ChanServ changed the topic of #aarch64-laptops to: Linux support for AArch64 Laptops (Asus NovaGo TP370QL - HP Envy x2 - Lenovo Mixx 630 - Lenovo Yoga C630)
<jenneron[m]> Dylanger: `--hwdec=v4l2m2m-copy`
<Dylanger> Is there anyway to confirm this is working?
<Dylanger> Like a video decoder `top`
<jenneron[m]> it will print something about v4l2 and you will have less CPU usage
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<leezu> steev: re switching to sid and hitting the mutter#2398 issue. You can avoid it by using X11
<steev> ah, i wasn't sure if it was wayland wand x11 or not
<steev> good to know
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<leezu> Just tried running 6.1-rc4 on lazor. The internal screen fail to work (remains black) and there are 2 kernel traces "memcpy: detected field-spanning write (size 208) of single field "&device->entry" at drivers/firmware/google/coreboot_table.c:104 (size 8)" and "disp_cc_mdss_mdp_clk status stuck at 'off'"
<leezu> If you have recommendations about where to report these two regressions, please let me know
<steev> i blame google
<steev> fwiw, 6.1.0-rc4 works here on sc8280xp
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<steev> i wonder if the first error is leading to the second
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<steev> hmm
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<javierm> leezu: you can try with clk_ignore_unused
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<hexdump0815> leezu: maybe robclark has an idea regarding your lazor issue - i did not yet get to testing v6.1 on my trogdor device myself
<javierm> leezu: but also, "pp3300_hub: disabling". You need CONFIG_NVMEM_QCOM_QFPROM and CONFIG_USB_ONBOARD_HUB to be enabled in v6.1
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<Dylanger> This Acer/MT8195 is the bees knees
<Dylanger> Highly recommend
<Dylanger> MacBook level niceness (albeit I've never owned a MacBook)
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<laine> hrm. What part of this don't I understand? I bought one of those SnapDragon-based laptops just to poke at it (interesting stuff - it even has a SIM slot and LTE modem, as if they just strapped a 13" display and keyboard onto the innards of a cheap cell phone), and noticed that the Fedora Media Writer gives an option for creating an aarch64 live usb stick.
<laine> So I told it to do that, plugged it into the SnapDragon laptop, and it gave a tiny "boot failed" in blue in the middle of the screen. So I took that USB stick over and plugged it into an x86_64 laptop - it gave me the initial "boot fedora" selection screen, but then died with a dracut error during integrity check.
<laine> So is the Fedora Media Writer creating boot media that is actually only suitable for x86 even when I tell it to use an aarch64 image?
<steev> not enough info to go on
<steev> did you check the files on the usb stick?
<steev> what type of snapdragon based laptop did you get
<laine> I looked at the files on the usb stick, and didn't see anything that indicated a specific architecture to me. I just now redid the operation to verify I actually selected the correct arch, and I apparently did.
<laine> This is the $129 Walmart special I asked about yesterday (I had already impulse-ordered it, and it arrived yesterday evening):
<laine> People yesterday said that it wouldn't quite work, but not details about how much it won't work :-) (e.g. - boots but most things don't function, doesn't boot at all, fails during boot, etc).
<laine> I'm just poking at it to satisfy my ADHD :-)
<laine> (and if there's any useful info I can gather along the way, I'd be happy to report that; I don't really know what's useful or how to collect it though...)
<Dylanger> <laine> "hrm. What part of this don't..." <- Keep in mind at least to my knowledge the Lenovo X13s, Qualcomm don't give you access to EL2, so no virtualization 4u 🙃
<steev> sorry, i don't see any questions about it, but whoever you talked to is likely correct; the gateway is likely close to the samsung or the yoga c630 though; that said... you'd have to look at the files themselves on the usb stick (there are probably a number of binaries on there) to see what arch they're compile for (file /path/to/file would tell you)
<laine> Yeah, I'm not expecting anything useful out of it. Curiosity just got the better of me.
<laine> Oh, right. I just realized that I previously asked about it in #fedora-arm, and clicked on the wrong channel to "follow up" :-/
<steev> ah, that makes more sense :D
<clover[m]> my work vpn client finally released a arm64 client package. its a damn DEB though
<clover[m]> i found out today that debtap is a thing though, and it worked nicely!
<clover[m]> this is big, it means i have literally no reason for windows anymore! \0/
<clover[m]> unless i want to show my flesh self to my boss over zoom, still missing a webcam
<laine> steev: yeah, a question about the Fedora Media writer makes a *lot* more sense in a fedora-related channel. Oops! :-)
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