ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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wytrzeszcz_: That would be a large, complicated project, requiring work in core libwayland and in every compositor you want to support (or possibly in every toolkit you want to support, or both).
i see @RAFO thanks
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That's not right
Compositors and toolkits have to support it, yes
But it's not that complicated for compositors to support something like that. On the toolkit side, Qt already supports switching out the compositor on the Wayland socket
In a Plasma session you can do "kwin_wayland --replace" and all the Qt apps survive that just fine
That's if the old $WAYLAND_DISPLAY still points to the new socket right? I imagined wytrzeszcz's question to be about switching from one live compositor to another live compositor
But yes it's a client feature either way
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Arnavion: yes. I interpreted the question as switching the entire session back and forth between compositors
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zamundaaa can I do so with window alone not whole session?
but it looks interesitng and will look on it
wytrzeszcz_: Qt doesn't support that right now, but I can't imagine it being super difficult to add it. Except you need to somehow tell the app that it needs to switch, and which socket to switch to of course
I don't know architecture of wayland but it smell like need for well proxy