<grid> yeah, looked at the datasheet. there's RTC_XIN / RTC_XOUT so its not an internal oscillator etc. it seems
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<Mangix> ewww. realtek nand driver's not finding the NAND
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<enyc> Right; further testing shows https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/17757 Very helpful fix and works well, existing configs expecitng usb0 work into 24.10 etc...
<enyc> In lieu of a whole abstraction system for underpinning devicename finding, I really think the above should be put into 24.10 tree for 24.10.1 onwards to take onboard.
<f00b4r0> enyc: saying you've tested that PR on the PR itself would probably help
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<n05oh3r42> hey there! just finished building OpenWRT v24.10.0.for bananpi-r3. Booted from sd card and package update shows than every package installed have update. How that can be if i useing fresh build. git log --oneline shows im on v24.10.0 tag ( 1fad1b4965 (HEAD, tag: v24.10.0) OpenWrt v24.10.0: adjust config defaults )
<n05oh3r42> for example mod-rpc is 4 major releases old: luci-mod-rpc21.020.56896~af422b1 » 25.035.62793~4f7a183
<n05oh3r42> or luci-mod-admin-full19.253.48496~3f93650 » 25.035.62793~4f7a183
<n05oh3r42> even more old
<n05oh3r42> why versions built with image so old?
<n05oh3r42> i did './scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a' after git checkout
<n05oh3r42> actually all init was like: git clone https://git.openwrt.org/openwrt/openwrt.git && cd openwrt && git pull && git checkout v24.10.0 && make distclean && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a
<Habbie> n05oh3r42, cd feeds/packages; git branch; git show
<n05oh3r42> * 201fd099b80a2931b7326ce20b0cbb824296c99f
<n05oh3r42> * 201fd099b80a2931b7326ce20b0cbb824296c99f master
<Habbie> that's pretty recent, but i would not have expected master
* enyc meeps
<n05oh3r42> and yes, i used official buildconfig for banapi-r3 https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/24.10.0/targets/mediatek/filogic/config.buildinfo (limited it to banapi-r3 in menuconfig + some extra CFLAGS.
<n05oh3r42> Habbie, master is on next line below
<Habbie> i see that
<Habbie> i would -not- have expect master in a 24.10 build
<n05oh3r42> Habbie, im a bit noob with git, where i made mistake? i thought git checkout v24.10.0 will limit everything to that tag.
<Habbie> i think the feeds script is supposed to do it
<Habbie> but i don't know for sure
<Ansuel> let me test it
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<Ansuel> indeed it's strange...
<Ansuel> oh wait... i didn't change branch...
<n05oh3r42> so i neet to ' git checkout openwrt-24.10 ' first and then ' git checkout v24.10.0-rc7 ' ?
<n05oh3r42> need*
<Ansuel> no
<n05oh3r42> oops not rc7 but v24.10.0
<n05oh3r42> Ansuel So, is it neccessary to specify branch with 'git checkout openwrt-24.10' first before 'git checkout v24.10.0'
<Ansuel> no the thing is correct we are not sourcing out of master... 201fd099b80a2931b7326ce20b0cbb824296c99f is a commit in 24.10 branch so everything is working correctly for the clone and checkout part
<Ansuel> (i just tested it)
<owrt-images-builds> Build [#66](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/162/builds/66) of `main_ipq806x/generic` completed successfully.
<Ansuel> also luci hash is correct
<Ansuel> i'm a bit confused how this is possible luci-mod-rpc 21.020.56896~af422b1 » 25.035.62793~4f7a183
<n05oh3r42> FYI what shoys luci info string: Powered by LuCI openwrt-24.10 branch (25.014.55016~7046a1c)
<n05oh3r42> Ansuel: well, as you may know mod-rpc is not enabled by default in menuconfig ( atr least for filogic\bananapi-r3 in stock config.build info) i enabled it in menuconfig manually, same way as some other packages i need. but i guess luci-mod-admin-full 19.253.48496~3f93650 » 25.035.62793~4f7a183 is builtin package and as you can see it even older
<n05oh3r42> thats confusing me same way. moreover ithought every pkg will be up to date. but every shows update available
<russell--> n05oh3r42: what are the hashes of your feeds?
<n05oh3r42> FYI https://imgur.com/6c6BrJJ screen of packages ( skin installed manually, not prebuild)
<n05oh3r42> russell: not sure how to check hashes of feeds/ how to do that
<n05oh3r42> russell: 'cd feeds/packages; git branch; git show' is ' * 201fd099b80a2931b7326ce20b0cbb824296c99f master' if you talking about that
<russell--> if you do a git branch -a in feeds/packages, you'll see there is an openwrt-24.10 branch
<n05oh3r42> russell: * 201fd099b80a2931b7326ce20b0cbb824296c99f master remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master remotes/origin/for-14.07 remotes/origin/for-15.05 remotes/origin/lede-17.01 remotes/origin/master remotes/origin/openwrt-18.06 remotes/origin/openwrt-19.07 remotes/origin/openwrt-21.02 remotes/origin/openwrt-22.03 remotes/origin/openwrt-23.05 remotes/origin/openwrt-24.10
<russell--> i don't build "releases", so this might be way off, but i'd expect you want to checkout openwrt-24.10 of the packages feed to build with the release branch of openwrt
<n05oh3r42> russell: init was like: git clone https://git.openwrt.org/openwrt/openwrt.git && cd openwrt && git pull && git checkout v24.10.0 && make distclean && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a
<n05oh3r42> russell: where i made mistake? im a bit noob with git.
<russell--> the feeds update was using a feeds.conf.default to define your feeds
<russell--> you can put the contents of (for example): https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/24.10.0/targets/ath79/generic/feeds.buildinfo into your $TOPDIR/feeds.conf and then run the feeds update -a and feeds install -a to match what openwrt.org is doing (i presume)
<russell--> that feeds.buildinfo has the hashes of the feeds nailed
<n05oh3r42> russell: ok, so i guess i missed this part :https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-developer/toolchain/use-buildsystem#selecting_hash
<russell--> maybe something like this: curl https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/24.10.0/targets/mediatek/filogic/feeds.buildinfo > feeds.conf ; scripts/feeds update -a ; scripts/feeds install -a
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<soxrok2212> Ansuel: for this w1700k, do you have an idea why br-lan would not start until a radio turns on?
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<Ansuel> honestly... it's a problem i'm trying to bisect but very little time to understand why... seems something is not getting detected on our netif scripts...
<soxrok2212> oh so you've seen it too?
<soxrok2212> i thought i was going crazy...
<soxrok2212> if it helps, the lan interfaces are not starting automatically either
<russell--> soxrok2212: are there ethernet interfaces in the br-lan bridge?
<soxrok2212> yes
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<soxrok2212> its a "vanilla" config. lan1 and lan2 dont come up automatically, and br-lan doesnt start until a radio turns on, which is off by default
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<Ansuel> russell-- any idea if netifd requires anything? the network config is ok. The only strange thing is lack of ethtool status and no phylink but i don't think that is related...
<soxrok2212> one thing i notice is it uses the generic phy driver
<soxrok2212> PHY [mt7530-0:0a] driver [Generic PHY] (irq=POLL)
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<n05oh3r42> is there any legal way to override image size? because i need to include much more packages to image, but build fails because of image size too big...
<slh> it's never a legaly problem, what is possible -and what not- depends on the device in question, usually there's little wiggle room
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<n05oh3r42> slh: well, on bananpi-r3 there is 8 Gb EMMC
<n05oh3r42> slh: i already increased rootfs size in menuconfig, but how to adjust bigger image size to build?
<schmars[m]> no5oh3r42: CONFIG_TARGET_ROOTFS_PARTSIZE
<n05oh3r42> schmars: i already increaset it: Symbol: TARGET_ROOTFS_PARTSIZE [=4000]
<KanjiMonster> n05oh3r42: TARGET_ROOTFS_PARTSIZE is only for machines that boot from a sdcard or similar (and images generated for those devices). If there is a image size too large error, it means that there is a hard limit to how large your image can be, and there is no way around it
<Habbie> unless you replaced the actual flash chip
<KanjiMonster> n05oh3r42: if your router has an usb port, you can use https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/additional-software/extroot_configuration - that way you have as much space as you want
<n05oh3r42> KanjiMonster: but i building sdcard image and banana-pi-r3 have EMMC 8Gb onboard ( even more - there is m2 nvme slot, buit no way to boot from it, only for storage)
<KanjiMonster> that one should follow TARGET_ROOTFS_PARTSIZE
<n05oh3r42> KanjiMonster: that config option does not help when i include a few more packages. MAx Image size i succesfully made is limited to about ~70-80 mb gzipped and ~100 mb after extraction. Few more packages produces "image too big" error.
<slh> n05oh3r42: be aware that the full TARGET_ROOTFS_PARTSIZE is rewritten in a sysupgrade, if you go overboard with that, sysupgrade will take ages to complete. it's more sensible to use additional partitions for data or other things that need 'a lot' of space
<n05oh3r42> Also i noticed that mold is not working in v24.10.0, same as dead code elimination. But it was fine in RC7... mold fails on lto-wrapper (have no idea why, because lto was not enabled in menuconfig, seems some custom package optimizaton...) Anyway DCE marked experimental, but mold...
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<n05oh3r42> slh: So that strange image limit looks now even more strange for me. Because if i cant embed everything in one image, i need to install and upgrade manually later, and sysupgrade can make a more mess, even than dependencies update . VERY strange image size limit, especially when i have 8GB emmc on board.
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<n05oh3r42> slh: and TBH compiling anything on router is kind of PITA and waste of EMMC life source, even with f2fs and zram for swap. Bad idea even with bananpi-r3's nice CPU and big amount of RAM (as for router).
<KanjiMonster> n05oh3r42: can you plaease pastebin the actual error you get (with context)? (with no -j)
<n05oh3r42> KanjiMonster: you talking about "image too big"?
<KanjiMonster> yes
<slh> n05oh3r42: I have never suggested anything of that kind, OpenWrt is not self-hosting anyways and the runtime toolchain packages are very, very basic and barely support anything but compiling hello_world.c
<Habbie> slh, i tried once, i had a bad time
<Habbie> with enough free space, sticking debian into an lxc/docker/chroot might work (instead of trying to do it on openwrt) but it's rarely a good idea, indeed
<n05oh3r42> slh: i have no idea how sysupgrade works, you said its rewriting all rootfs, so i decided it compiles something...
<Habbie> it does not
<Habbie> it requires an image already built
<slh> n05oh3r42: sysupgrade does an in-place image upgrade, nothing else -no compiling involved- it just writes out the kernel/ rootfs and overlay partitions (with some smarts to retain configuration, if you want it to). it's the default image upgrade process on OpenWrt for all devices
<slh> Habbie: I know that it's possible (if you do quite some weird stuff to get the missing -dev and toolchain packages copied over (I'm not going to call it 'installing')), but that's a different story - the chroot (or similar) approach would be more sensible - if the target is fast enough (CPU, RAM and storage I/O)
<Habbie> yes
<Habbie> certainly not recommending any of that
<slh> maybe for filogic 880 or ipq9574
<Habbie> and various pi
<Habbie> and x86_64
<slh> I really don't want to try that experiment on my x86_64 Atom j1900 ;)
<Habbie> haha no
<Habbie> i have a local x86_64 box (not running openwrt) that is capable enough for small experiments, but when i do openwrt stuff there, i grab a VM
<slh> but it makes a pretty decent router ;)
<slh> n100 should be a different story though
<Habbie> yes
<enyc> ** just pointed out a weird OOM error in #openwrt
<enyc> for 24.10.0
<enyc> not sure if atypical
<enyc> or somehow o debug or report
<enyc> Alas, I get impression 24.10.0 is buggier than usual series release.
<minimal> slh: isn't a J1900 a Celeron, not an Atom?
<Habbie> correct
<Habbie> not sure it matters a lot for this conversation
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<slh> minimal: both is correct, it calles itself "Intel Celeron J1900", it is a baytrail-d Atom SOC
<minimal> slh: confused now... (though as Habbie said not relevant to discussion)
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#68](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/192/builds/68) of `main_gemini/generic` completed successfully.
<slh> minimal: Intel likes that confusion, but these are Atom derived SOCs, not Intel core derived chipsets
<owrt-images-builds> Build [#68](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/53/builds/68) of `main_x86/generic` completed successfully.
<slh> minimal: case in point Celeron 1037u (https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/products/sku/71995/intel-celeron-processor-1037u-2m-cache-1-80-ghz/specifications.html?wapkw=1037u) is core derived, ivy-bridge based (2c2t, 1.8 GHz) vs the baytrail-d Celeron j1900 (4c4t, 2.42 GHz) - both are 2013 vintage, the performance difference is massive, in favour of the c1037u
<minimal> slh: I have devices with both CPUs though I've never compared their performance
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<slh> the j1900 has an advantage of less power consumption (11 watts vs 15 watts) and (for this particular device) 4 e1000e networking ports (vs 2), that's why I use it. the j1900 maxes out at ~800 MBit/s sqm/cake (which is fine, I only need it to do half of that), the c1037u doesn't even clock up from its base frequency to do 1 GBit/s wirespeed
<owrt-images-builds> Build [#68](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/54/builds/68) of `main_malta/be` completed successfully.
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#66](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/26/builds/66) of `main_qualcommax/ipq807x` failed: failed Kmods built (failure)
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<linusw> grid: how typical, let's remove the package from the pogoplug e02
<linusw> I don't know if we should opt it in to devices which we know have the 32kHz crystal or opt out from those we know do *not* have it.
<linusw> Isn't the worst that can happen pretty much the same as what happens now: that the clock stands still during a power cycle?
<linusw> Before loading the module I mean
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#65](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/218/builds/65) of `main_ipq40xx/generic` completed successfully.
<owrt-images-builds> Build [#69](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/61/builds/69) of `main_x86/geode` completed successfully.
<grid> linusw: yeah, it'll just refuse to enumerate actually in mv_rtc_probe()
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#68](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/27/builds/68) of `main_ipq806x/chromium` completed successfully.
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<aparcar[m]> efahl: do you have an eta for the luCI stuff?
<efahl> No, I've only got a rough handle on where it would happen (and I haven't really done any javascript stuff for like 20 years)
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#69](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/208/builds/69) of `main_bcm47xx/legacy` completed successfully.
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