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<martiert> for the x13s, is the modem currently working? I'm on steevs 6.3.7 kernel and can find the modem, and unlock the SIM using my PIN. But connecting gives me an "Invalid transition" from ModemManager.
<cenunix[m]> <martiert> "cenunix: just add the rest of..." <- Sweet thanks, how is your laptop running now with everything set up? Any issues? I know there is a mesa patch for Firefox crashing, I’m compiling mesa right now hopefully to fix it.
<martiert> I have the issue with firefox crashing. If you're successfull with the newly compiled mesa I'll try that out I think. Other than that the laptop is runnig really well. Everything I expect to work works. Mainly missing the modem.
<cenunix[m]> Yeah, I set up a remote builder for the x13s , one of my other machines at home. It’s fairly easy to setup, it should be in my nicks repo (my github username is same as this one) but it’s helped reduce some strain on the laptop. This thing gets hot compiling everything all the time lol
<martiert> yeah, when compiling the kernel the heat in the room definitely goes up slightly :P
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<jhovold> martiert: steev
<jhovold> martiert: steev's branch has a patch that increases the thermal thresholds, try dropping that one
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<martiert> jhovold: aaah. I'll try that out
<jhovold> martiert, cenunix[m]: the upcoming mesa 23.1.4 should have the fixes for the firefox crashes
<jhovold> that released has been delayed, but iiuc should be released soon
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<cenunix[m]> that would be amazing, I think maybe we should wait for that martiert mesa has to compile a bunch of dependencies through nix. I'm not sure if theres a way around it.
<user___> hello from webchat. is there a way to read the backstory/log of this channel?
<martiert> cenunix[m]: yeah, I guess changing mesa version triggers a huge bunch of stuff to rebuild. I guess nix will pick up that release pretty quickly (at least for me running nixos-unstable)
<martiert> cenunix[m]: for the dtb copying I do btw: I'm not 100% happy with it, as I'm copying it to the same place. So if the dtb created is broken, I'll end up with a broken dtb regardless of kernel I'm loading. Any ideas for linking the dtb with the kernel? Would like to make sure I can always go back to the previous grub entry if I mess something up
<user___> is there a way to connect with Element in here? (some users have org.matrix:USERNAME?!)
<travmurav[m]> user___: matrix network has a bridge to OFTC, yes
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<exeat> martiert: I have a grub hack like that, similar to the patch in debian #929427 (and several others). This should give you an idea:
<martiert> exeat: aaaah. I can probably do something similar. Fetching the hash from the kernel, and using that in the dtb (or something similar)
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<agl7-x13s> Good evening (here in Europe is it shortly bevor 6 pm o'clock)
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<clover[m]> TGIF
<steev> indeed
<steev> also woo, bunch of the sound fixes we were carrying got applied to linus' tree :)
<clover[m]> new mesa is available for arch user with ironrobin repo. now you can play big buck bunny in firefox to your heart's content
<clover[m]> is anyone working on VAAPI these days?
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<Jasper[m]1> <clover[m]> "new mesa is available for arch..." <- YOOOO
<Jasper[m]1> <clover[m]> "new mesa is available for arch..." <- Is vp9 decode working or do I need to install h264ify?
<clover[m]> im not sure. you will have to experiment
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> <clover[m]> "new mesa is available for arch..." <- can you please elaborate on what good things happened? for normal language users?)
<clover[m]> this should be fixed with latest mesa:
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> clover[m]: Thanks for the answer. because firefox was crashing, I just installed chronium and forgot about the problem.
<clover[m]> that works too haha
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<Jasper[m]1> <clover[m]> "this should be fixed with latest..." <- Oh but video did already work for me without problems
<Jasper[m]1> I thought video acceleration started working, but that depends on Venus right?
<clover[m]> it depends on va-api i think. pretty sure venus is already solved. any insight konradybcio ?
<jenneron[m]> it depends on venus and v4l2m2m support in firefox which is limited to h264
<jenneron[m]> and is currently only in nightly
<jenneron[m]> venus is v4l2m2m
<Jasper[m]1> jenneron[m]: Ah cool, let's see if I can get that running
<Jasper[m]1> It's not too good atm
<jenneron[m]> what do you mean?
<Jasper[m]1> jenneron[m]: 90% cpu usage
<clover[m]> looks like firefox nightly builds are in the AUR not sure if aarch64 is supported though
<clover[m]> and then i guess you would need the h264ify thing
<Jasper[m]1> Hmm for some reason it's limited to 480p now
<Jasper[m]1> with or without h264ify
<steev> hm, now i'm getting dummy output
<steev> this is gonna be annoying for end users
<clover[m]> rip
<steev> yep
<steev> i gotta see if your patch works for me now, it wasn't previously
<steev> hm, no, i had yours applied, unapplying still gives dummy
<clover[m]> hw numbers might have changed again?
<steev> maybe
<clover[m]> are you on rc3 or next or what?
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<steev> tot for torvalds rc2
<steev> so the audio bits got applied today