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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#66](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/160/builds/66) of `openwrt-24.10_mediatek/mt7623` completed successfully.
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#71](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/216/builds/71) of `main_mpc85xx/p1020` completed successfully.
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<schmars[m]> when will buildbot pick up the new ipq50xx and sf21 targets?
<schmars[m]> ah i see, you also statically configure the targets. i do the same on my buildbot
<Nilsro> Anyone out here who could help to get some Usteer changes merged to improve roaming/band steering? Last commit is 2 years ago and I cannot get in contact with the maintainer. Perhaps simply lost sight of it. Like to contribute to OpenWRT... :-)
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<slh> schmars[m]: only if someone removes the source-only tag - and that would be an intentional decisions (and ipq50xx is likely to beat sf21 just on the topic of device availability ~= demand)
<schmars[m]> oh i forgot about source-only
<schmars[m]> thanks!
<schmars[m]> i only noticed because my buildbot gets its target list from the dump-target-info.pl script
<schmars[m]> now i'm curious why it emits ipq50xx and sf21, but not airoha/*
<schmars[m]> same for qualcommbe/* and uml/* actually
<slh> qualcommbe should be source-only for now as well
<slh> and building uml on the buildbots wouldn't really make sense either
<schmars[m]> yeah just wondering what bugs are lurking in that dump-target-info.pl script
<schmars[m]> on the topic of ipq50xx - the 256 MB RAM devices are too small for ath11k right?
<slh> that's going to be a hard no-go
<slh> we soo on the ax3600/ ipq8071a that 512 MB are already hard on the limit
<slh> see
<schmars[m]> unfortunate - the less expensive mikrotik ipq50xx devices are 256 MB
<slh> isn't mikrotik a curse word anyways? ;)
<slh> yaffs2 and friends
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<schmars[m]> yeeeah :-)
<schmars[m]> and the price proposition is not that great anymore either, the filogic stuff is just better and cheaper
<slh> still need to get one of those... (the curse of having bought the ax3600 early, not bad enough to replace it and pay for a new devcie)
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<slh> if only I had bought the T-56 when it was selling for 29.95 - while the price is still good, it's bad to remember that it could have been cheaper
<schmars[m]> router FOMO, i know :-)
<stefanct> is there an easy way to calculate the hashes shown by uboot when it boots an initramfs image from the respective file?
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<stefanct> great. my kernel oops was actually due to UART pins working as strapping pins(?) as a side job m(
<stefanct> wouldn't it make more sense to handle this a bit more gracefully? :)
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<schmars[m]> there's builds for ipq50xx & sf21 now, thanks :-)
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