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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#317]( of `master_mediatek/filogic` completed successfully.
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<russell--> weird: ubnt-erx is giving me "[ 4.331542] mtk_soc_eth 1e100000.ethernet eth0: error -17 registering interface eth1" and no eth1
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<dwfreed> russell--: 17 is EEXIST
<russell--> was working as of r26158-2201d55257
<dwfreed> probably wouldn't be difficult to bisect
<russell--> i was hoping to just USE one of my openwrt devices instead of debugging it
<dwfreed> I mean, you could try not running snapshot :P
<russell--> the only way to keep things working is to run snapshots
<owrt-images-builds> Build [#330]( of `master_mpc85xx/p1020` completed successfully.
<russell--> the revert from the issue got eth1 working again
<dwfreed> yeah, but if you're going to run snapshot, you have to be willing to bisect :P
<stintel> yep, running snapshot / master is yak shaving
<f00b4r0> ;)
* f00b4r0 is reluctantly about to do it, to test things
<jow> hm, I'm debugging an ucode crash issue on ath79/generic. The problem is that every once in a while, the read of a very specific memory location returns a different value than what is expected
<jow> during bytecode compilation, 0x80 is written to address 0x77e16b65
<jow> and every once in a while (totally random, sometimes afther three program runs, sometimes after several dozen) reading a byte from this address yields 0x00 instead of 0x80
<jow> it is also an off set well into the program bytecode, so nothing particular special about it, it's not the first or the last
<jow> I was thinking about some quirkyness with TLB caches, but that's just random speculation. I currently have no clue an how to debug this further
<jow> I think I can rule out hardware issue (like broken ram) since I got at least three reports showing the same symptoms
<jow> the only thing notable about the faulty address is that it is not aligned, but reading an off offset from a uint8_t * pointer shouldn't result in unaligned memory access
<f00b4r0> this only happens on ath79?
<jow> yes
<f00b4r0> being equally clueless, I'd start by adding canaries before/after the target address, and use a slightly more useful value such as 0xAA or 0x55, because right now you don't know if it's the last bit that's cleared or the entire byte that's wiped
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<jow> good idea
<f00b4r0> then you'll have a better picture telling you if you're not reading *where* you think you are, and/or trashing memory
<f00b4r0> that it only happens on ath79 is definitely odd, but I haven't dug deep enough into ucode bowels to make an educated guess :)
<jow> there's at least a realloc() w/ move involved between writing and reading the value
<jow> maybe this invalidates memory too
<jow> let's see
<f00b4r0> or it spills over
<f00b4r0> canaries will tell you that
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#331]( of `master_mpc85xx/p1010` completed successfully.
<jow> replacing the write with a fixed byte sequence for that specific offset and substituting that fixed byte sequence with the expected value does not reproduce the issue anymore
<jow> so it seems to be a side effect of calculations involved in writing the bytes
<f00b4r0> a bug in the vm is certainly more likely than a TLB problem which would likely affect other code as well :)
<russell--> i DONOT understand why tftp is not working for U-Boot Version: (May 21 2021 - 12:21:20)
* russell-- had tried everything he can think of
<russell--> model=ZyXEL_GS1900_10HPv2 and Model: ZyXEL_GS1900_24Ev2
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<russell--> Filename '0101A8C0.img'.
<russell--> Load address: 0xb4100000
<russell--> Loading: #T #T T T T
<jow> weirdness conmtinues
<jow> writing 0xaa or 0x81 never "flips"
<jow> writing 0x80 does occasionally
<jow> 0xff does not flip either, nor does any subsequent of the four byte sequence
<russell--> in case anyone likes a mystery, here's the packet capture from the server side:
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* russell-- has requested zyxel's u-boot source code
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<f00b4r0> jow: another thing you might want to try is building at -O0
<f00b4r0> it's possible some optim is not playing well with your vm code
<russell--> LOL, okay. screenlog.* to the rescue
<russell--> i needed to give it an address, e.g. tftpboot 0x84f00000, then boom it works. whatever the default is, it doesn't work.
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<lu_zero> am I the one lucky or the current snapshot fails to complete the sysupgrade at least on the bpi-r3 ?
<f00b4r0> hmm wtf
<f00b4r0> trying to build an image from an image-builder built from master, providing the kmods built along with the IB, and yet I get
<f00b4r0> * pkg_hash_check_unresolved: cannot find dependency kernel (= 6.6.44~0208f4d0d60db479c0b6ad38a00e7e10-r1) for kmod-mt7915e
<f00b4r0> the kernel that was built is kernel_6.6.44~7a35baa0c08237f6d41dad11d6c02e4d-r1_mipsel_24kc.ipk
<f00b4r0> how does that even happen
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<f00b4r0> nbd: is it ok if I test current mt76 on top of 23.05 instead? Master is really a headaches in terms of integrating in the test environment
<f00b4r0> -s
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<f00b4r0> and it doesn't build on 23.05 :(
<f00b4r0> nbd: is there a way to get the actual patches that matter for the testing? that would help a lot
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<nbd> f00b4r0: you could try backporting the mac80211 package as well
<f00b4r0> that's a little more involved given all the patches
<f00b4r0> let's see if I can cherry pick the commits in order
<f00b4r0> hmm no I can't because 23.05's version apparently never existed in master?!
<f00b4r0> how's that even possible
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<f00b4r0> let's be brutal, and copy/paste package/kernel/mac80211 from master to 23.05
<f00b4r0> see if it blows up
<f00b4r0> of course it does. It looks like this is not going to be fun
<f00b4r0> nbd: is there a smart way to go about this? I'm not familiar with this part of the build so I'm not sure how to go about this. 23.05 is on 6.1.97 while master is on 6.9.9, that's no small gap.
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<schmars[m]> f00b4r0: maybe take the config.buildinfo from - somehow you ended up with a different kernel "checksum". but i'm not sure either
<schmars[m]> also if you already have a toolchain to build kmods, it doesnt seem expensive to build a whole image? :)
<schmars[m]> (i'm a frequent IB user too btw hehe)
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<schmars[m]> ooor build a custom IB with the patches included. I've been meaning to do the exact same to test mt76 patches
<schmars[m]> let me know if you go the custom IB route and run into problems, i have a script
<nbd> f00b4r0: i'll attempt a mac80211 backport to 23.05
<f00b4r0> schmars[m]: that's what I did tho
<f00b4r0> nbd: thanks, that would certainly help a lot
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<nbd> f00b4r0: what platform are you building for?
<nbd> mt7622?
<nbd> f00b4r0: managed to compile it on 23.05
<nbd> copy over mac80211 and mt76 from master, then add this to mt76/patches:
<f00b4r0> nbd: mt7621
<f00b4r0> ok
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<f00b4r0> although mac80211 from master does not build in 23.05 so I'm not sure how that works
<f00b4r0> error: imp
<f00b4r0> licit declaration of function 'list_count_nodes'; did you mean 'list_lru_count_node'?
<f00b4r0> (i'm using the config.buildinfo from 23.05.4/ramips/mt7621)
<nbd> are you using latest 23.05 branch?
<nbd> ah, you're building with all kernel modules enabled, i guess
<nbd> i only enabled mt76
<f00b4r0> I'm checking out 23.05.4
<f00b4r0> I can try from the branch. As long as I get a functional IB I'm happy
<nbd> try disabling ath10k, ath11k, rtlwifi drivers
<nbd> and ath10k-ct
<nbd> that way you won't run into the list_count_nodes issue
<f00b4r0> ok
<f00b4r0> disabled every wifi kmod but mt76*
<f00b4r0> let's see how that goes
<f00b4r0> ha
<f00b4r0> missed iwlwifi apparently, which trips on some struct thermal_trip
* f00b4r0 tries again
<f00b4r0> (pun not intended ;P)
<f00b4r0> nbd: not working:
<nbd> try disabling mt7921 and mt7925 as well
<nbd> and mt7996
<f00b4r0> nbd: same error with mt7915/init.c
<nbd> hm
<nbd> will look into it later or tomorrow
<f00b4r0> ok thx
<f00b4r0> i'm signing off for the day as well. ttyl
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<Slimey> lol headline "NASA urges Americans to flee cities during meteor shower this weekend"
<Habbie> did they? :) (NASA)
<Slimey> only time will tell haha, its really about the light levels from the city hindering being able to see meteor shower
<Habbie> ohh
<Habbie> just for seeing it then
<Slimey> yeah but i made me laugh for a second
<Habbie> :)
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