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<steev> robclark: ahhh... actually the backlight stuff is now broken on torvalds tree, so i gotta wait on bamse to stop slacking^W^Wpush his new backlight stuff
<steev> which he may have done, but tbh, i've been on antibiotics and pain killers again for the past few weeks so i haven't kept up on *anything*
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<bamse> steev: i was told that there's landed a few more cleanups since i last rebased, so i need to do that again...
<bamse> steev: i think i incorporated Uwe's feedback in my working tree, so it should be fairly close to being able to be sent out again
<steev> could be... i haven't paid close attention, i just noticed it in my latest pull
<steev> oh, it's already pushed somewhere?
<steev> psuhed ish
<bamse> no, i think it still needs another rebase
<steev> ah
<bamse> and it depends on things that are trickling into v5.14-rc1
<bamse> so i don't have a version for 5.13
<steev> oh, i'll just skip 5.13 then :)
<bamse> i'll make sure to get the patches rebased and posted soon, hopefully Uwe will be happy with my math this time
<steev> (seriously, i'm fine skipping 5.13, i skipped 5.11)
<bamse> hopefully i can finish up my pieces and we don't have to skip anything going forward...
<steev> well audio is broken again in 5.12, and i wanted to see if it was fixed in 5.13, i can always bump to -next once the backlight stuff is ready and see if it works there, or what
<steev> and i don't see srinivas on oftc :(
<steev> kinda weird one
<bamse> steev: srinivas has been using the c630 for the last month or so, so i expect that if it doesn't work out of the box there's some patches for it somewhere
<bamse> steev: this might be the ucm series that's been going back and forth for a few weeks now
<steev> i'm looking at the asoc patchwork and don't see anything specific, although that audioreach stuff
<steev> ohh, it could be ucm stuff again
<bamse> audioreach is for newer platforms, so not applicable to either laptop
<steev> oh boo
<steev> bamse: was that on the msm mailing list, or alsa, or somewhere else?
<steev> for the ucm stuff
<bamse> i don't know the process for contributing ucm patches
<steev> oh i meant the discussions you said going back and forth
<bamse> he mentioned it, i don't know the details
<steev> ah, okay
<steev> ah, looks like there was some back and forth on the pull request -
<bamse> so it's not only me that have problems understanding the ucm files ;)
<steev> not even remotely... not to mention they change it every damn release
<bamse> right, so hopefully we can get our stuff merged to avoid having to rebase/reimplement...and just deal with the regressions
<steev> ye
<steev> only a few more days of antibiotics and pain killers though so i'll be able to focus again soon
<steev> but the tooth is finally dealt with, so fingers crossed
<bamse> ouch
<bamse> and then you reach that point where you think the pain is over, and the bill arrives
<steev> apparently i have decent dental insurance and the bill for yesterday (tooth extraction) was 0
<bamse> nice
<bamse> last year my wife's crown fell out and the insurance company didn't want to pay for another one, and we didn't want to have the same idiot put in a another one...
<steev> ouch
<steev> well now that you're here in texas... just drive on over to elpaso and cross over into juarez and pay like 1/5th the cost
<bamse> and if you're lucky you get to wake up with enough organs to get home again
<steev> still worth it
<bamse> it was a rather expensive crown...
<steev> i was actually looking into getting implants done... but they wanted 45k and i'm just like "...", looked into juarez and there's a place that'll do it for 7k
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