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<clover[m]> thinkpad just got support for Lenovo Power Management Driver, whatever that means
<steev> i'll check it out
<steev> bamse: mani_s: looks like the debian package for pd-mapper is called power-domain-mapper
<mani_s> steev, ah, may i know who is maintaining it?
<steev> Maintainer: DebianOnMobile Maintainers <>
<clover[m]> hoping it gives better battery life, at least in windows
<steev> - renamed due to pure data namespace? i guess
<mani_s> hmm
<mani_s> I think bamse brought this out some time before
<steev> if there is one thing i avoid... its the bike shedding in debian
<clover[m]> Bike shedding?
<szclsya[m]> <clover[m]> "hoping it gives better battery..." <- from my experience the battery life is excellent in windows. I'm guessing there're some uninitialized hardware consuming power on linux?
<szclsya[m]> (also all the compositing has to be done in software, which drains power too
<Lucanis> alright
<Lucanis> I sourced one of these
<Lucanis> would generic arm debian boot this?
<Lucanis> are the realveiws still in the kernel?
<robclark> with arm7 or arm9 or something like that? That is pretty ancient..
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<Lucanis> robclark: not a huge issue as long as its still in the kernel
<Lucanis> i just want to see if I can get an OS on it, tbh
<Lucanis> its not going to be building anything
<robclark> no, I mean _really_ ancient.. does debian even support anything that old?
<steev> clover[m]: The act of wasting time on trivial details while important matters are inadequately attended is sometimes known as bikeshedding. That term originates from Parkinson's observation of a committee organized to approve plans for a nuclear power plant. As Parkinson noted, the committee devoted a disproportionate amount of time to relatively unimportant details -- such as the materials for a bicycle storage shed -- which limited
<steev> the time available to focus on the design of the nuclear plant.
<steev> i use the term, as more of a "spending more time talking about the details rather than doing work"
<clover[m]> ok, thanks
<steev> well, crud
<steev> i should have known windows update would overwrite the bootloader settings
<Lucanis> robclark: I dont see why it shouldnt.
<Lucanis> It supports armhf and armel
<robclark> Lucanis: hmm the eabi port supports as far back as armv4t so you might be in luck with that.. armhf looks to need armv7 so you are outta luck there
<robclark> oh, nm, says buster dropped armv4t, so you are probably out of luck depending on which arm7 or arm9
<robclark> well, maybe newer arm7/arm9 are armv5t
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<steev> hmmm
<steev> good news, i wiped out my thinkpad's install because i'm an idiot
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<szclsya[m]> oops...
<steev> just means i get to start over fresh
<steev> luckily i push just about everything to some git somewhere :D
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<clover[m]> How did you manage that??