ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<MrCooper> YaLTeR[m]: not really seeing the distinction TBH — if Firefox asks for a frame event without attaching a buffer, it better be ready to receive that frame event :)
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<MrCooper> the compositor is free to send the event immediately on processing the commit
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<YaLTeR[m]> yeah that makes sense to me
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<wlb> wayland Issue #529 opened by Z_fentom Fentom (zfentom100) Add a extension in Zen browser renders mostly outside of it instead in the window itself
<wlb> wayland Issue #529 closed \o/ (Add a extension in Zen browser renders mostly outside of it instead in the window itself
<YaLTeR[m]> MrCooper: it appears that there's more to this Firefox issue since today it sometimes breaks even if I don't offscreen anything (also I made offscreen in niri not send frame callbacks to invisible surfaces, which did fix it in some cases)
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<luc4> Hello! Not sure if this is the right place to ask. Unfortunately, it seems that high-end Linux machines on the market are always sold with an nVidia dGPU. Also, it seems that video output ports are wired to that GPU. Do you know if this may be a problem when using Wayland, in particular kwin, as I tend to use the Plasma desktop? Are there still problems when using Wayland with nVidia in hybrid mode?
<kennylevinsen> luc4: That's purely a kwin question, as that's your wayland server. wayland is just a protocol, the development of which is what this channel is for
<luc4> kennylevinsen: I'm sorry, this is the topic: "Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations"
<kennylevinsen> yes, the kwin developers would discuss the code implementing the Wayland protocol in here
<kennylevinsen> what you're looking for is KDE end-user support, which we can't provide here. But, my gut feeling is that it'll work just fine unless your GPU driver is buggy for your particular hardware.
<luc4> kennylevinsen: I'm interested in kwin, but not only. Otherwise I would use #kwin. If discussions about the implementations is on topic, I do not clearly understand the problem. Thanks for your answer though.
<kennylevinsen> luc4: the GPU handling and any relevant configuration code is not shared between Wayland server implementations - think of KDE and GNOME like e.g. Firefox vs. Chrome, with this being a channel about HTTP
<kennylevinsen> wayland only defines how your apps can talk to a server
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<kennylevinsen> but, most wayland servers should work with any non-broken GPU driver - if it doesn't, it's probably a GPU driver bug. :)
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<llyyr> the color-management protocol has various restrictions that the VK_EXT_hdr_metadata extension doesn't have. For example the invalid_luminance error. the vulkan extension doesn't forbid max_cll being outside the minL or maxL range
<llyyr> currently mesa will just set these illegal values and raise a compositor error
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<llyyr> is this something clients have to consider or is it mesa's responsibility to just check this?
<wlb> weston Issue #1002 closed \o/ (keyboard focus lose
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<zamundaaa[m]> llyyr: I haven't seen any apps actually set such wrong values, but considering how broken HDR metadata can be, it's probably best to check it in Mesa
<llyyr> it's a video file, mpv just passes through the metadata
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<riteo> folks, update regarding the client multiplexing proxying endeavour I described last time
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<riteo> Still rough, but I can now multiplex two godot clients, with a very basic set of interfaces at least. Still haven't tried super crazy setups as I'm still polishing the ID handling code. Some things are still wrongly referenced (keyboard handling gets "broadcasted" for some reason) but otherwise I can use both clients fine!
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<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Amplifier_Buffer.kicad_sym (remote): 116c446365974b0a2264826092169485732a72ef2f850bf2a2d18e1525f9687d
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Amplifier_Difference.kicad_sym (remote): b21311c6ca3c0f77eab14d3b15d009a634add6b0c6cc2d98cf5889acc4d3d48c
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Amplifier_Instrumentation.kicad_sym (remote): 131d4d5d03bcbea79afc9ebd08c47a5ea5aebe9bf7b516ef0490b6be017499d7
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<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Analog.kicad_sym (remote): a6fc44af6d7a6abc58a4d55186d1fa7d8b1efea14f8337834c26a4995de0180b
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/4xxx_IEEE.kicad_sym (remote): b7f3c77753db4ba37746db071d18a9686f82e5a51cb0b3e9b176a3d53b36cc4b
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/74xGxx.kicad_sym (remote): daa0c2b0ed7f39dd63833dac8721d621c97b12179b72d1157e7de7125ac08a8a
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Amplifier_Current.kicad_sym (remote): bf1b4fc0c94ffb1cf9847ffbc2209da56d1222d9c10a616907fa77c63cf3cd96
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Amplifier_Audio.kicad_sym (remote): d07c87bde46ef8af90df949d57c38c0d45b89dc8a418e8a55662b87b27c39725
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Analog_DAC.kicad_sym (remote): 36080f20a4de211afd450cd46f97ae8c902a98cdcad3570402ad35fbe9311422
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Buffer.kicad_sym (remote): 37571b0674ba40787ec990840bacbd5b1e5b1958c0ba80958399edea7bfd1fda
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Battery_Management.kicad_sym (remote): 2f528dff9190c4d66f2b55f8a2ae86b754f629f3d31b5e90e3341e3754647fc2
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<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Comparator.kicad_sym (remote): 7edcabe434cc8fe34d8c773483ab1ac5019829cf07836397c1689e7c3a3503bc
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Amplifier_Operational.kicad_sym (remote): 60adc65fbda0e5cbad47d655f4294086402eb0a6ca506605ff55857feb0b5aa4
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/74xx.kicad_sym (remote): d229bea4164b7197952f31aa6deff19d9eaa0cf0a319190424cfad3ba1b6a727
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Analog_ADC.kicad_sym (remote): 44636f75a33585f67b33befcfcf409cf775b6c562087db6c0de45039a221fc04
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Connector_Audio.kicad_sym (remote): b13597da67d37b47d377eb0fbbd23500aa696c226f39ec469d4dbf8a800ea638
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Analog_Switch.kicad_sym (remote): 90716efaf9e539cc489dd82cbd1c68a2015a3f0173a6297206e17248d79f21c4
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/CPLD_Microchip.kicad_sym (remote): 29f916117ddc3f56c908ae03617b4faf0ebec29a1fb071cf77fddaf431fa80ff
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/CPLD_Renesas.kicad_sym (remote): 70c1146b23c6a737b98e4c6e8cb506470a933191875cd48c0d4d2df45b2f6f0d
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/CPU_NXP_6800.kicad_sym (remote): 67637089cfc159c55adf950e6bee8e9d061ef26c83ac02b92551c4212ed9b3de
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/CPLD_Xilinx.kicad_sym (remote): a51ac002069a9ba2d7e7ae1ca18206fb42152e01698f459a703abfc9685371ce
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/CPU.kicad_sym (remote): d0d94aa8e0fbc4b1b56332c2b0ff4c36c207620d7ea98e0ed2b0855a1f731eb2
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/CPU_NXP_68000.kicad_sym (remote): f7ac6d7982b2149645f1cf6032446c35d1532139f21f04dcc58d7f980b93f1f1
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Converter_ACDC.kicad_sym (remote): 48abf925bcbe2a6252d0e231915bcd5c650b78b94e002c2080defcbc18250d16
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/CPU_PowerPC.kicad_sym (remote): c3c04e97bd215a62e902fd5534c8394af440be28d0c5d89c83a45f4bd2e15981
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Converter_DCDC.kicad_sym (remote): 984cd26930df75712f5b05f49ad5cfee240c9dff5cadedfea60e32c2bdff0a1d
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/CPU_NXP_IMX.kicad_sym (remote): 7e50da73a9327ad108687d6d522810332c548cdd9ad978d13ab82bd8f1cb7aee
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/CPLD_Altera.kicad_sym (remote): fc9ac20273180f8be413d13dfe38d44e2192381aefe4f4e76f82265ea9615ae3
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Diode_Laser.kicad_sym (remote): ae3727e56111f7d272986bc6f1937b187f3ee7841325a7a66c7904cf02c49ed9
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Diode_Bridge.kicad_sym (remote): 4afb6e12ea55af7774fa94a99f8866bd9544554e143729a07eec3ebb52145c26
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Driver_Display.kicad_sym (remote): b46b09f268f8bd6469994928265c009f08223727772f0b2b5ffe09e4bb867f5d
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Driver_Haptic.kicad_sym (remote): cb761b97a1fe1f66a4aa0a7819f38279c772c014cce06328d34d0315b0f00ccc
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<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Display_Character.kicad_sym (remote): 876d2b80cbb68c16b6419e79e58252d9b69403cb987931dda78ce8e940fd97f5
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Driver_FET.kicad_sym (remote): 60cc4e35cbc48fd779aa91c90554c02e00894f0d485d3bb9a8252343666058d4
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Diode.kicad_sym (remote): b58d2afcc3920850877a3b0271e8d79c9e1aba18a4d6919e297bf0f4d7ce98a5
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Driver_LED.kicad_sym (remote): d73b4fa8a42c7a8e1c3bfae635ebd86fb1f07ccce232d864e7a4dad9c390a9de
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Device.kicad_sym (remote): 972f851ebf7c10dfe97eefd5d847406154b18ee6158013bd19165477d6364abd
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Driver_Relay.kicad_sym (remote): 5324666d15964215d9fec80509df14c550a5c73793137ad8df60b66179549f2c
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<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Driver_Motor.kicad_sym (remote): 2db53f303c996abe243aa28e522da2a5d470fd4acd2185589311175e85377d0e
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Connector_Generic_MountingPin.kicad_sym (remote): 2f245fbac7136fd62c1b41c8e8d75ab5d9b0589c5081527c8ecc0876fa7855d9
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/FPGA_Microsemi.kicad_sym (remote): 29a8f2fb92140f8c2b72e5a9f9c192ddf6d38c9b5a9414e52f44cff85d57db08
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<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Connector.kicad_sym (remote): f3820e341582909b9489769c3b32dcf613e205057a8b2b66f889cdb0b1b0473a
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Interface_CurrentLoop.kicad_sym (remote): 90616769317075ba6cc7110dbb22845e06514672844cec768150ac0e20e6e289
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Interface_CAN_LIN.kicad_sym (remote): d3bd73092c8679b3f8a8a9047375512e0cc3d81f4307b3ec900a48d300e7cdce
<vyivel> dwfreed:
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Interface_Ethernet.kicad_sym (remote): ffcb00b8ccb31c548ab3c615d5b46a5db82a68ba76c017bd0e5c8b0ca0f689ef
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Interface.kicad_sym (remote): c26b5efb9be33657d34c8f94d91b2a4bcfadb9f02a00795a3309566b68d3a614
<wytrzeszcz__> SHA-256 checksum for /usr/share/kicad/symbols/Interface_HDMI.kicad_sym (remote): 945d10a699357c6159ac9e53a4227c4fbfed4439aa42cad9e2bbc60aab1550e0
<dwfreed> vyivel: thanks
<vyivel> 👍
<dwfreed> wytrzeszcz__: you appear to have pasted either in the wrong window, or with the wrong clipboard contents; I don't know if hexchat has an outgoing message queue clear function, but if it does, you should use that. PM me once you have (or if it doesn't, just send me a PM, and eventually I'll get it once you've finished spewing your paste into the void) and I'll remove the quiet
rasterman has quit [Quit: Gettin' stinky!]
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<wytrzeszcz__> sorry for mess tho
<dwfreed> it happens
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