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<steev> bleh, still needs something from srini i guess
<steev> someone should tell him to move to oftc :(
<steev> robclark: with 5.13 i'm seeing a lot of [ 1290.508084] [drm:dpu_encoder_frame_done_timeout:2161] [dpu error]enc31 frame done timeout (after a while)
<robclark> haven't seen any issues like that on sc7180.. haven't had a chance to update kernel on c630 yet, but I'd assume it should be largely the same (same bridge, nearly identical panel, etc)
<robclark> but if you aren't using `fw_devlink=off` you should..
<steev> i'll give that a shot too - i googled and i found but stable (5.13.1) definitely has that applied already
<robclark> I think gregkh may have picked up a couple of sboyds patches for fw_develink issue.. but it wouldn't be in 5.13
<steev> (with fw_devlink=off, not with sboyd's patches as I haven't downloaded them yet)
<steev> oddly - this is on the one where i normally have to use a custom config, because of the slimbus thing, but even though that happens with 5.13... i'm able to log in and use the system
<steev> bamse: with ipa patch applied, it does probe on 5.13... i don't seem to get any rmnet_ipa devices though (likely because i don't have the userland?)
<steev> bamse: also... i'm not entirely sure which ipa firmware i should be using? i seem to have a few different files in there... a bunch of ipa_fws.b{0-4}, ipa_fws.elf, and i have an ipa_fws.mdt.orig - the mdt.orig file is ~6.7K, the .elf is 33K
<steev> however... on the second c630, the ipa module doesn't probe automagically?
<steev> also, probing it doesn't print anything, unlike on the first c630 where it does print out things like initializing
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<steev> bamse: ah, actually i get error -110 awaiting init driver response
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