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<clover[m]> It's fine if you are doing some light browsing or coding in vim but it's not a great workstation
<clover[m]> It's just too slow and 4gb ram
<clover[m]> Also it can draw more power than the charger can give it. So if you have e.g. a USB hub on it it will drain the battery even when plugged in
<gabertron> for the x13s are most people just using mainline mesa now? a while ago I guess people were using robclark's a690 branch, but basically tip of main is good now?
<robclark> gabertron: ToT is good.. I think 23.1.x (at least the most recent one) is good
<gabertron> awessome thx!
<robclark> 23.1.3 is what is in f38 and that works
<robclark> I think 23.0.x is too old
<gabertron> ok
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<jhovold> gabertron: mesa 23.1.3 works, but the upcoming 23.1.4 should have some important freedreno fixes that specifically addresses some firefox crashes with video and webgl content
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<gabertron> Ok great yea I just built main and that works great so whenever that lands I’ll gives that a try as well thanks!
<clover[m]> what file explorer do you guys use (looking for something besides nautilus)
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<Stirl[m]> I usually just use thunar
<clover[m]> yeah im using it now. installing tumbler makes it a bit better
<Stirl[m]> what is tumbler?
<clover[m]> it gives thumbnail support for image files in thunar
<Stirl[m]> ah, thats cool. Really I'm using dired in emacs for 90% of the things I need to do and then I just use thunar as the interface for selecting a file from an application
<Stirl[m]> uploads, etc..
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<jenneron[m]> does anyone know where efs data is stored on 7c chromebooks?
<jenneron[m]> seems to be /dev/mmcblk1boot0
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