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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#76](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/5/builds/76) of `openwrt-24.10_bcm27xx/bcm2712` completed successfully.
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<nick[m]> russell--: when are we migrating to DSA ;)
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<tmn505> russell--: I thougth back then that maybe BIOS does clear the bits and now I remembered that the source code for it is available: https://www.pcengines.ch/file/wbios111s.zip. I'm not good with numbers (especially with bits) but the source is well commented, and look at the lines 32 and 99 in wrap/GMX.8. I'll test the patch later today.
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<ServError> Anyone able to review these BDFs? https://github.com/openwrt/firmware_qca-wireless/pull/73
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<tmn505> russell--: there are no problem with patch applied, cold and warm boot work without problem.
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