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<russell--> jow: still going
<russell--> ~12 hours so far
<schmars[m]> russell--which device revision is yours
<schmars[m]> (and which ram)
<russell--> i don't think there is more than one wdr3600 version, 128MB of RAM, afaict
<russell--> no software relevant differences anyway, again afaik
<schmars[m]> there's 1.0 to up to 1.6, and at least three different rams ;)
<russell--> silkscreen says "2050500272 Rev: 1.3", sticker on LAN ports says "TL-WDR3600 VER: 1.4"
<schmars[m]> ram vendor that is. winbond, zentel, hynix, but all 128mb
<schmars[m]> yep same as mine
<russell--> wiki page does not show and RAM differences
<russell--> any*
<schmars[m]> compare your ram chips with the pictures on the wiki page ;)
<russell--> i see 2 512Mbit chips in on the wiki page, which is 128MB
<schmars[m]> i'm talking about the ram vendor, mine is winbond, wiki picture is hynix, and i have a v1.5 which is zentel
<schmars[m]> and someone said there was another wdr3600 bug related to one of the ram chip vendors
<russell--> mine are winbond
<slh> tl-wdr3600, rev 1.5 with Zentel RAM here (but non-functional, so not able to test anything on that one anymore)
<schmars[m]> same, mine is only running the repro for an hour now, i'll go and resurrect the v1.5 too
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<jow> russell--: if it does not trigger after ~12h I'd say we can conclude that your unit revision is not affected
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<mrkiko> jow: I have some ath79 devices around - e.g.: r6100; if you want I can try that out
<mrkiko> even tough I guess it won't be useful at the moment
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<russell--> jow: and still running
<russell--> basicall 20 hours
<russell--> i know i have one with the zentel ram, because i stumbled across a board photo while looking for something else
<russell--> finding it is something else again
<f00b4r0> schmars[m], jow, in case this matters, this is the commit that fixed reboot on Zentel-RAM WDR3600s:;a=commit;h=2fe8ecd880396b5ae25fe9583aaa1d71be0b8468. It was a cache barrier problem.
* russell-- looks for screw drivers to look for a different rev
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<russell--> found a 1.5 with zental ram
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<russell--> started test on v1.5
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* russell-- went through his inventory, and they are pretty much all v1.5's
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<russell--> 2+ hours, still plowing along ...
<russell--> i'm running a custom build, fwiw, so that might be relevant as well
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<neggles> 8-way SMT is cursed
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<schmars[m]> <russell--> "i'm running a custom build, fwiw..." <- i'm running 23.05.4, are we supposed to do snapshot?
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<Mangix> why does mac80211 have so many patches?
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<schmars[m]> russell-- jow 22 hours / 190k iterations of `/www/cgi-bin/luci | wc -l` on the v1.4 with winbond ram, no reproduction. switching to the v1.5 with zentel ram
<schmars[m]> jowif you can check the revision of your device, i can try to find one here too
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<russell--> jow: 10+ hours and counting ...
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<schmars[m]> nbdf00b4r0i've crashed both nwa50ax - load 9.0, traffic dead, memory is growing. pulling logs
<jow> russell--: you can cancel it. it should not take longer than ~15 minutes to reproduce
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<jow> russell--: maybe, just to be extra sure, use the precompiled executable from here:
<jow> russell--: it is slightly different code and was built with the gcc version corresponding to 23.05
<schmars[m]> jow what device revision is yours
<schmars[m]> got totally nerdsniped with the history of this device hehe
<jow> schmars[m]: personally I don't have physical access to any 3600 or 4300 at all
<jow> schmars[m]: soneone from the frefunk community granted me ssh access to an affected box
<schmars[m]> ok cool
<f00b4r0> schmars[m]: your hilight is not working, nicks are mangled. nbd: see above
* f00b4r0 heads to bed o/
<schmars[m]> haha thanks for telling me
<schmars[m]> looks like the time of first crash is actually in the logs
<f00b4r0> mine seems to still be alive. I've added a small cron job to dump logread/dmesg to /tmp at first reset counter change
<f00b4r0> assuming I'll be able to pull them out
<f00b4r0> schmars[m]: did the fw reset fire?
<schmars[m]> it shows 2 for number of resets on both, but it just keeps crashing (loadavg 9) and it's a new crash call trace
<f00b4r0> yeah I see the restart call in the log
<schmars[m]> SYS_RESET_COUNT: WM 2, WA 0
<f00b4r0> *sigh*, it looks like it won't be that easy, eh
<f00b4r0> anyhow, I need to park head. ttyl
<schmars[m]> yeah, go :) night
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<russell--> jow: running your bug.mips on my v1.4 and v1.5 ...
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