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<clover[m]> <steev> "i was going to try blacklisting..." <- Pretty sure I tried that and it didn't help
<steev> you may have :)
<clover[m]> I wonder if sway has these issues. Leo Shen: any idea?
<szclsya[m]> last time I tried hdmi with a dongle works just fine on sway
<steev> yeah, sway has been fine
<steev> that's part of why it wasn't noticed before ;)
<clover[m]> just picked up mutter-42.5-1
<clover[m]> plus gnome-shell-1:42.5-1
<steev> reminder that that just has my one patch, and the other bug is still open :)
<clover[m]> Yeah
<clover[m]> Crazy that your patch is from a month ago and arch is just now getting it
<clover[m]> So slow
<steev> well they just released 42.5 recently
<steev> i thought
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<clover[m]> it works even better on xorg now. i think it still has issues with suspend though. i should probably get a log and open a ticket about it
<steev> yeah, you'll want to enable drm debugging for that
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<clover[m]> upgraded upower (0.99.20-1 -> 1.90.0-1) and i think it broke power management on my x13s. no longer reporting battery percentage or charging/discharging status
<clover[m]> yup downgrading upower back to 0.99 fixed battery status
<clover[m]> is this considered a upower bug or a qrtr / pd-mapper bug, steev any idea?
<travmurav[m]> if there is no /sys/class/power_supply/???/present then there is a upower version that would ignore such battery
<travmurav[m]> as it assumed that the battery that can't report it's presence is absent, which was later fixed
<clover[m]> we have stuff in there
<travmurav[m]> then my guess is that /sys/class/power_supply/qcom-batmgr-bat/present doesn't exist
<travmurav[m]> if it doesn't, this is the ^^^ bug, if it does and report 1, then some other thing
<clover[m]> /sys/class/power_supply/qcom-battmgr-bat/present: cannot open `/sys/class/power_supply/qcom-battmgr-bat/present' (No such file or directory)
<travmurav[m]> yeah, the ^^^ issue it is then
<clover[m]> :(
<travmurav[m]> it's already fixed upstream but I suppose there is no new upower release. One could either convince the distro maintainer to carry the patch on top or patch the kernel to report the presence
<clover[m]> according to their gitlab upower got released a month ago but alarm just got the update last night
<clover[m]> which broke my setup
<travmurav[m]> well the fix is on top of the upower master, made a week ago so the release from the last month lacks it already (which is why I know about it being broken as I also stumbled upon the thing when it got updated)
<steev> yeah, can throw the kernel patch in the mix, rc6 is out anyway, i just need to back some testing things out first
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<clover[m]> Sorry steev? Not sure how the kernel patch applies
<clover[m]> Does it add the "present" file?
<steev> yes
<steev> well
<steev> one based on that would, that one doesn't include it in ours
<clover[m]> still confused
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