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<enyalios> would someone be able to help me get audio working on my thinkpad x13s
<enyalios> i have a fresh gentoo install on it
<enyalios> running steev/linux kernel, lenovo-x13s-linux-6.5.y branch
<enyalios> alsa-ucm-conf-1.2.10 with this patch applied
<enyalios> and running the most recent git version of linux-firmware
<enyalios> i have everything turned up in alsamixer (which is like serveral hundred things for some reason)
<enyalios> and still no sound
<enyalios> i have a strange message in dmesg
<enyalios> [ 45.930631] MultiMedia1 Playback: ASoC: no backend DAIs enabled for MultiMedia1 Playback, possibly missing ALSA mixer-based routing or UCM profile
<enyalios> my full dmesg output is here
<enyalios> anyone else have audio working on a thinkpad x13s?
<steev> you should definitely not have gone through and cranked everything up in alsa mixer if you did
<enyalios> oh no?
<enyalios> i was worried that audio was working but the volume was on 0 or something
<steev> did you happen to keep the windows install around?
<enyalios> i did not
<enyalios> i did make a usb system restore drive
<enyalios> but i did not test it and would really prefer to not blow away the linux install
<steev> No, I was gonna suggest booting windows and seeing if the speakers still worked or not, not suggesting to install it
<steev> I’ve never seen that message before you showed it, so I’m not entirely sure what it means, maybe srinik or broonie might
<enyalios> if i blow away the asound.state and reboot it should reset things to defaults, shouldnt it?
<steev> it should, yeah
<steev> what i did though was blow it away, and then press the power button
<enyalios> do you also have 290 sound controls, because that seems excessive
<steev> about that, yeah
<steev> welcome to modern codecs
<enyalios> lol, wtf
<steev> There are lots of knobs (that end users really shouldn’t be turning)
<steev> I don’t think it’s still possible, but I’m reminded of the melting his speakers on his daisy_snow Chromebook when they first came out because of cranking a volume too high
<enyalios> oof
<clover[m]> <steev> "clover: have you seen [ 101.273..." <- Currently in Dallas picking up a Japanese export. I will check on this when I get back
<steev> oh nice
<steev> don't forget to stop at Torchy's Tacos
<clover[m]> I'm at some pizza place right now
<steev> my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
<bamse> disappointment goes to 11
<steev> probably went to cici's
<steev> but for reals, if you've never been to a torchys, would highly recommend
<steev> i'm a big fan of the wrangler
<steev> but if you hate brisket, you wouldn't like it
<bamse> i'm still on the fence about the monthly taco with a waffle, fried chicken and maple sirup that they had earlier this year...
<steev> WHAT
<steev> when
<bamse> monthly special...
<steev> they normally have it in march and they did not have it at this one
<steev> that is my absolute favorite, and it's called the roscoe
<bamse> haha
<steev> because it's based on roscoe's chicken n waffles
<bamse> it was really good...but really odd
<bamse> well, as many of their other crazy things :)
<steev> yeah, it's definitely not something most people would think of when they would think of a taco
<steev> the torchy's in SA is about 5 minutes from my place... and when the roscoe is there... i pretty much live there
<steev> but i do also like chicken n waffles
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<juergh> enyalios, I also had audio troubles on x13s. Only 'dummy output' in gnome audio settings. Turns out I needed this:
<enyalios> hmm, that seems like its already includeded in alsa-ucm-conf-1.2.10
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<clover[m]> <steev> "probably went to cici's" <- Nah it was some hipster joint. The brisket and pepperoni pizza with BBQ sauce. It was weird tbh
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<juergh> enyalios, yes. I was still on 1.2.9 so thought I mention it.
<enyalios> ah, thanks
<push_> armbian x13s with alsa-ucm-conf 1.2.10 installed still says dummy output
<enyalios> so when i run `aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav` i get:
<enyalios> aplay: set_params:1435: Unable to install hw params:
<enyalios> along with all the params its trying to set
<enyalios> aplay -l shows 2 devices MultiMedia1 Playback and MultiMedia2 Playback
<enyalios> `alsaucm listcards` shows 0: hw:0, LENOVO-21BXCTO1WW-ThinkPadX13sGen1
<enyalios> it seems like things should be working, but they are not
<agl7> push_: Yes
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<agl7> push_: I also tried to get the speakers into the selection box somehow, but couldn't get it to work either.
<agl7> push_: Under original Debian sound works.
<agl7> (with steev's kernel)
<push_> but then a bunch of other stuff doesnt work
<push_> on firmware 1.57 it has never worked
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<steev> you need the latest linux-firmware for 6.5+ (i mentioned these changes being needed in the armbian discord but have no idea if they propogated)
<steev> you also need the mentioned pull request
<steev> debian testing just got 1.2.10 of alsa-ucm-conf; i installed that, applied 335.patch with cd /usr/share/alsa; sudo patch -p1 --no-backup-if-mismatch ~/335.patch rebooted and i still have audio
<steev> well, with proper patch syntax, but still
<steev> i use pipewire though, because gnome uses that. and typically test with canberra-gtk-play (and also have gnome play a sound on login so i know if audio is broken typically), but aplay also works for me here
<enyalios> steev: which firmware file is needed for audio?
<enyalios> i see a bunch of syslog error with 'Direct firmware load for qcom/sc8280xp/LENOVO/21BX/qcvss8280.mbn failed with error -2' for a whole bunch of different firmware files
<enyalios> oh huh, it looks like im missing a bunch of firmware that its trying to load
<push_> alsa-ucm-conf 1.2.10 appears to have 331 applied, i applied 335
<push_> ive tried linux-firmware from ubuntu-concept but it wasn't any better, is there a link to a better one?
<steev> i just use the debian packages, but, since ubuntu installs the linux-firmware repo as 1 singular package, what you likely need is and it needs a symlink to /lib/firmware/qcom/sc8280xp/SC8280XP-LENOVO-X13S-tplg.bin
<enyalios> hmm, i definitely have those
<push_> yep, have that, does it change ever?
<push_> i think i might just be held back by this stock armbian kernel
<bamse> clover[m]: not sure about the pepperoni, but brisket and bbq sauce on pizza is nice!
<agl7> bamse: pepperoni is better ;-)
<bamse> agl7: and is the best pizza!
<bamse> damn, i just had lunch...and now i'm hungry again
<steev> it shouldn't change *now* but it was in flux prior
<steev> what "stock armbian kernel"? as far as i knew, they were pointing at my 6.3 or 6.4
<agl7> bamse: Hmmm ... looks tasty ... the pepperoni should be the red ones, because they are hotter!
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<push_> if you down the image off the armbian page, youll get 6.3.13
<push_> i dont know what if anything gets backported
<steev> nothing because i haven't backported it to the 6.3.13
<steev> 6.3 went EOL and i stopped updating it
<push_> oh, dookie, is your kernel available as a binary?
<steev> not really, but for me, i just clone it, run make O=../builds/branchname -j $(nproc) KDEB_PKGVERSION=$(make kernelversion-$(init/build-version) LOCALVERSION="" laptop_defconfig/bindeb-pkg (laptop_defconfig first, then bindeb-pkg running the same command a second time and swapping it out)
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<push_> branchname in this case would be master?
<steev> no, that's literally whatever branch i'm on (it's a function that tests that) - you can really make it whatever you want, but if you're cloning my repo, you want the lenovo-x13s-linux-6.5.y branch
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<steev> doesn't help the peeps who are using debian packages, i don't think?
<derzahl> hey guys, gonna wipe my c640 and give me wife to take with her on a trip. is everything available in mainline kernel now?
<derzahl> any reason to use a custom build still or can I just throw the latest debian or ubuntu on it?
<push_> I know it doesnt "just work" on the novago, i know 850 support was better but I'd be surprised if it "just worked"
<steev> i think sound is still a little wonky and needs a minor fixup, and the vanilla installers probably won't work... but maybe? i haven't tried in a long time
<derzahl> was just gonna use debootstrap
<derzahl> steev: doing anything with rk3588 kernel support? I see you have the (BSP?) 5.10 version in your git repo. Ive been sloppily mantaining a current 6.5 version for my opi5plus boards
<derzahl> so for the c640, would you stick with the debian sid + linaro repos(looked pretty stale when I checked) or go with armbian or something else?
<steev> yeah bsp, it's for opi5plus but... i've never gotten it to really work. even their default debian install, with that 5.10 kernel likes to randomly kernel panic
<steev> i have kali on mine, but i haven't reinstalled using anything but the laptops iso
<steev> i'd probably move it to bookworm instead of sid though
<derzahl> that bsp kernel is a pretty big mess, ive been stable though with my 6.5+ patches - just no working graphics yet
<derzahl> ok, bookworm not ubuntu? last i tried ubuntu it seemed to be a bit more arm focused. Like their grub scripts handle dtb's and stuff now
<derzahl> i think that was on the opi5plus
<steev> they've always handled dtbs and stuff, it's through flash-kernel
<steev> but their grub script yeah
<steev> that's ubuntu specific because iirc, grub keeps saying no to it
<derzahl> ah, wonder why
<steev> derzahl: where is your 6.5 kernel located? and by no working graphics you mean gpu or not even framebuffer?