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<mrkiko> Regarding IPQ5xx target - does it make sense to check a partition exists in the u-boot envtool script ? I mean, package/boot/uboot-envtools/files/qualcommax_ipq50xx
<mrkiko> I can see the u-boot env partition is not assumed to exist unconditionally. Is this correct due to some aspects in the target I am missing? Or could these checks be removed?
<mrkiko> I noticed this while trying to review the gl-b3000 support PR
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<drew32> KanjiMonster: I am trying to figure out how to make openwrt split the partition automatically. I renamed it firmware in .dts, and in make kernel_menuconfig I set it to Automatically split firmware partition for kernel+rootfs, but it does not seem to detect it. Does that feature not work with static partitions?
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<drew32> I think I need to specify the compatible = "" again for the firmware porton. I see examples for compatible = "seama" which should cause the seama parser to load? For me with LZMA should I set it to compatible = "LZMA" ? Trying to find some documentation on it
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#70]( of `openwrt-24.10_mvebu/cortexa53` failed: failed Packages built (failure)
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