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<slh> that site exists for a long time, well over 10-15 years - but that doesn't mean the sources are always complete or buildable
<slh> most of the big vendors (except ZyXEL, there you have to mail them, provide them with your device's serial number and ask/ answer why, ask, ask) have GPL tarballs - but it varies widely (between vendors and different devices of the same vendor) how complete/ useful they are
<russell--> lol, yeah re zyxel "are you an authorized something? why do you want it?" answer: "you are obigated to provide it on request, that's why"
<Mangix> ping Ansuel
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<f00b4r0> nbd: how do I enable wm debug again?
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<aparcar[m]> test123
<aparcar[m]> Ansuel: ping
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<rmilecki> jow: did you sort out that memory corruption something bug?
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<nbd> f00b4r0: echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/mt76/fw_debug_wm
<jow> rmilecki: no
<f00b4r0> nbd: thanks. A bit too late tho, the device has already crashed again ;^)
<f00b4r0> same timeouts followed by "phy1-ap0: HW problem - can not stop rx aggregation for ...".
<f00b4r0> rebooting now, I'll enable debug
<f00b4r0> it lasted less than 24h this time which is definitely on the fast side
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* f00b4r0 bbiab
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<Mangix> ping Ansuel
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<nbd> f00b4r0: implemented some mcu hang recovery code in the testing branch
<nbd> hopefully it should reset itself now when the mcu crashes
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<nbd> it seems to work in my test when i force the MCU to crash via debugfs
<f00b4r0> nbd: ok, so you're not actually fixing the problem, merely hiding it? :-)
<f00b4r0> i'll test tomorrow
<nbd> i added some more fixes as well
<nbd> but at least this way firmware crashes won't be fatal anymore
<schmars[m]> very nice
<schmars[m]> i'll do my best to test drive it as well
<schmars[m]> i have three publicly reachable nodes with the crash, just in case that's useful
<f00b4r0> nbd: out of curiosity, is the recovery "quick"? Because when the fw crashes, there can be a long-to-very-long time during which the device is hung and non-responsive
<schmars[m]> two actually, the third isn't reachable anymore once it crashes :-)
<f00b4r0> looking at the collectd data for today, the hang time lasted 1h20mn
<f00b4r0> (i.e. for 1h20 there was no collectd data being sent from the device, even though said data is sent over wire)
<schmars[m]> yeah i see that period too, crazy high cpu usage for a while, and once cpu usage recovers, the "hw problem" log messages start
<f00b4r0> so if it takes that long to recover it's still essentially unuseable
<nbd> f00b4r0: since there is mcu msg retry now, it should block for 60 seconds while waiting for a mcu response
<schmars[m]> oh wow now that i'm looking, i've had it take 7 hours once
<nbd> after that it declares the mcu dead and triggers recovery immediately
<nbd> without running into further timeouts
<schmars[m]> ah that sounds nice
<f00b4r0> ok. definitely an improvement, although there can still be a 1mn downtime worst case
<nbd> yes
<nbd> that can be brought down further by dynamically adjusting mcu timeouts based on msg type
<f00b4r0> (forgive me for being obnoxious but in a PoS scenario, 1mn *is* a problem)
<schmars[m]> i'm rebooting these devices with cron once an hour at the moment, so it's not a imworsement either :-)
<nbd> but first i want to make sure that recovery is working as expected
<f00b4r0> makes sense
<schmars[m]> yeah PoS different matter than a normal public hotspot i guess
<f00b4r0> would be nice to understand what crashes the firmware. Some locations are very prone to it, but I was unable to isolate common denominators
<f00b4r0> (then again I'm not keeping track of which devices are connecting)
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<nbd> i do want to get to the bottom of this as well
<nbd> just because there's recovery doesn't mean i will stop working on the bug
<nbd> but given the scale, damage control is important :)
<f00b4r0> good to know, thanks :D
<f00b4r0> yeah definitely
<schmars[m]> my guess is that it's client devices. my crashing devices A and B are on a busy public place, and crash maybe once a day. the other is in a relatively quiet living area, and it crashes right away after boot, so i'm assuming a problematic client device is right nearby
<f00b4r0> schmars[m]: that's my guess as well, but I'm totally clueless beyond that
<schmars[m]> if you tell me what packets to capture, i can arrange for that
<f00b4r0> i don't think it's a packet problem
<nbd> my hunch is that it may be triggered by clients that become unresponsive by going out of range without diassociating
<f00b4r0> it's probably at the radio layer
<f00b4r0> nbd: that could make sense, especially in a public hotspot scenario (the case here)
<nbd> so maybe there are some corner cases regarding deleting those clients while packets are buffered for them
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<jow> rmilecki: upon further investigation it appears this memory corruption happens during a musl realloc
<jow> rmilecki: a realloc which relocates the base pointer to a new location to be specific, after the ensuing memcpy() to the new location performed by libc, the new memory contents are just different than the previous ones
<jow> totally crazy
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<R2D2> Русские есть?
<roberto117> Hello, I looked at the changelog between 22.x and 23.x but I find no mention of why RTL8187 was dropped for x86-64 in 23.x, any clue ?
<R2D2> unzip не знаю где взять файл для Версия ядра3.18.45 OpenWrt TP-Link TL-MR3220 v2 OpenWrt Chaos Calmer 15.05.1 r49389 / LuCI for-15.05 branch (git-17.013.32081-d89b022) OpenWrt Chaos Calmer 15.05.1 r49389 в результате чего не могу распаковывать архивы в zip через консоль как исправить?
<R2D2> архив zapret-master.zip для интересных делишек, память на роутере увеличил до 16гигов по юсб разьему на роутере
<R2D2> только не говорите что нужно сменить железо
<R2D2> на гетхабе заблокировали из за множество вопросов пользователям ппц
<Habbie> R2D2, most people in here cannot read that; try english
<R2D2> I don't speak English but I'll try with the help of a translator
<R2D2> Russians? unzip I don't know where to get the file for Kernel version 3.18.45 OpenWrt TP-Link TL-MR3220 v2 OpenWrt Chaos Calmer 15.05. 1 r49389 / LuCI for-15.05 branch (git-17.013.32081-d89b022) OpenWrt Chaos Calmer 15.05. 1 r49389 as a result of which I can't unpack archives in zip via console how to fix it? archive zapret-master.zip for interesting things, increased the memory on the router to 16 gigs via USB connector on the router
<jow> hah, found a simple non-ucode reproducer
<jow> failure after a few dozen runs: https://pastebin.com/enUdtN25
<jow> even happens at the very same offset, byte #165 flips from 0x80 to 0x00
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<tersono> Can ubus patches be submitted as PRs on https://github.com/openwrt/ubus or should they be sent to the mailing list?
<Edu4rdSHL> tersono, it's just a mirror, so mailing list
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