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<Fijxu> huh. for some reason my openwrt build is failing because it can't find a directory. I used https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-developer/toolchain/use-buildsystem, checked out v23.05.4, ran all the commands and it fails? like what
<Edu4rdSHL> Post the log
<Fijxu> last 3 lines are the important ones
<Fijxu> and `.package_compile` does not exist on the directory, there is other files with the `_installed` suffix tho
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<Fijxu> well, any clues?
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<karlp> did jow's wdr3600 memory bug ever get a resolution?
<Habbie> i think somebody found out that other hw revisions were fine, is all i remember
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<schmars[m]> we weren't able to reproduce on v1.4 and v1.5 but it's unclear which revision the affected device is
<sur5r> link? I have some 3600s.
<schmars[m]> sur5r: for a start, do /www/cgi-bin/luci in a loop, it should crash eventually if your device is affected
<sur5r> Ok, better test that on a device i can poke with a stick then
<schmars[m]> :-) and you could open it up and check which ram chips it has
<schmars[m]> not sure thats relevant but it might be
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<jow> karlp: no solution. after spending the euivalent of 3-4 full working days on it I decided to pause efforts there
<jow> it's simply not economical
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<karlp> totally reasonable :) it had just become my daily "what on earth will be the new developments" it was just so strange.
<russell--> was it ever reproduced on more than one device?
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<jow> at least three
<jow> I have/had personal access to two different affected ones
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<gospod> is it possible that an official.patch file is not getting applied when building?
<gospod> im pulling my hair out because of "402-ath_regd_optional.patch"
<gospod> im pretty sure its not getting applied
<dwfreed> pretty sure if a patch fails to apply the build is aborted
<dwfreed> you could test this theory by changing the patch such that applying it breaks the build, though