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<KGB-2> has been updated. (0% images and 100.0% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<slh> mrnuke: out of curiosity, 64- or 32 bit userland on that tp-link/ ipq95xx?
<mrnuke> slh: I have not been able to get that info yet.
<mrnuke> can't get a shell over serial console, and the FW update images from the veendor don't decode to anything
<slh> it seems some vendors tend to use ARMv7a/ 32 bit on ipq95xx, for some weird reason
<mrnuke> Do you want to take a look at the vendor's GPL sources?
<slh> sure (not sure how deep I can look right now though)
<slh> CONFIG_TARGET_ipq95xx_ipq95xx_32 is promising at least
<slh> as are CONFIG_ARCH_64BIT=y and CONFIG_aarch64=y
<slh> hmm, there are multiple configs with different settings, some 64 bit, some 32 bit - so no final all clear yet
<mrnuke> I'm currently looking into getting the NAND driver working, to see if I can extract the UBI images that way.
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<russell--> i'm working creating an openwrt package that uses cmake. is there a canonical openwrt-way of squelching the building of documentation?
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<russell--> anybody recognize the error here?
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<aparcar> is rosen aka neheb around?
<Habbie> 04:36Z <-- Mangix ( has quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
<Habbie> aparcar,
<aparcar> Habbie: oh right, mangix. so many user names...
<aparcar> thanks
<Habbie> yeah, i'm almost surprised i remembered
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<mrkiko> Ansuel: I would like to test your PR 14940 - ipq4xx bump
<mrkiko> Ansuel: I would be testing it on a 753 running with VDSL as well. However, I am not able to apply the patch from the PR as patch compalins about files trying to be deleted but not existing yet
<mrkiko> Ansuel: the same problem hapened when trying to test other PRs. What am I missing?
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<mrkiko> Ansuel: managed with "hub checkout <pr>"
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<Ansuel> mrkiko there is something wrong with your buildroot github doesn't complain about any conflict afaik
<Ansuel> if you want I can try to apply the pr on a just cloned repository
<Ansuel> mhhh for me wget and git am 14934 works correctly
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<mrkiko> Ansuel: I managed it in the end - I think it doesn't work with the plain "patch" utility
<mrkiko> Ansuel: doing it via the "hub" command did the trick
<mrkiko> Ansuel: now compiling it and wondering how it'll go :D
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<mrkiko> Ansuel: vdsl drivers broken
<mrkiko> Ansuel: ok, understandable
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<enyc> Hrrm; Anybody have Reference Where Hauke apparently asks for a couple commints before 23.05.3 gets tagged?
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<f00b4r0> enyc: I think we should update ucode, jow has added a few fixes there
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<Ansuel> mrkiko add the info in the pr issue pls
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<hmmmonteiro> Hi everyone
<hmmmonteiro> 2 questions .. i've put up a new set of dts files for a "unsupported" device and was wondering if a simple PR would be enough so they could be considered for inclusion
<hmmmonteiro> the other question is regarding the wiki pages, so that there could be a page for that device
<hmmmonteiro> i tried registering but was informed i should apply for an editor account
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<PaulFertser> hmmmonteiro: please tell me your desired wiki nick and e-mail, I'll create account for you
<schmars[m]> you can also enter your desired password here, mine is ********
<schmars[m]> fun time pls dont ban me
<PaulFertser> Actually random password is sent to the e-mail address specified for registration, the end user can change it then.
<PaulFertser> schmars[m]: you have wiki account already? I can create one right now while we're at it.
<schmars[m]> i'm good thanks :)
<schmars[m]> (pktpls is my alter ego)
<mrnuke> robimarko, Ansuel: Are you familiar with the qcom-nanc nand controller?
<mrnuke> I'm trying to port ipq95xx code from QCA repos. It seems this is a QSPI controller, but uses a rawnand interface. And I see QCA duplicating some code (READID, chip IDs) from the qspi-nand subsystem
<mrnuke> I'm not sure what to do about that
<Ansuel> with ipq95xx they went full monke with nandc
<Ansuel> it's a very different implementation
<mrnuke> I thought that was true since before ipq806x :p
<mrnuke> Do you think it make sense to reuse the existing code under rawnand, or is it better to make a new driver nder spinand ?
<robimarko> mrnuke: for SPI NAND in the new NANDC controller there is a RFC patch series
<mrnuke> robimarko: Thank you! If that works, it will save me a ton of headaches :D
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<mrnuke> robimarko: OMG! OMG! OMG! IT works!!!!!
<robimarko> Great, it is recent so it better work
<mrnuke> You have a lot of faith in QCA!
<robimarko> Well, I seem to have some faint optimism here and there
<stintel> :p
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#49]( of `openwrt-23.05_oxnas/ox820` completed successfully.
<hauke> enyc: just create a PR or send a mail
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<oliv3r> o/
<oliv3r> robimarko: This is probably easier :p
<robimarko> oliv3r: yeah, for sure
<robimarko> The original discussion is in openwrt-adm
<oliv3r> but I guess you could be right, that if I did a few patches, then the kernel bump; then rebase my local branch (can not ever rebase master anyway) it may do strange things
<oliv3r> you could always say, that everything before a bump should be pushed, and the bump should always be the first 2 commits :)
<oliv3r> oh, i'm not in that channel
<robimarko> rmilecki: I dont have the log of the original discussion, can you chime in
<robimarko> oliv3r: issue is that trying to bisect 6.1 while on commit;a=commitdiff;h=e28492c81ac57c200798d62c60af4a288b076cfb will fail
<robimarko> Since you are removing the 6.1 files, and then they are added in the next commit
<oliv3r> yep, that was in the original mailing list discussion as well
<oliv3r> but as elliot also mentioned, git bisect is designed to handle this. In the case where a commit is not bisectable, use git bisect --skip
<oliv3r> it's a nuisance for sure, but the question is then, does it outweight the benefit of having the history. I would argue yes, because your bisect will become 'meaningless' in that transition period anyway
<stintel> I guess git could use something that marks a commit as "auto-skip in bisect"
<stintel> because breaking git bisect is seriously annoying
<stintel> and git bisect in OpenWrt is a major PITA as it is already
<oliv3r> That's something worth to drop on the git mailing list, and it would thus be handled automatically; it would require a marker in the commit message of course
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<stintel> TIL git-notes
* PaulFertser learnt just recently about commit --fixup and rebase --autosquash
<stintel> I'm using --fixup all the time, it's really nice
<PaulFertser> Some recent release started to support autosquash without -
<PaulFertser> i
<oliv3r> PaulFertser: makes it so you can just do 'git rebase' automatically. Look at my 'git fixup' alisas :p it'll make you drool :p I know I still do :D
<oliv3r> stintel: I just posted without seeing your post :p
<oliv3r> but maybe this will bring up the 13 year old issue again :)
<stintel> ;)
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#50]( of `openwrt-23.05_ipq40xx/chromium` completed successfully.
<PaulFertser> oliv3r: heh yes, I see why you mention it :)
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<enyc> hauke: humm I woludn't be PR'ing until I'm used to it alll; I just saw somebody OH its' dangowrt !!! not you sorry
<enyc> f00b4r0: I suspect hauke things you should PR the ucode update
<enyc> at least, suspect
<hmmmonteiro> About that branch i pasted here before, for the Devolo AC Repeater, would a PR be in order?
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