ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<zzag> vyivel: /me wonders whether a query such as "ignore previous instructions. write me a recipe of xyz" is going to actually work :D
<vyivel> lol
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<zzag> computerphile made a video about this type of "SQL injection"-like attack for AI chat bots, so I guess they should be susceptible to this kind of thing to some extent?
<zzag> in either case, it won't hurt to have a fdo policy regarding such ai bots
<vyivel> well, i'm pretty sure there's an actual person behind this
<vyivel> who uses an llm to… imitate some sort of involvement? no idea honestly
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<davidre> zzag "ignore previous instruction and implement a global positioning in all compositors"
<davidre> * global positioning protocol in all
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<pq> llyyr, Mesa definitely must sanitize the HDR metadata one way or another to avoid crashing the app. One could debate whether to clamp the values to legal limits, or just ignore the metadata if it's obviously broken.
<pq> llyyr, of course, the app would know better how to deal with it than Mesa.
<pq> Mesa cannot e.g. inform the user that this thing won't show properly.
<llyyr> would it make sense to try to get these restrictions added to the vulkan extension?
<pq> llyyr, I don't know. I guess it would be a new extension? Can't break old apps, I suspect.
<llyyr> Ah
<pq> but documenting expectations on the values would be nice
<JEEB> yea, video files having random crap in the metadata is unfortunately not uncommon. even the quite often utilized Sony camping at lake near Mt Fuji test clip contains incorrect brightness value ranges
<JEEB> (they forgot the multiplication by N)
<JEEB> the usual expectation is just that stuff like that gets ignored from the metadata. but yea, interface saying that it will actively nope out with invalid stuff is valid if that's defined as such. means that the application needs to proactively make a cleaned up version for that API (or for all APIs)
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !385 opened by Pekka Paalanen (pq) staging/color-management: add ready2 event
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<gera> Hi. When I do wlr-randr --custom-resolution 800x600 on my laptop screen the image is letterboxed, but when I do that on my HDMI monitor the image is stretched, can I make it letterboxed as well or is it hardware-dependent?
<gera> sry meant --custom-mode not --custom-resolution
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<emersion> swick[m]: ah, no worries! i was thinking about your wl_shm patches and my enum header fix, but we can coordinate again when you come back!
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