cherry-pick the support for ar9344 to my tree and see how it goes.
<Ansuel> it will probably works imho
<robimarko> Am I wrong, or is the checksum recalculated on each packet?
<robimarko> If so, that would explain the terrible performance
<Ansuel> well i assume yes as the tagged is stripped and insert every time
<robimarko> Well, that will trash these single core MIPS
<Ansuel> :D
<robimarko> As even if NIC has checksum offloading it wont work for RX path
<Ansuel> Waiting for a runner to pick up this job... github is filling the ban report
<mangix> what ban report?
<robimarko> He appears to be using Github actions for deving
<mangix> github only bans cryptocurrency miners
<Ansuel> Mangix nha just a joke but i'm abusing github actions a lot... aka compiling each target
<mangix> that's not abuse according to github
<robimarko> Doubt they will ban you
<robimarko> Probably just throttle
<Ansuel> mhhh the fact that packages compile time is only 7 minutes make me think external toolchain still have some problems
<Ansuel> on older version of the action it was 50 min...
robimarko has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<Ansuel> configure.ac:3: error: Autoconf version 2.71 or higher is required wat ?
goliath has quit [Quit: SIGSEGV]
<mangix> and yes, autoconf in openwrt is old because....reasons.
<Ansuel> well seems autoconf host tool is failing to build
<Ansuel> problem is that is not critical as i'm compiling with IGNORE_ERRORS
<Ansuel> configure.ac:75: error: possibly undefined macro: AM_ICONV
<Ansuel> mhhhh to me it seems host tools are not compiled o.O
<Ansuel> guess it's a side effect of external toolchain and calling compile and install things separately
<Ansuel> so what is the command to compile host tools o.O
<Ansuel> well another thing to cache MUAHAHAHAH
<mangix> Ansuel: make tools/compile I guess
<Ansuel> nope
<Ansuel> guess it's part of toolchain stuff
<mrnuke> autocringe? Who still uses autocringe besides GNU ?
<nick[m]1234> hauke: where is this github action?
<mangix> mrnuke: autocringe is still the most popular build system
* mrnuke cringes
<Ansuel> *** No rule to make target 'host/compile'. Stop.
* Ansuel doesn't want to check the wiki
<mangix> mrnuke: honestly everyone needs to transition to meson
<mrnuke> I'll take a akefile-based system any day over autoturds
<mangix> autotools was made for platforms no longer around.
<Ansuel> ok for real how should compile automake in staging_dir/host
<mangix> Ansuel: make tools/automake/compile
<mrnuke> Huh? Autoturds was at one point designed for something not useless?
<mrnuke> Ansuel: My apologies for my inability to take a sharp stab at autohell with every opportunity presented
srslypascal is now known as Guest4203
srslypascal has joined #openwrt-devel
<Ansuel> mrnuke mhh your reaction to autoconf is a bit cringe btw
<mrnuke> Ansuel: It's hard to imagine how much I can revile that piece of software...
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<KGB-0> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_x86.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<hauke> nick[m]1234: when you pull request is tagged with tools it is started
<Ansuel> hauke what do you mean ?
<hauke> Ansuel: nick[m]1234: when a pull request is tagged with tools the tools are build on linux and macos automatically
<Ansuel> oh wasn't aware of that
<Ansuel> can we make something like that for kernel bump ?
<hauke> yes
<Ansuel> an action that build all target but just the kernel part
<Ansuel> or at least run a patch refresh to check if they actually apply
<hauke> yes that is possible
<Ansuel> we have a similar think in packages if i'm not wrong
<Ansuel> similar thing*
<Ansuel> (btw hauke i'm experimenting with ccache with github actions... curious if it does improve compilation time)
<hauke> nice
<hauke> I think aparcar[m] also tried to optimize the build some time ago
<Ansuel> anyway we should reall check that monster makefile pr
Tapper has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
<Ansuel> no idea how to handle that
<Ansuel> ../src/drivers/driver_nl80211.c:2939:31: warning: passing argument 1 of 'nl80211_bss_msg' from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
<Ansuel> ../src/drivers/driver_nl80211.c: In function 'wpa_driver_nl80211_del_beacon':
<Ansuel> | |
<Ansuel> | ^~~
<Ansuel> 2939 | msg = nl80211_bss_msg(drv, 0, NL80211_CMD_DEL_BEACON);
<Ansuel> | struct wpa_driver_nl80211_data *
<Ansuel> ../src/drivers/driver_nl80211.c:689:50: note: expected 'struct i802_bss *' but argument is of type 'struct wpa_driver_nl80211_data *'
<Ansuel> 689 | struct nl_msg * nl80211_bss_msg(struct i802_bss *bss, int flags, uint8_t cmd)
<Ansuel> | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~
<Ansuel> ?
<Ansuel> how this is not a critical error?
<hauke> depends on your compiler settings
<hauke> I will have some sleep now
<Ansuel> gn
Misanthropos has joined #openwrt-devel
<mangix> Ansuel: C++ vs C difference
<mangix> It's probably not an error as there's no difference in the assembly
<mrnuke> Ansuel: Have you seen bootloops in ipq807x due to missing rootfs?