robclark changed the topic of #aarch64-laptops to: Linux support for AArch64 Laptops (Chrome OS Trogdor Devices - Asus NovaGo TP370QL - HP Envy x2 - Lenovo Mixx 630 - Lenovo Yoga C630 - Lenovo ThinkPad X13s - and various other snapdragon laptops) -
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<_[m]1> yeeep still reboot looping ☚ī¸
<_[m]1> it starts booting linux, then goes into black screen just with underscore "cursor" int he top left
<Jasper[m]> @steev this sounds similar to the issue you were having
<_[m]1> * top left after trying to load the graphical interface I believe
<Jasper[m]> <Jasper[m]> "It was an ARM-SMMU hang" <- Also this^
<_[m]1> only 5 times ! đŸĨŗ
<_[m]1> 2 times on reboot 🤔
<_[m]1> does anyone else dislike the trackpad ? I replaced in a t480 once the trackpad with an x1 one, and it was way better, I think it's different material? I mailed lenovo asking for interchangeable parts but they just mailed back the part number of this specific trackpad
<_[m]1> the trackpoint was working mediocrely under ubuntu, on arch seems better (like it would get "stuck" moving slowly in 1 direction)
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> <_[m]1> "the trackpoint was working..." <- lagging?
<_[m]1> no just as if you' re using it but very softly pushing it in one direction
<_[m]1> ff not playing vids mm
<_[m]1> * vids mm just hangs on 0:00
<exeat> I do dislike the sound it makes when tapping (not clicking), as if it's loosely attached to the chassis, though I've checked and there's nothing wrong.
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> I've felt like he's kind of lagging behind what I'm doing.
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> exeat: I was rebuilding my laptop. It has a specific way of attaching the touchpad to the case. That's why it feels like that.
<_[m]1> Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]: on endeavouros it's ok though now you got me doubting myself
<_[m]1> also confusing that middle mouse + trackpoint scrolling (damn how I missed this!!) is doing natural scrolling - it will become a habit soon enough
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> _[m]1: EndeovourOS is actually awesome. I used it for a very long time until I got a non-working system after an upgrade. I installed ubuntu to try it out. But some applications not working in the dpkg environment led me to the idea of going back to the Arch system.
<_[m]1> no it's fine I think, just a bit getting used to being precise with it
<_[m]1> Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]: not an arch fanboy (yet) but from things I've seen so far: neat
<_[m]1> > <> EndeovourOS is actually awesome. I used it for a very long time until I got a non-working system after an upgrade. I installed ubuntu to try it out. But some applications not working in the dpkg environment led me to the idea of going back to the Arch system.
<_[m]1> * not an arch fanboy (yet) but from things I've seen so far: neat
<exeat> I've only seen trackpad lag when (very sporadically) triggering the issue described here:
<_[m]1> and you can run bleeding edge kernel huh 🎉
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> I am now not allowed to go inside the windows, it says that because of security changes, I have to install a new pin, when I agree it says an error. I have decided to completely remove Windows from the hard drive, if I completely clean the disk, I will not create problems in the future? Maybe I do not know something?
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> _[m]1: I'm in the process of transitioning from an arch fanatic) btw I'm using arch on an x86 laptop))))
<_[m]1> is this the bitlocker issue?
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> _[m]1: I don't use encryption.
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> Maybe my hands are just crooked)
<clover[m]> no issue removing windows, you will just need to get firmware updates some other way
<_[m]1> <clover[m]> "no issue removing windows, you..." <- aka download from lenovo website and extract
<_[m]1> * and extract .exe
<_[m]1> so chromium playback same story buuut it plays some ms every couple of seconds 🙂
<_[m]1> * seconds 🙂 at least of twitch, not yt
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<clover[m]> <steev> "clover: also just pushed 6.5.7..." <- any specific reason for dropping MIH?
<steev> not really any special reason, no
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<steev> woo, we're down to 17 failures in our ci
<steev> clover[m]: okay i'll bring it back for 6.5.8
<_[m]1> whoa finally fixed video playback by installing 2 pipewire packages - one replacing pulseaudio seems
<_[m]1> but crackles
<_[m]1> and not background level but quite apparent
<_[m]1> pipewire-pulse and pipewire-media-session
<_[m]1> and had like 10 reboots this time, while previous reboots was like 2-4 times, related?
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<_[m]1> how you install fex-emu ?
<_[m]1> * fex-emu ? it errors for me
<_[m]1> * fex-emu ? it errors for me from AUR
<_[m]1> ok could build it