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<Grommish> slh: More rust stuff because some people are just masochists.. :D
<stintel> :)
<stintel> actually last weekend I managed to package chirpstack-concentratord for OpenWrt (it's written in rust)
<stintel> good reminder to finish that and submit it to packages feed
<stintel> I've been running that in uxc for ~2 years
<stintel> and while that works, having it native is just less hassle
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<Grommish> stintel: Not only that, but the 5 minute install time is a bonus
<Grommish> stintel: vs the 3.5 hours it used to take when I was dealing with source
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<f00b4r0> are we inviting Linus *Torvalds* to join OpenWrt? 8-D
<schmars[m]> Poor man gets invited to a lot of github repos/orgs
<jakllsch> heh
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<enyc> Hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm My Dual-Boot-Partition Linksys-EA8300 has habit of not booting properly, e.g. if I just "reboot" in console
<enyc> oops probaly wrong chantnel
<enyc> nonotheless wondering if 23.05.3 likely any time soon in planing
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<Lynx-> which can we trust more, "time -v" or cat /sys/fs/cgroup/services/cake-autorate/cpu.stat | awk 'NR==2,NR==3{sum+=$2};END{print sum;}'
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