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<mrnuke> Is QCA trying to upstream their ethernet driver?
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<mrkiko> jow: wondering if the ucode crash as reported in GH issue 15008 may be triggered due to memory pressure
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#137]( of `master_bmips/bcm6358` failed.
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#138]( of `master_realtek/rtl931x` completed successfully.
<KGB-2> has been updated. (100.0% images and 100.0% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<\x> robimarko: heres one weird usecase of mine speedtest used is
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<mrnuke> robimarko: I kind of got the ethernet working on ipq95xx (
<robimarko> mrnuke: great news
<mrnuke> That clock parenting though is silly. qca-ssdk creates uniphy clocks, but gcc inherits from them.and uniphy uses gcc clocks.
<mrnuke> robimarko: BTW, have you seen this upstream attempt for PPE driver?
<robimarko> Yeah, it was horrible
<robimarko> And yes, the whole clock parenting is crap
<robimarko> We had to fix it multiple times so far
<f00b4r0> CVE-2024-3094 - ouch very much
<f00b4r0> compromised upstream xz-utils tarballs.
<mrnuke> robimarko: the gcc-ipq9574 tries to solve that by taking in the uniphy clocks from devicetree. Of course, that's not useful with qca-ssdk, as it doesn't esport the clocks in a dt -firendly manner
<f00b4r0> Habbie: thx, was looking for that. Got the Debian DSA notice but it hasn't reached m-l archive yet
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<f00b4r0> seems like upstream cannot be trusted anymore. Expecting fork in 3. 2. 1...
<f00b4r0> stuff still partially embargoed apparently. More pointers from
<f00b4r0> this looks nasty.
<robimarko> This is rather crazy I must say
<f00b4r0> i think it's clear current upstream is a bad actor.
<zorun> oh wow
<robimarko> Well, my question is why now after quite literaly years of development
<dwfreed> full details posted to oss-security:
<dwfreed> oh, Habbie beat me already
<zorun> reading the openwall post, the code injection seems to specifically target debian/rpm builds, so hopefully it doesn't trigger in our buildroot
<dwfreed> yeah, most likely does not
<PaulFertser> Just wow. Is that the first case with malicious upstream for a very essential very common project?
<dwfreed> fortunately only snapshot is affected
<dwfreed> version wise
<dwfreed> but as far as whether the backdoor actually happens, I don't think it does
<PaulFertser> robimarko: probably that's an operation by China agencies, I assume they could have easily taken over control if the maintainer is under their powers.
<f00b4r0> zorun: seems you're right. However now that the version is known to be compromised, people will freak out if we keep it around
<f00b4r0> i'd suggest downgrading, just for that reason.
<zorun> f00b4r0: yeah, it definitely needs to be reverted/updated/whatever
<robimarko> f00b4r0: I think its better if we quickly revert the recent update
<dwfreed> note that there is tools/xz in openwrt.git as well as the version in packages.git
<f00b4r0> robimarko: ack. Problem is revert won't be enough for systems where the newer package has been installed
<dwfreed> fortunately it's only snapshot :)
<f00b4r0> we need a fake higher version like debian did
<f00b4r0> dwfreed: nod.
<robimarko> To be on the safe side
<robimarko> But the package is more of an issue
<f00b4r0> actually since it comes from github it's "safe" (if I read the report right)
<robimarko> But it uses the release archives
<robimarko> Oh, yeah, you are right only the "Source code" archives contain it
<f00b4r0> yep. Still. We should treat this like a very hot potato now ;P
<robimarko> Packages uses the same tarball
<robimarko> So, in theory we should not bet affected
<dwfreed> the github generated tarballs miss a key component; it has the backdoor code, but not the build system modification to include it, iirc
<f00b4r0> that's how I understand it indeed
<robimarko> Yes, that is how I understood the article as well
<f00b4r0> we are unaffected, but we are "tainted" anyway ;P
<dwfreed> aye
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<f00b4r0> I don't think the upstream project can recover from something like this
<f00b4r0> reputation-wise
<dwfreed> no, definitely not
<robimarko> Yeah, since he is one of the 2 maintainers
<robimarko> It needs to get insta forked and inspected under a microscope
<robimarko> Yeah, I confirmed that the blamed M4 script line is not present in the tarball that we fetch
<robimarko> At least for tools, but packages uses the same PKG_SOURCE_URL
<f00b4r0> *nod*
<f00b4r0> obligatory xkcd: ;P
<ynezz> should we purge all downloads for master?
<f00b4r0> no idea. Do we have a policy for this type of situation? (I'm only half-jk - this really is a black swan)
<ynezz> be safe, then sorry
<f00b4r0> fair
<ynezz> this is in sources, interesting "mirror nogroup 1779292 Mar 21 18:47 xz-5.6.1.tar.xz"
<ynezz> along with "mirror nogroup 2292062 Mar 29 09:19 xz-5.6.1.tar.bz2"
<ynezz> d300422649a0124b1121630be559c890ceedf32667d7064b8128933166c217c8 xz-5.6.1.tar.bz2
<ynezz> f334777310ca3ae9ba07206d78ed286a655aa3f44eec27854f740c26b2cd2ed0 xz-5.6.1.tar.xz
<ynezz> going to rename that into .backdoored
<stintel> erg
<stintel> happy Friday evening
<stintel> ffs
<f00b4r0> stintel: right ;P
<f00b4r0> TGIF, as they say.
<Habbie> stintel, GOEDEMORGEN
<stintel> heh :)
<stintel> ik had net werk afgerond!
<ynezz> didn't inspected those
<f00b4r0> ynezz: we are "technically" unaffected (see backlog), but from an end-user perspective we should most likely "updowngrade": provide a newer package that reverts to an older version
<f00b4r0> not sure how to handle that with opkg
<stintel> hmm, tools/xz is still at 5.4.6, so that should be ok
<f00b4r0> stintel: no, robimarko just reverted that
<stintel> oh
<robimarko> No, I did not revert anything yet
<ynezz> I did
<f00b4r0> heh
<stintel> git log tools/xz
<robimarko> Oh, ynezz just did :)
<stintel> I don't see any reverts
<ynezz> stintel: so you've backdoor applied?
<ynezz> :P
<stintel> that bump was today ?
<robimarko> Yesterday
<ynezz> yes, 11h ago
<stintel> or yesterday
<stintel> ok
<stintel> I'm good
<stintel> thanks for looking into it but I'm off
<stintel> well, video call with client to celebrate some milestone rather
<ynezz> aparcar: hi, around? how to handle ASU and IB/SDK docker images?
<stintel> gonna feel like covid times, drinking in front of the webcam :P
<ynezz> nice, enjoy
<dwfreed> somebody should revert it in packages.git as well
<dwfreed> or fake bump it back to 5.4.6
<ynezz> ah, that explains that .xz file, good
<f00b4r0> i'd prefer the latter because reverting will not fix installed setups
<ynezz> was puzzled by that
<stintel> ynezz: thanks
<ynezz> in openwrt/tools/xz this is only for host, so possibly SDK/IB could be affected only? with the corresponding docker containers, right?
<ynezz> for packages this is actually used on targets and opkg comes into play, right?
<f00b4r0> thats my understanding
<ynezz> so how to handle that in packages?
<Znevna> weird
<Znevna> the irc channel is rather empty
<Znevna> [19:26:01] * Now talking in #tukaani
<Znevna> [19:26:01] * Topic is 'It's quiet. Just ask and wait for a reply. :-) Or use email:'
<Znevna> 26 ppl :P
<f00b4r0> ynezz: I think we need to do the same thing Debian did: release a higher version number that packages older source. It will require hacking the Makefile though I believe
<Znevna> ah and so it begins
<Znevna> [19:31:39] <Sora> How much did the chinese government pay Jia Tan for this backdoor?
<Habbie> what's #tukaani?
<Habbie> oh nevermind
<ynezz> f00b4r0: -ENOTIME, patches welcome :P
<dwfreed> Znevna: the reality is the chinese government probably paid them with "the privilege to still be breathing"
<Znevna> plot twist
<Znevna> Jia Tan IS the chinese government
<ynezz> ind -name liblzma_5.6.1* | wc -l
<ynezz> 33
<ynezz> oh, there is a lot more packages
<ynezz> so should we simply delete all those packages having 5.6.1 in the filename?
<jakllsch> that sounds like it could hit entirely unrelated packages.
<ynezz> just example of one arch, this is a correct list, right?
<jakllsch> looks to all be things from xz, yes
<f00b4r0> if you delete the packages you will break all dependencies from liblzma
<f00b4r0> in snapshot
<ynezz> sure, I'm going to add more builders and rebuild those in 2 hours
<ynezz> so a reasonable tradeoff?
<wigyori> ynezz: let me know which files should be removed on the archive
<Habbie> that is a very good point
<ynezz> but you can't provide the valid hash, right?
<aparcar> ynezz: helo. what's the matter with the images?
<f00b4r0> do we know if the Chinese gov has a sha256 hash collider quantum computer? ;)
<ynezz> aparcar: they might include backdoored lzma bits
<aparcar> yikes. what impact?
<aparcar> sorry I missed the memo, anywhere I can read stuff about this?
<gch981213> aparcar: We aren't technically impacted but the version number might get people thinking otherwise.
<aparcar> thanks
<f00b4r0> This is a GH-edited hack but I think it should do the trick:
<f00b4r0> feel free to grab
<f00b4r0> and adjust commit message as needed (no need to credit me, especially if it doesn't work ;D)
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<hauke> ynezz: aparcar: could we just increase the priority of the master builds in buildbots.
<hauke> then we should have SDKs with older xz by tomorrow
<ynezz> hauke: I'm going to add more builders to fix that
<ynezz> just executed: find snapshots/packages -type f \( -name 'lzma*5.6.1*' -o -name 'xz*5.6.1*' -o -name liblzma'*5.6.1*' \) -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do mv -- "$file" "${file}.backdoored"; done
<ynezz> aparcar: can you flush the CDN cache?
<ynezz> can pls someone write an email and create a forum post about that? I'm going to handle the builds, thanks
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<ynezz> lol, even dissabling fuzzers
<jakllsch> yikes
<f00b4r0> the guy is thorough, you'd have to give him that
<aparcar> ynezz: cache purged
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<hauke> should we prefer git commits and tags over tar files in the future?
<hauke> The git was mostly fine in this case and it is easier to review
<Habbie> i was discussing this on two other channels
<Habbie> a generated ./configure, and many other similar things, are basically a gap in reproducible builds
<hauke> I read about similar problems with chome extensions, some people took over maintainership and then released backdoored versions in the chrome extension marketplace, but the git staied fine
<f00b4r0> hauke: given the implication of the upstream author, it would have been fairly trivial for them to backdoor the source
<f00b4r0> I don't think using git vs tar should give us a false sense of security. The fact is that our collective asses were saved by one guy who cared enough to go down the rabbit hole
<f00b4r0> (imho)
<dwfreed> and not being a mainstream distro
<hauke> f00b4r0: I do not think using git sources would have prevented it
<f00b4r0> dwfreed: I was speaking more generally. It's very lucky that Andres Freund caught this early enough that it didn't trickle down into distro releases.
<hauke> but it would make it harder to hide stuff
<dwfreed> yeah
<f00b4r0> hauke: only if someone cares enough to review
<f00b4r0> fact is, that almost never happens.
<f00b4r0> especially when upstream is "trusted"
<f00b4r0> and even then, see how they were able to get stuff into google/oss-fuzz
<f00b4r0> that's sad, yet not entirely surprising.
<PaulFertser> And if the exploit was just a little bit better and didn't introduce that delay that human noticed it would remain hidden for much longer.
<f00b4r0> yeah they almost got away with murder. *sigh*
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<ynezz> who knows how far this gets
<jakllsch> at least as far back as when they started commiting in Feb 2022
<ynezz> Alpine seems to nailed it, "the backdoor doesn't work with musl"
<stintel> <3
<mrnuke> I want to build an SD card image with two partitions?
<mrnuke> (1) vFAT with zImage and dtbs
<mrnuke> (2) rootfs
<mrnuke> Is there a macro to do this ?
<stintel> let's just be thankful a known compromised tarball didn't end up in a release
<stintel> that would have been a different kind of shitshow
<f00b4r0> stintel: exactly
<owrt-images-builds> Build [#138]( of `master_bmips/bcm6358` completed successfully.
<owrt-images-builds> Build [#136]( of `master_tegra/generic` completed successfully.
<dwfreed> hurray, that thread has new updates
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<schmars[m]> is the revert commit by ynezz (d4b6b76) the fixed commit?
<Mangix> wow this is a mess
<schmars[m]> or is anything more coming
<Mangix> so uhhh
<Mangix> this lends credance to my suggestion that zstd packages should be used
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<aparcar> Mangix: well this wasn't really your argumentation at the beginning 😉
<aparcar> f00b4r0: anything sus about those kernel patches?
<Mangix> btw what did you do to ?
<Mangix> aparcar: original argument was better unpack speed and compatibility with older tarballs.
<jow> f00b4r0: that wiki page is not an autharitative source for uci syntax rules
<f00b4r0> aparcar: I only glazed over them, the most obvious thing is they'd prod users to update sooner.
<f00b4r0> jow: I get that now. I understand we have no such thing :)
<dwfreed> one should exist, though
<aparcar> jow: do you mind me adding bwrap aka bubblewrap to the build system? It wouldn't work on systems other than linux (i.e. no macos) but would harden the buildbots quite a bit
<f00b4r0> dwfreed: +1
<f00b4r0> (assuming the versioning is seen as "newer" by opkg)
<aparcar> Mangix: I rebased it via the github UI to see the ci running through, I'll merge it (fingers crossed no backdoor in that meson version)
<Mangix> aparcar: LOL, I don't think meson is managed the same as xz.
<schmars[m]> i see, it's already a meme
<f00b4r0> jow: thanks to your help and based on the util.c checks I think I now have a "compliant" parser, at least for 99.99% of cases (it only handles implicit concatenation for values, because I'm lazy)
<Mangix> f00b4r0: horrible idea: switch to decompressing xz archives with 7zip.
<f00b4r0> Mangix: you're missing the point.
<jow> better idea: go back to .tar.gz :)
<f00b4r0> the backdoor targets ssh
<f00b4r0> (and I should say, systemd-friendly-patched-ssh - further hinting that systemd is pure evil ;P)
<jow> aparcar: uhm, *shrug*
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<f00b4r0> Mangix: the purpose of the patch I linked above is to "cure" existing installs, which will not by default install an older package over 5.6.1
<jow> yeah, too short attention span for that
<jow> something something container something something isolation
<f00b4r0> heh
<aparcar> jow: I see you got the essence
<jow> aparcar: what does it solve? untrusted makefile / script code running undesired commands?
<f00b4r0> jow: fwiw :) flex/bison ftw
<aparcar> yea an evil package can freely patch openssh-server.ipk to it's liking, image checksums/signing happen at the very end anyway
<jow> so you're passing the staging directory as readonly mount to the container?
<f00b4r0> aparcar: the correct way to fix that is to have a build system that only builds the intended package on incremental updates
<f00b4r0> of course that's easier said than done
<aparcar> f00b4r0: well please feel free to join the eternal fun of openwrt build system
<f00b4r0> pass. Been there, done that, lost interest.
<aparcar> jow: not only that, but mount it so only ./output-<package>/ is writeable and let it only store packages there. Check if none of the files already exists in the global ./output/ folder and only then copy things
<jow> okay, but you can still ship a uci-defaults file which simply alters arbitrary executables
<Mangix> alright. time to figure out why util-linux is not using meson
<aparcar> jow: agree
<aparcar> I didn't think of that
<f00b4r0> doesn't have to be uci-defaults anyway ;P
<aparcar> however that evil package would than have to be installed actively
<aparcar> right now a single infected package can affect all other packages by simply being compiled
<jow> that's true
<jow> but tbh I consider the current buildsystem to be essentailyl unmaintainable already
<aparcar> I got my hands deep in the package building anyway due to the APK stuff so adding some bubblewrap shouldn't be to much extra time...
<jow> not sure if such an invasive feature addition is the proepr course of action
<aparcar> jow: I'm happy to follow your proper course of action ideas 🙂
<aparcar> my suggestion is still to drop our packages and use the APK build system but that's likely an unpopular opinion right now
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<aparcar> Mangix: I updated meson but it still break APK if I don't specifically define the lib path
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