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<clover[m]> We always get sad when the extra m2 slot gets brought up
<steev> indeed
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<HdkR> I maanged to hit a skin-temp critical temperature shutdown just now :D
<HdkR> I guess the GPU doesn't understand throttling to try and keep it low enough?
<HdkR> It overheated running Crysis Remastered :P
<ungeskriptet> hexdump0815: I don't have any local changes, I have everything pushed. I use `make defconfig sc7180.config` and `make -j16` to build the kernel
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<jhovold> HdkR: yeah, GPU throttling remains to be implemented
<HdkR> I see I see
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<maz> jhovold: not been able to reproduce your oops so far, and the fact that the pointer is to an unmapped string makes be think that we could have a driver that freed the corresponding memory.
<maz> if you could give KASAN a go, that'd be super helpful.
<jhovold> maz: just enabled KASAN and will try to reproduce
<jhovold> verified that there does not appear to be any irqs allocated and freed during after boot
<jhovold> after boot*
<maz> jhovold: there goes my theory then... hopefully KASAN will be shouty enough.
<jhovold> did not trigger on first attempt... will continue trying
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<jhovold> maz: bingo, on the second attempt. Just replied with the splat on list.
<maz> jhovold: unfortunately, it doesn't tell us more than we already knew.
<jhovold> so it seems...
<jhovold> i'll try and see if there's a pattern in which irq it triggers on, the VA address was the same in the first two oopses I saved
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> <HdkR> ""; <- hint, is there a comprehensive instruction on how to install and configure and run this on x13s?
<ardb> maz: jhovold, i fixed a similar issue before on c630 - let me find the commit
<ardb> ok i misremembered - i fixed something in the lmh interrupt code before it was ultimately upstreamed by someone else
<ardb> but in that case, the name that was used to register the interrupt was freed again right after
<ardb> resulting in similar weird behavior when looking at /proc/interrupts
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> I'm shocked that there is LDAP support!
<Jasper[m]1> Assuming you're using Pipewire, it's very good indeed
<HdkR> Does Pipewire let you query bluetooth audio latency like Pulseaudio yet?
<HdkR> Very useful since I had a pair of headphones with terrible latency with LDAC, but great latency with AptX HD
<maz> ardb: that's the sort of thing I was thinking of, but KASAN doesn't indicate that the string has been freed.
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<jhovold> ardb: seems like it should be easier to reproduce if it was something like that though
<jhovold> appears harder to trigger after adding a printk to show_interrupts()
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<jhovold> ardb: you were spot on, the irqaction name was allocated on the stack in a patch which is still under review on the lists
<jhovold> maz: ^
<jhovold> should have checked the actual /proc/interrupt output more closely before posting:
<jhovold> 172: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDC 127 Level ���A
<jhovold> sorry about the noise...
<maz> had, that's a good one!
<maz> ha*
<maz> this PDC driver is such a ... anyway, glad you got to the bottom of that one.
<jhovold> thanks for you help
<jhovold> your*
<konradybcio> maz wouldn't be a qualcomm IP if it did precisely one thing
<konradybcio> jhovold nice quick action!
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<ardb> jhovold: interesting that this is the second time this happens with a qualcomm driver
<ardb> i guess qcom engineers have no use for /proc/interrupts ...
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<jhovold> ardb: remember which driver it was last time? now it was the dwc3 usb driver and the multiport patches
<ardb> the lmh driver
<jhovold> oh, yes, you said that
<jhovold> anyone using my 6.4.2 (or 6.4.1) or v6.5-rc1 wip branches should pull the fix I just pushed for the /proc/interrupt crash
<jhovold> was introduced with the usb multiport patches v9 update, which I updated to in 6.4.1
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<jhovold> and just to clarify, anyone using steev's 6.4.y branch is affected as well as his branches are based on mine
<jhovold> cherry-picking this commit should do the trick:
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<robclark> HdkR: I suppose we don't have cooling device wired up yet for gpu or cpu?
<jhovold> robclark: we have for cpu but not gpu
<jhovold> adreno 3d00000.gpu: [drm:msm_devfreq_init [msm]] *ERROR* Couldn't register GPU cooling device
<robclark> yeah, I don't see any cooling map/etc in dtsi
<robclark> our current cpu trip points allow things to get pretty darn toasty.. I guess we have no skin temp setup?
<jhovold> we do, but i guess it doesn't help when really pushing the gpu...
<robclark> I'm just talking about when I do something like compile kernel.. which also shouldn't be pushing gpu much ;-)
<jhovold> perhaps you're running with steev's infamous "make it hotter" patch? ;)
<jhovold> i belive he increased the threshold for some extra bang
<jhovold> skin temp threshold
<robclark> ahh.. that is possible.. well, I'm using your v6.4.1 branch atm but earlier I was using steev's
<jhovold> ok, it's quite possible the default settings needs to be tweaked too
<robclark> I'll make a point to check how hot it gets next time I build kernel.. I guess I probably had the make-it-hotter.patch the first time
<jhovold> robclark, eric_engestrom: is there anything particular that's holding up the mesa 23.1.4 release?
<clover[m]> steev do you have time to update 6.4.y today?
<eric_engestrom> jhovold: lack of time to figure out two regressions; I do this in my spare time and I haven't had much of it last week or so far this week, but this weekend I should have plenty of time if I can't do it before
<jhovold> eric_engestrom: thanks for the update, just curious as I saw the estimated release schedule and was hoping to soon be able to drop my custom build
<konradybcio> robclark we have skin-temp-thermal
<konradybcio> 73degC is critical, 55 and 58 are trip points 0 and 1 respectively
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<clover[m]> welcome EnigmaCurry another arch user on x13s :)
<Jasper[m]1> Hello!
<steev> clover[m]: i will, yeah
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<steev> konradybcio: right, my branch lifts those to 65 and 68 (but leaves 73 as critical)
<steev> i was thinking of making them 60/65 , but imo, 50 clamps to 825MHz way too quickly
<steev> er 55*
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> <steev> "i was thinking of making them 60..." <- Why waste a battery for heating?
<steev> because i don't have all century to sit around waiting on things to compile
<kitsune-tsuki> konradybcio: Is there a direct contact between SoC and case? TCL laptop case was ok to touch with SoC temp up to 90 degree celsius but there is no direct contact
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<konradybcio> kitsune-tsuki: there's a sensor connected to one of the ADCs
<konradybcio> SoC-plastic contact would be insane..
<robclark> kitsune-tsuki: it very much depends on the enclosure design but x13s has a metal body (and a heat pipe that spreads the SoC heat out over a wider area)
<robclark> usually if skin temp might be an issue (like with tablets) that'll be a separate sensor
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<HdkR> robclark: skinT doesn't matter much to me when the laptop sits on a desk forever :P
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<exeat> The x13s specs say that the case material is "Magnesium-aluminium (top), GFRP (bottom)", so not all metal
<clover[m]> Oh wow. Fiberglass!
<steev> clover[m]: pushed
<steev> 6.4 is updated to 6.4.3 as well as pulling in johan's fixup
<robclark> hmm, mine has "recycled aluminum" printed on the bottom
<steev> and v6.5-rc1 is... 6.5rc1 added
<steev> mine says recycled magnesium
<exeat> You can search for your model here:
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<clover[m]> thanks steev, booting fine here and headphones and other stuff working fine. arch peeps can pacman -Syu to get the fix
<clover[m]> 6.5 rc1 also seems good. hopefully they put that camera stuff in soon :P
<Jasper[m]1> <clover[m]> "thanks steev, booting fine..." <- Did it aswell, a660_sqe.fw still fails loading and I saw another thing that didn't work
<Jasper[m]1> Something about soundwire
<Jasper[m]1> That's about it though. Seems to run fine otherwise
<Jasper[m]1> Also this is getting spammed in dmesg
<clover[m]> thats odd. whats your output for
<clover[m]> file /usr/lib/firmware/qcom/a660_sqe.fw
<Jasper[m]1> (Sound doesn't work either)
<clover[m]> do you have pd-mapper jasper?
<Jasper[m]1> clover[m]: > <> thats odd. whats your output for
<Jasper[m]1> > file /usr/lib/firmware/qcom/a660_sqe.fw
<Jasper[m]1> "data"
<Jasper[m]1> it exists
<Jasper[m]1> clover[m]: Yes
<steev> it is likely, not in the initramfs, as i've been saying for a week
<Jasper[m]1> steev: I'm sorry I was under the impression that it was. No idea what the implications of the error are though.
<steev> none
<Jasper[m]1> Okay then, nothing to worry about I guess
<steev> because it will keep trying until it does with the gpu, and once the rootfs is mounted, it loads it
<Jasper[m]1> No idea what the adsp thing is doing though, assuming that's audii
<Jasper[m]1> *audio
<steev> pd-mapper is running?
<Jasper[m]1> Yes
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<clover[m]> firmware + pd-mapper should equal sound
<robclark> same pd-mapper thing as we already needed for something or other (wifi?)
<Jasper[m]1> robclark: Charging/Battery from what I gathered
<clover[m]> pd-mapper is needed for sound too
<robclark> ahh right
<clover[m]> the one in the AUR should work
<robclark> ok.. so I guess I'm missing some fw and/or something doesn't grok .xz fw
<clover[m]> jasper if you downgrade (its an AUR package) linux-x13s back to 6.4.1 does sound work again?
<Jasper[m]1> Haven't tried yet, will do in a sec
<Jasper[m]1> Actually wait nvm it does work
<Jasper[m]1> Just really softly
<Jasper[m]1> Kde's noises don't work either but tg's sounds do
<Jasper[m]1> That's a bit weird
<clover[m]> do you have alsa-ucm-conf-git-x13s from my repo? that version comes with a boosted default playback
<clover[m]> i think at the cost of resolution though
<Jasper[m]1> clover[m]: I do
<Jasper[m]1> Pulse stuff in kde and kmix are conflicting a bit I see
<Jasper[m]1> don't know what that's about
<Jasper[m]1> One shows all channels, the other one doesn't. And the pulse settings within kde settings freezes
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<clover[m]> you can also play with alsamixer to boost volumes even higher, but you have to be very careful with that
<clover[m]> don't want to permanently damage the speakers
<Jasper[m]1> Yeah I messed around with it on my tablet when I was porting mainline. Messed up the speakers a bit I think.
<steev> robclark: it definitely doesn't handle compressed firmware
<robclark> got a list of what fw's I need (and which ones are read by non-xz aware userspace)?
<robclark> yeah, think so
<robclark> I wonder if I saved that fw somewhere ;-)
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<Sally[m]123> What's your opinion on pinebook pro in terms of performance?