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* f00b4r0 notices lots of STA-OPMODE-SMPS-MODE-CHANGED back-and-forth.
<f00b4r0> I thought this was only a problem with 7903, but this is a 7905N radio
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<f00b4r0> err...;a=commit;h=7ea82bc17d1583f4d9d46397846b0eb63e6651eb
<f00b4r0> author & commiter & SoB as "" ?!
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<f00b4r0> (and a malformed commit message - what else could go wrong)
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<robimarko> Yeah, my fault
<robimarko> Fix was correct and I did not inspect the description and SoB
<robimarko> Will definitively pay more attention
<f00b4r0> but it looks like it was committed by GH. Don't we have CI tests for this?
<robimarko> Seems we dont as only CI failure was bulding of a mediatek subtarget which was not that PR-s fault
<f00b4r0> (don't want to throw a stone at anyone, just make sure we catch these efficiently)
<f00b4r0> it's not terribad since it's not a code commit
<f00b4r0> robimarko: did you use some script to commit this? Because it seems really odd that the committer is set to Github: if scripted, this should probably be fixed
<dwfreed> it's the commit directly from the PR
<dwfreed> the person who made the PR did the commit from the github web interface
<robimarko> f00b4r0: Yes, I used the github-merge-pr but that one doesnt change the commiter
<f00b4r0> robimarko: sounds like a bug
<f00b4r0> dwfreed: i see
<robimarko> Do you want me to revert the commit?
<f00b4r0> no no, who am i to suggest this :)
<robimarko> Asking in general, as I introduced the issue
<f00b4r0> just I think we want to make sure this cannot happen again, because it would be pretty nasty if it were copyrigthtable code
<f00b4r0> the commit script should definitely update the committer imho
<robimarko> Well, it usually does
<robimarko> Author gets preserved while commiter is the actual commiter
<f00b4r0> which would make sense :)
<robimarko> So, this is some GH trickery being doe if such SoB is used
<robimarko> Which I do not like
<f00b4r0> heh. Clearly there's a problem with the tools because that particular commit has *all* the things we want to avoid ;)
<robimarko> Well, it seems that for whatever reason on this PR formal checks were never ran
<stintel> interesting
<stintel> how did you even manage that?
<stintel> if I apply a commit locally I'm the committer
<robimarko> Well, that is the thing I have no clue
<robimarko> As the github-merge-pr script just pushes it via git
<robimarko> I have used it so far without issues like this
<stintel> I guess I can extend the check-commits hook
<robimarko> I will poke at ansuel to see why formal checks were not ran on that PR
<jow> I'd revert that commit
<dwfreed> I mean, reverting it doesn't really change anything, it's still in git history permanently; it's also 1 trivial line, which is very much not copyrightable
<jow> and reapply with your own S-o-b and a Suggested-by or Ref:
<jow> dwfreed: it shows that the form was not acceptable
<robimarko> jow: I am inclined to revert it
<robimarko> And just reopen the PR for the original author to resolve the formal issues
<jow> robimarko: even better
<dwfreed> note that GitHub understands full URLs to PRs or issues in a Closes: tag, though for PRs they won't get marked as merged
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<stintel> I'll work on / propose some changes to the check-commits hook
<jow> I think one check should rule out any noreply@ mail address
<robimarko> The formal workflow could probably do that, but gotta figure out why it did not run against this PR
<robimarko> As it would have pointed out other issues
<jow> shows a red cross
<robimarko> CI ran, but it did not run the formal workflow
<jow> the github-merge-pr script does not check the check results though, that should probably be added
<jow> ah
<robimarko> It failed on mediatek subtarget which is not related
<robimarko> Its not practical to add the check to the script as we have random unrelated CI failures all of the time
<stintel> robimarko: adding things to check-commits would reject push
<robimarko> stintel: I agree on that
<stintel> so even if the github-merge-pr script breaks in the future due to whatever changes in github or git, it should still catch it
<stintel> I'm just trying to find a repo that has this hook active to test my changes
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<stintel> also we should probably just enable that check-commits script for all repos on ?
<stintel> it appears to be only enabled for very few repos:
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#108]( of `master_bmips/bcm63268` completed successfully.
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<Ansuel> jow: ping
<Ansuel> In short, with WPS enabled hostpad creates a psk for each device and we totally lack support for this in uci config
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<Ansuel> would be ok to introduce a new kind of section in wifi config similar to what is done with dhcp config with Static Lease ?
<Ansuel> (With just mac, psk and iface?)
<Ansuel> And maybe if iface is omitted the thing is applied to each iface? (similar to what is done with vlan-id)
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<Piraty> where does "Hardware Highlights" on wiki device pages pull the data from?
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#108]( of `master_ramips/rt288x` completed successfully.
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<mrkiko> Piraty: from corresponding techdata page
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<Piraty> hwdata seems to be the correct term, thanks for hinting this
<Piraty> both are related
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<Piraty> judging from both bootlogs, this device has 4core cpu and 256M RAM ... . i'm about to fix the data, objections?
<Piraty> well hmm ... report 2cores ..?
<stintel> it's 2 cores 4 threads most likely
<Piraty> didn't know threading exists on mips
<Piraty> in this case, "threads" would be a useful field to have in hwdata
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#110]( of `master_ramips/mt76x8` failed.
<stintel> dhewg: so I wrote a PoC mDNS relay in Rust :P
<stintel> I should have said "working PoC" maybe
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<stintel> 1.5MB binary size for release build with size optimizations
<colo> yay for static linking, right?
<stintel> ah well it is what it is
<stintel> most modern embedded devices have decent flash sizes anyway
<dhewg> stintel: hah, nice!
<stintel> right now 2 relays communicate over WebSocket with the raw mNDS UDP packet JSON serialized, but I plan to replace that with binary format - dunno if that will reduce size
<stintel> I should do some cleanup, write a README, and publish it on github/codeberg
<stintel> but later, need to pick up a friend from the airport, might be a couple of days before I get to that
<owrt-images-builds> Build [#107]( of `master_ramips/mt7621` failed.
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