robclark changed the topic of #aarch64-laptops to: Linux support for AArch64 Laptops (Chrome OS Trogdor Devices - Asus NovaGo TP370QL - HP Envy x2 - Lenovo Mixx 630 - Lenovo Yoga C630 - Lenovo ThinkPad X13s - and various other snapdragon laptops) -
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<Dantheman825[m]> okay, now it's just stuck on rtkit-daemon.service
<Dantheman825[m]> nvm, we've hit the desktop
<Dantheman825[m]> patience is a virtue
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<_[m]1> consistent network naming ftw 😄
<_[m]1> but lol capital P come on !
<_[m]1> <clover[m]> "step 1: use arch..." <- step 2: build everything yourself 😄
<_[m]1> yeah snapd pita
<_[m]1> damn it really feels like coming home after too many years mac os
<_[m]1> thanks again to all people who work on this, you are amazing ❤️
<Dantheman825[m]> could I probably just Erase Disk and Install Ubuntu?
<Dantheman825[m]> start fresh? or maybe manually partition
<Dantheman825[m]> I'm starting fresh
<Dylanger> Alpine Linux works really well on aarch64
<Dylanger> Their diskless mode is great if you have flimsy persistent storage like eMMC
<Dylanger> It's so smol and minimal too ♥️
<Dylanger> Successfully have a RPi + LTE SMS Gateway setup, always wanted to have that working
<_[m]1> heads up btw, ubuntu installs firefox as snap and you can't install some/most/all add ons -_-
<Dantheman825[m]> right, forgot about that
<Dantheman825[m]> Oh man, even the touchscreen works :D
<Dantheman825[m]> When did that happen? Was there a missing piece of firmware previously?
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<Dantheman825[m]> Oh another thing, when I boot up, it just boots in, but how would I go about having grub show a menu beforehand?
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<steev> bamse: ping on (i stupidly sent it via b4 and not msmtp so couldn't find it in my inbox)
<Jasper[m]> <Dantheman825[m]> "Oh another thing, when I boot up..." <- Edit grub's config file
<Jasper[m]> Forgot the option name, but it is there
<steev> timeout or some such
<Jasper[m]> Dantheman825[m]: > <> found it... (full message at <>)
<Dantheman825[m]> I did
<Dantheman825[m]> 5 seconds
<Dantheman825[m]> guess my laptop didn't like my kernel updating
<Dantheman825[m]> think the firmware got left behind in the process
<Dantheman825[m]> * guess my laptop didn't like me installing a newer compiled kernel
<Dantheman825[m]> where do I find firmware for this guy again? gpu and touchscreen work, the battery and speakers are out of wack though
<Dantheman825[m]> * where do I find firmware for this guy again? gpu, touchscreen, and wireless work, the battery and speakers are out of wack though
<Jasper[m]> <Dantheman825[m]> "where do I find firmware for..." <- is pd-mapper running?
<Jasper[m]> systemctl status pd-mapper
<Jasper[m]> Dantheman825[m]: > <> ```... (full message at <>)
<Dantheman825[m]> did I install my new kernel wrong maybe?
<Dantheman825[m]> I made them into deb packages and installed with dpkg
<Dantheman825[m]> it looks like it's looking for kernels that end in -laptop
<Dantheman825[m]> mine's currently just 6.7.0-rc3+
<Dantheman825[m]> you know what, I'll just use the older kernel for now
<Dantheman825[m]> it works fine
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<steev> Or is that tangential to the Microsoft stuff
<travmurav[m]> steev: seems like this targets UEFI, and our problem is "a level above"
<travmurav[m]> as in, the uefi runs in EL1 and afaiu this issue is in the uefi image itself, so I guess it's just loading malicious uefi code. one would still need to do the magic handshake with qhee/mssecapp to get el2
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<travmurav[m]> to reword - we already disable uefi secure boot in most cases to even boot our grub/etc so one could just replace our grub with some nasty thing and patch uefi from there
<travmurav[m]> funnily, I think this also means that windows is "more safe" on arm devices that use secure-launch since it doesn't need to rely on the uefi root of trust, and instead uses the vendor-locked one
<travmurav[m]> at least for the secure-launch path
<travmurav[m]> and I guess it still doesn't help if the efi runtime services were corrupted, idk how much privileges windows gives when calling into them
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<Jasper[m]> <travmurav[m]> "as in, the uefi runs in EL1..." <- Had time to look at the certs thing yet?
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<travmurav[m]> Jasper: I occasionally take looks at this mess but don't have any news for now
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<steev> travmurav[m]: ah, right, i thought as much but figured i'd throw it out there anyway :)
<clover[m]> does youtube on firefox play weird for you guys, sometimes the audio seems to speed up or go out of sync with video
<travmurav[m]> hardware accel perhaps?
<clover[m]> probably an issue with that yeah
<Jasper[m]> clover[m]: I had that problem before
<Jasper[m]> It was some problem with the way audio was handled, I forgot what the solution was
<Jasper[m]> I think it didn't happen on chromium even
<Jasper[m]> <Jasper[m]> "It was some problem with the way..." <- I looked at the logs, it solved itself after some kernel/ff updates lol
<clover[m]> right, it doesn't happen on chromium
<neobrain> clover[m]: yeah, though both the video and the audio do this for me. On average, it plays like 20% faster than it should
<clover[m]> Jasper: what FF version / kernel are you on?
<clover[m]> im on 120.0.1 / 6.6.2
<_[m]1> does anyone run debian pure?
<danielt> How pure exactly?
<clover[m]> PureOS
<bamse> steev: well, it's in my inbox, which is what matters :) keep using b4
<steev> but using b4 means not being in MY inbox :P
<neobrain> FF 12.0 / Kernel 6.6.3 here FTR
<danielt> I see. So not Pure as in Debian pure blend?
<clover[m]> i was just being silly about the pureos. i dont know what nino is talking about
<steev> ff12....
<neobrain> woops, 120.0 of course :D
<neobrain> granted not exactly the most commonly typed version number
<steev> true
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<_[m]1> <danielt> "I see. So not Pure as in..." <- no yes just plain debian - since seems still not working sound / wireless (firmware)
<steev> also, woo
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<Jasper[m]> <clover[m]> "Jasper: what FF version / kernel..." <- I'm ubuntu currently, audio still f'd up
<Jasper[m]> Had that happen on Arch though
<clover[m]> interesting, yeah im on Arch too with this issue
<clover[m]> nice steev, looks like a big release on the arm side of things
<steev> Maybe audio clock is too fast now?
<steev> hm
<Jasper[m]> <steev> "Maybe audio clock is too fast..." <- Works in most other apps
<clover[m]> why would it affect FF and not chromium
<steev> i dunno, was just throwing random thing
<clover[m]> gotcha
<Jasper[m]> Anyone happens to know how to build Fedora live images?
<Jasper[m]> I'm trying to make myself a working ISO, but googling "fedora build live image" doesn't give me what I want :^)
<ajhalaney[m]> Jasper: lemme know if you have any luck, I was playing around with trying to boot the fedora raw image off a USB stick last night with no success so far despite all the usual suspects (clk_ignore_unused, pd_ignore_unused, arm64.nopauth, make sure something loads a dtb, etc). Hard to tell what's going on during boot with the laptop, makes me appreciate a proper serial so much more.
<steev> ajhalaney[m]: just solder on a serial port like calebccff did with his c630 /s
<ajhalaney[m]> :D
<calebccff> this is the only right way to do aarch64 bringup
<calebccff> seeing as I'm here, I'll show off another laptop I blessed recently, lumag's TCL Book 14 Go
<Jasper[m]> calebccff: Is this one of those without secure boot?
<Jasper[m]> The qualcomm one
<calebccff> Jasper[m]: yeah, the bootloader is a total mess. You can't access any boot device selection screen, but pressing F5 will attempt to boot from USB. If you poke around in EFI shell you'll find that there is a boot device menu app you can run, they just never hooked it up
<steev> oh that's fancy
<calebccff> it's sc7180 WoA, with UFS (no clue where/how to figure out what the DT should look like for that)
<calebccff> it also has the Qualcomm BDS menu left in
<calebccff> you can enable PXE booting, somehow, maybe it supports some USB ethernet thing
<calebccff> it also has the mass storage mode settings but it crashes if you try and enable it :(
* calebccff would very much like to run U-Boot on it
<Jasper[m]> Where'd you get it from?
<steev> dang it
<steev> the dock i got for mac doesn't work with the thinkpad :( the usb ports are slightly too close together
<steev> i could probably do something silly like use usb-c cables
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<_[m]1> the side dock like htat?
<_[m]1> <ajhalaney[m]> "Jasper: lemme know if you have..." <- for debian, somehow just creating a efi partition and putting the .dtb in there makes the installer boot 🤷
<_[m]1> I was lazy so fde on lvm 1 partition and it kept that /EFI
<_[m]1> fckng magic this stuff
<zdykstra> if you want to do direct EFI booting, e.g. make a UKI bundle and add an EFI entry pointing to it, what's the right way to load the relevant DTB on boot?
<ajhalaney[m]> fancy work you did there calebccff
<ajhalaney[m]> zdykstra: my (untested) understanding is that if you update the firmware and turn the "Linux Boot" option on it will try and install sc8280xp-lenovo-thinkpad-x13s.dtb from the ESP into the UEFI tables... which then the efi stub should pull out and run along ok. I have just been using grub's devicetree stuff or telling the stub to pull it with the kernel command line "dtb=" option up till now
<zdykstra> how lock-step does that file have to be to the kernel version? Exactly, I assume?
<ajhalaney[m]> with all the work done upstream the idea is that if you adhere to dt-bindings upstream, your devicetree should continue to work (i.e. they make sure that old bindings are still supported in drivers). Now in practice... dunno how well that can be said, I always tie the two together and dump a new one for each kernel :)
<zdykstra> Good to know - thank you
<zdykstra> My goal is to get Void and ZFSBootMenu working on the x13s, but I'm very new to Arm systems
<zdykstra> we'll see how well the hardware works with kexec - that can be a real pain point on x86_64
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<robclark> HdkR: ohhh, new fex has some x1c go-fast?
<Jasper[m]> Anyome here ever looked at the apcsilmic dot 1 minipc? It's SC7180 on a SOM, seems interesting
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