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<Edu4rdSHL> Question, what's the correct way to override files like:, can i just put the files like /etc/board.d/01_leds on the top-level files/ directory?
<Edu4rdSHL> Or do I need to modify these files directly? I want to touch the least number of base files so that version updates aren't a nightmare
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<schmars[m]> Edu4rdSHL: yes just put them in files/, that'll overwrite existing files from packages
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<russell--> tmn505: awesome, thanks!
<russell--> just to clarify, which patch?
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<Edu4rdSHL> schmars[m], ty
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#90]( of `main_octeon/generic` failed: failed Images built and installed (failure) (timed out)
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<Edu4rdSHL> Is this expected that `scripts/` doesn't export the changed kernel options? If so, when you change the kernel options, the only way to "save them" is using the full config file?
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<Edu4rdSHL> Also, my device doesn't expose /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq even when I have enabled all the CPU Frequency controller optios in the kernel, it's running really hot without way to debug it
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#77]( of `openwrt-24.10_mpc85xx/p1020` failed: failed Images built and installed (failure) (timed out)
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<karlp> Edu4rdSHL: there's also kernel_xxxx targets? like make menuconfig vs make kernel_menuconfig
<karlp> diffconfig can only work with kernel options in the "main" menuconfig world.
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#46]( of `openwrt-24.10_lantiq/xrx200_legacy` completed successfully.
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<russell--> tmn505: okay, but was it warm booting with recent builds before the patch?
<tmn505> yes
<russell--> that confuses me, since they both seem to use a SC1100
<russell--> so the thing i was observing is somehow unique to the net4826
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<tmn505> might be, possibly BIOS doesn't touch that pin on warm boot
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#79]( of `openwrt-24.10_ipq40xx/mikrotik` completed successfully.
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#91]( of `main_imx/cortexa53` failed: failed Tools built and installed (failure)
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<enyc> ** Is a new bug-report needed explicitly r.e. ?
<enyc> i.e. to ask for this tested regression-fix to go into 24.10 branch?
<enyc> Input on the procedure best here would be helpful, please =)
<enyc> Kernel people say Userspace should not rely on device name but AIUI OpenWrt does not yet have a complex device detection abstraction so, per their pragmatic fix upstream, pull can be equally in OpenWrt.
<enyc> Though, one of the linked bugs suggests difficulty with Nanopi eth1 not detected at all , etc argh.
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