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<steev> did you copy the dtb in like the instructions say?
<cenunix[m]> Just for clarification, on jhovold x13s wiki it says that pops and clicks are fixed in 6.6.3, is this one of his branches or the mainline kernel vers. 6.6.3?
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<steev> it means that the stable tree will have the patches he mentions in it, but my experience is that things still pop and click :(
<steev> i don't think i've pushed my 6.6.3 yet because i haven't yet had a chance to test suspending it
<steev> actually i don't think he mentions them by name, but yeah
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<cenunix[m]> Here is the issue I get for reference if anyone has an idea of where I’ve gone wrong, thx :)
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<steev> that seems like you're missing some files in your initrd
<steev> s/files/modules
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<cenunix[m]> Would the fix be to add them in the kernel config steev ?
<cenunix[m]> here are my kernel modules, uncommenting phy_qom_qmp_pcie or pcie_qcom results in an error saying they aren't present
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<steev> The list should be in jhovold’s defconfig commit - odd, they should be? Unless they’re built in to the kernel?
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<jhovold> cenunix[m]: yes, the pops and clicks are fixed in 6.7-rc1 and backported to stable 6.6.3 and 6.5.13
<jhovold> steev: 6.6.3 has been released, you would still hear pops and clicks with your 6.6.2 branch until you rebase
<jhovold> sorry, that should have been fixed with 6.6.1, so you should not hear it with your 6.6.2 branch either
<jhovold> s/6.6.1/6.6.2/
<jhovold> to avoid any confusion, there are two sets of fixes needed to address the pops and clicks, both went into 6.7-rc1 and were backported to 6.6.2 and 6.6.3 respectively
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<cenunix[m]> jhovold: do you have any insight on why I’m getting trouble booting? ^ I posted an image up there, I’m unable to add pcie_qcom as a module for the mainline kernel, its kernel 6.6.2 mainline
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<jhovold> cenunix[m]: pcie_qcom can only be built-in with mainline so that's expected (didn't we discuss this before?)
<jhovold> you definitely need pcie phy driver, and that one is built as a module both with johan_defconfig and the arm64 defconfig
<jhovold> i suggest booting into a shell in a ramdisk so you can inspect the state of the system and check which driver haven't probed yet and why
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<jhovold> steev: i thought i may have a heard a pop from the speakers today, first time since moving to 6.7-rc1
<jhovold> it's possible that the other fix that went in to rc1 only made it harder to hit
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<steev> jhovold: yeah, i think we're talking 2 different things. this isn't literal pops and clicks on my end, it's more of a static noise, although it would appear that turning the volume down to about 50% makes it far less noticeable
<jhovold> yeah, that doesn't sound like pops and clicks :)
<jhovold> you did verify that your spekers were ok, right? couldn't hear it in windows iirc?
<steev> cannot hear the static in windows, correct
<jhovold> and you are sure that you are using the latest ucm files and have removed the alsa state?
<steev> 1000%
<jhovold> perhaps you still have a digital gain setting above 0dB for some reason, that was what the ucm fixes were supposed to address, but you can still end up with it being non-zero as it's not limited in the driver yet
<jhovold> before that ucm change, there was definitly some noise / distortion that could be heard
<steev> hmm
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<jhovold> steev: are you using pulseaudio or pipewire btw?
<steev> pipewire
<steev> i think
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<steev> pulseaudio: Installed: (none)
<steev> yeah, pipewire
<jhovold> i use pulseaudio, but i think i could end up with a non-zero digital gain setting if i try to increase the volume above 100% in pavucontrol
<jhovold> perhaps you end up with something similar using pipewire
<steev> hitting 100% shows it at 100% in pavucontrol as well
<steev> but, i'll try to find some time to look through the gains this weekend to see if any are over 0
<jhovold> do you consider 100% volume to be loud? it's not very loud here...
<jhovold> not loud at all really
<jhovold> hmmm, looks like my digital gain is set lower than the default which may explain the difference
<jhovold> amixer sget "WSA_RX0 Digital"
<jhovold> Mono: 72 [58%] [-12.00dB]
<jhovold> restoring to 84 (0dB) is louder, but still sound ok (for a laptop speaker)
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<jhovold> not sure how I ended up with -12 dB but it seems pulseaudio lowers it sometimes on startup, it set it to -2 dB immediately after I had restored it to 0...
<jhovold> srinik, broonie: do you know what's going on here?
<jhovold> the fixed ucm config sets the the digital gain to 0 in BootSequence (which means we currently need to remove the alsa state for the new setting to kick in)
<jhovold> pulseaudio lowerd it to -2 dB on first startup, and after some time I was left with a setting of -12 dB, seems like something is broken
<broonie> You'd have to ask the PA people. It does try to do some full path setup for the benefit of HDA systems that don't have UCM, a bit surprising that it'd still do that with UCM active.
<jhovold> ok, thanks
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<steev> i do not consider it loud, no, but i do consider it louder than 50% :)
<steev> uhh, maybe i don't have the proper files
<steev> Unable to find simple control 'WSA_RX0 Digital',0
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<nerdboy> are those ucm patches all upstream now?
<nerdboy> i *think* so but all the GH PRs are closed (
<nerdboy> as opposed to merged...
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<craftyguy> I dont' think gh shows 'merged' like gitlab does. last I looked, they were merged but there wasn't a release yet with them in it
<nerdboy> yeah, it looks like the last set of commits comes after 1.2.10
<nerdboy> that said, pulse seems happy now with alsa-ucm-conf master and 6.6.2
* nerdboy forging his own path on gentoo
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<steev> they are merged into master, yes
<steev> they are not in a release
<steev> but also, welcome to the channel, finally
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<Jasper[m]> <jbowen> "(⊙_◎): Thank you, I did actually..." <- Did you end up getting it to boot?
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<Jasper[m]> I downloaded both the live image and the raw image and copied over the DTB from the raw image. Tried to boot, got a bunch of kernel logs and then no display
<Jasper[m]> Sadly nothing after that
<Jasper[m]> So it's booting, but I'm assuming it's missing some kernel modules to actually finish
<jbowen> Jasper[m]: I haven't gone back to try it yet
<jbowen> (right now it's just something I play with after work if I'm in the mood)
<Jasper[m]> Sounds fair
<Jasper[m]> I think there was someone else that got a running setup
<jbowen> dgilmore
<jbowen> You can also ask around in the #fedora-arm channel
<dgilmore> Jasper[m]: did you add the right bootargs?
<Jasper[m]> dgilmore: Do you mean the kernel options? I added these
<dgilmore> yes, though I am only using "clk_ignore_unused pd_ignore_unused arm64.nopauth"
<Jasper[m]> I'll try adding the blacklist args
<Jasper[m]> Since it blackscreens and hangs
<jbowen> Really curious what you find out
<jbowen> Are you using the Rawhide image or one of the F39 images?
<Jasper[m]> The F39 KDE spin
<jbowen> Ah, I've just been playing with Rawhide nightlies
<Jasper[m]> I got further
<Jasper[m]> but it's hung at plymouth
<Jasper[m]> I think it can't mount the USB anymore because the activity led is off
<dgilmore> Let me go turn mine on and double check
<Jasper[m]> dgilmore: ```
<Jasper[m]> dracut-initqueue: timeout, still waiting for following initqueue hooks:
<Jasper[m]> ```
<Jasper[m]> referring to the USB stick afterwards
<Jasper[m]> hahaha
<dgilmore> that is not finding the block device
<Jasper[m]> I'm in rescue now
<dgilmore> I would add the modprobe.blacklist=qcom_q6v5_pas
<dgilmore> when booting from usb if the firmware is there it gets unhappy. the storage goes from sda to sdb
<Jasper[m]> Will try it out
<Jasper[m]> <dgilmore> "I would add the modprobe...." <- Do I need rd.blacklist=qcom_q6v5_pas aswell?\
<Jasper[m]> s/qcom_q6v5_pas/qcom\_q6v5\_pas/, s/?\/?/
<Jasper[m]> It's done for msm too. Without it, it's still not booting
<Jasper[m]> same problem as before
<Jasper[m]> Same problem too with rd.blacklist=qcom_q6v5_pas
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<dgilmore> I have "arm64.nopauth clk_ignore_unused pd_ignore_unused rd.driver.blacklist=msm" but am booting from nvme. when I set it up I added qrtr to the initramfs and removed the firmware as listed in the wiki
<dgilmore> dmesg for 6.6.2
<Jasper[m]> I'd try that if I were able to install it from the live disc hahah
<Jasper[m]> And even then I think you don't need to remove the firmware. Afaik it works on ARch
<Jasper[m]> I'll get back to it, when it's easier to boot from USB
<Jasper[m]> but I guess that's going to be hard until they reproduce Ubuntu's setup
<Jasper[m]> (I REALLY don't want to install Ubuntu)
<Jasper[m]> * install Ubuntu again)
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<jbowen> Jasper[m]: the folks in #fedora-arm might have more to offer for that specific distro
<Jasper[m]> Yeah I'll drop in a question
<Jasper[m]> Thanks for the help
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<nerdboy> it *should* boot from usb fine with ESP / rootfs
<nerdboy> initially i tried the hacked debian installer on usb stick but after that i made a couple from stage3 tarballs
<nerdboy> took some flipping of usbc hub to get the drive to show in bios with early 6.x
<nerdboy> bios upgrader also runs fine from usb stick
<nerdboy> <= my not-so-great wiki page
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