grid: OooOoOooOO can you pastebin an example path= and udev rule?
grid: I'm particualrly interested to get a fake-pppoe-wan-port thingie (rp-pppoe-server) to come up with a specified PPPoE interface name .....
but also to learn about other ways of referencing interfaces generally
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enyc: sure, but these are for systemd-networkd/udev, neither of which are relevant to openwrt (netifd/procd): https://paste.ee/p/dMRAYaha maybe look into /etc/hotplug.d/usb to rename e.g. ip link set <orig> name usb<N>
* enyc
grid: the fact you reference ip link set .. name ... command itself and hotpulg context etc is all helpful!
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efahl: please create a new PR, I can't "re-merge" a closed one
done, it needed new tests, too
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efahl: thanks for your patches
aparcar: i'm curious, you dont do anything with initramfs images in owut/asu, right?
schmars: should we?
nah don't worry about it. i just suddenly have a use case for initramfs images, and noticed the imagebuilder doesnt include them anymore
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schmars: where are they missing? if they are in profiles.json, you should be good
the imagebuilder doesn't build them anymore, since the per-device rootfs was introduced. easy enough to do it a different way, i was just curious if you stumbled into that as well, but initramfs is pretty out-of-scope for ASU anyway
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