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<jow> rmilecki: ping
<rmilecki> jow: pong
<jow> did you see my comment in github issue #14931 ?
<jow> calling /etc/init.d/xxx enabled in sysupgrade backup generation seems problematic since there's no guarantee that all init scripts are procd or rc.common compliant
<rmilecki> jow: i saw it today morning, I didn't have time to look at it yet
<jow> allright
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<Ansuel> nbd ping? i'm not following how hostapd sends ubus notification with for example wlan_add or wlan_remove
<Ansuel> not following where are handled in openwrt
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<hmmmonteiro> hi everyone .. are there any guidelines for image costumization in a new device port, such as included packages and default network configuration?
<Igel> there exists a set of base packages by target and set of standard system network configuration, what do you mean by new device port? you are introducing a new board to openwrt?
<dwfreed> included packages should be the minimum necessary for the device to function in its primary role (router/AP), typically only driver packages for network/wifi; default network configuration should mirror OEM if the device has many distinct interfaces, otherwise basically just wan and lan like everything else in OpenWrt
<dwfreed> (see firebox m300 for an example of the "many distinct interfaces" case; that is a firewall router, not a regular consumer router)
<hmmmonteiro> I wouldn't call it a new board.. it's pretty much the same as the edimax ew-7476rpc. From what i could they differ slightly on the leds and (?) flash layout
<hmmmonteiro> s/could/could tell/
<hmmmonteiro> It's the Devolo AC Repeater
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<hmmmonteiro> Since it's a device primarily aimed at being a repeater or access point, rather than a router, i was thinking it would make sense to provide luci and a default network configuration with the default static ip on the ethernet port and bridge configuration on both 2.4 and 5ghz ssids, with no PSK
<hmmmonteiro> And maybe dhcp server on wlan for ease of configuration
<hmmmonteiro> Also, considering this is heavily based on the ew-7476rpc, which itself uses the mt7620a_edimax_ew-747x.dtsi, would it be best to copy mt7620a_edimax_ew-747x.dtsi to a new dtsi, and do the minor tweaks there, or import the mt7620a_edimax_ew-747x.dtsi directly into the new dts file and add the diff there?
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<oliv3r> robimarko: I cannot reproduce it, i'm using `scripts/ -p qualcommax -s v6.1 -t 6.6` ...
<oliv3r> (I commented and put the output on the MR
<owrt-images-builds> Build [#139]( of `master_mvebu/cortexa53` completed successfully.
<robimarko> Well, thats the issue, try -t v6.6 as the help prints
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<mrnuke> robimarko: have you, or anyone looked at ipq95xx support yet? I have a tplink here with that chipset (and serial port already soldered)
<robimarko> mrnuke: not really, I dont have any HW as its rather expensive
<robimarko> And upstream support is still rather weak
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