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<ellyq> and even then i highly doubt it'll be vaapi
<ellyq> vaapi is pretty much strictly x86, on ARM64 you can expect v4l2-m2m (which seem to only work in GStreamer)
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<chadmed_> ellyq: there is actually a v4l2 backend for vaapi
<chadmed_> which we will likely need to make use of for AVD to be useful for regular desktop use
<ellyq> chadmed_: oh, TIL
<chadmed_> could probably use a fork and a maintainer though :p
<ellyq> true :D
<ellyq> still, interesting
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<n3ph> Anyway aside from that, have I missed a stepafter emerging asahi-kernel-6.9.12-p2 and mesa-24.2.0_pre20240727
<leio> n3ph: I assume you successfully booted into that kernel per uname -a ?
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<n3ph> leio: $ uname -a
<n3ph> Linux UgokuShiro 6.9.12-p2-asahi-dist #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu Aug 15 16:28:57 CEST 2024 aarch64 GNU/Linux
<n3ph> vulkaninfo --summary
<n3ph> ERROR: [Loader Message] Code 0 : vkCreateInstance: Found no drivers!
<n3ph> Cannot create Vulkan instance.
<n3ph> This problem is often caused by a faulty installation of the Vulkan driver or attempting to use a GPU that does not support Vulkan.
<n3ph> ERROR at /var/tmp/portage/dev-util/vulkan-tools- failed with ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER
<n3ph> glxinfo -B
<n3ph> name of display: :0
<n3ph> display: :0 screen: 0
<n3ph> direct rendering: Yes
<n3ph> Extended renderer info (GLX_MESA_query_renderer):
<n3ph> Vendor: Mesa (0xffffffff)
<n3ph> Device: llvmpipe (LLVM 18.1.8, 128 bits) (0xffffffff)
<n3ph> Version: 24.2.0
<n3ph> Accelerated: no
<n3ph> Video memory: 31644MB
<n3ph> Unified memory: yes
<n3ph> Preferred profile: core (0x1)
<n3ph> Max core profile version: 4.5
<n3ph> Max compat profile version: 4.5
<n3ph> Max GLES1 profile version: 1.1
<n3ph> Max GLES[23] profile version: 3.2
<n3ph> Memory info (GL_ATI_meminfo):
<n3ph> VBO free memory - total: 63 MB, largest block: 63 MB
<n3ph> VBO free aux. memory - total: 28307 MB, largest block: 28307 MB
<n3ph> Texture free memory - total: 63 MB, largest block: 63 MB
<n3ph> Texture free aux. memory - total: 28307 MB, largest block: 28307 MB
<n3ph> Renderbuffer free memory - total: 63 MB, largest block: 63 MB
<n3ph> Renderbuffer free aux. memory - total: 28307 MB, largest block: 28307 MB
<n3ph> Memory info (GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info):
<n3ph> Dedicated video memory: 4294726918 MB
<n3ph> Total available memory: 4294758562 MB
<n3ph> Currently available dedicated video memory: 63 MB
<n3ph> OpenGL vendor string: Mesa
<n3ph> OpenGL renderer string: llvmpipe (LLVM 18.1.8, 128 bits)
<n3ph> OpenGL core profile version string: 4.5 (Core Profile) Mesa 24.2.0-asahi20240727
<n3ph> OpenGL core profile shading language version string: 4.50
<n3ph> OpenGL core profile context flags: (none)
<n3ph> OpenGL core profile profile mask: core profile
<n3ph> OpenGL version string: 4.5 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 24.2.0-asahi20240727
<n3ph> OpenGL shading language version string: 4.50
<n3ph> OpenGL context flags: (none)
<n3ph> OpenGL profile mask: compatibility profile
<n3ph> OpenGL ES profile version string: OpenGL ES 3.2 Mesa 24.2.0-asahi20240727
<n3ph> OpenGL ES profile shading language version string: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.20
<n3ph> uff, i need to checkout multiline support, mea culpa
<j`ey> (the vulkan thing is expected, doesn't seem like honeykrisp is merged to that branch)
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<n3ph> `GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info` looks odd
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<n3ph> j`ey: I don't know much about wayland and the driver stack yet. how was it working before, if not on vulkan?
<j`ey> OpenGL
<n3ph> I think it's using software rending ATM
<n3ph> Everything is ridiculously slow
<j`ey> yeah, OpenGL renderer string: llvmpipe (LLVM 18.1.8, 128 bits)
<n3ph> I've read about the new honeykrisp driver in mesa only being compatible with 6.9.12, right?
<j`ey> n3ph: `dmesg | grep gpu` shows output?
<n3ph> no, it doesn't
<j`ey> then you havent built the gpu driver it seems like!
<n3ph> I am using `virtual/dist-kernel`, so indirectly `sys-kernel/asahi-kernel`. I haven't built a custom one yet...
<j`ey> does the ebuild also install rust/bindgen etc?
<j`ey> lets ping chadmed
<chaos_princess> can you install asahi-sources, cd into the kernel directory and run `make rustavailable`
<n3ph> sure
<n3ph> rust compiler is too new
<chaos_princess> version does not matter, what matters is that you do not have rust-src use flag enabled
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<chaos_princess> re-emerge rust with that, then rebuild the kernel and try again
<n3ph> fun, so running `USE="rust-src" emerge -1 dev-lang/rust && emerge -1 sys-kernel/asahi-kernel`?
<chaos_princess> sth like that, yes
<n3ph> thx
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<chaos_princess> the kernel's makefile's handling of a missing rust compiler is super stupid, instead of erroring out, it just disables everything that depends on rust and proceeds to compile
<n3ph> ha, interesting:
<n3ph> cat /etc/portage/package.use/asahi | grep rust
<n3ph> >=dev-lang/rust-bin-1.79.0 rustfmt rust-src
<n3ph> I have that
<chaos_princess> do you have both rust and rust-bin installed?
<n3ph> I guess I have switched from rust-bin to rust somewhen, or both. let me check
<n3ph> - both
<n3ph> I'll sync useflags first and get rid of rust-bin then
<n3ph> Ah damnit, I have `virtual/rust` istalled
<chaos_princess> that bit of the ebuild enforces that there is at least one copy of rust that has rust-src, but there is nothing to force it to be the active one
<n3ph> sure, I have to switch between them using `eselect rust`. what I am trying to find out ATM is how to enforce both packages to be emerged with `rust-src` enabled.
<n3ph> though, if I have the `virtual/rust` installed, both declarations are not checked at all, since it's or'ed
<n3ph> anyway, so at least one of them. :thinking:
<jannau> no, that's (virtual/rust && (>=dev-lang/rust-bin-1.76[rust-src,rustfmt] || >=dev-lang/rust-1.76[rust-src,rustfmt]))
<jannau> use flag should be move to virtual/rust
<chaos_princess> that would not help tho
<n3ph> ah, right. `|| ()` is the or expression for both package constraints
<n3ph> chaos_princess: why?
<chaos_princess> you could still install two copies of rust, one with no rust-src, and then set it as active
<chaos_princess> the only way i see is to check in src_configure or something
<jannau> true, it would just move the issue to virtual/rust
<n3ph> chaos_princess: you mean `src_configure` in `sys-kernel/asahi-kernel`?
<chaos_princess> yes
<n3ph> makes sense
<n3ph> But it would also be _very_ helpful to just fail if make rustavailable fails.
<j`ey> yeah it's odd
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<leio> n3ph: I noticed newer mesa reporting that memory too. It looks to be pretty much total RAM with a bit removed. It reports ~189.77 GB for me and I saw it be reduced by some kB or MB the other day.
<leio> it's sort of correct, but not counting normal RAM use when it's unified or something; not exactly available
<leio> not sure of the story behind it otherwise
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<n3ph> dmesg | grep gpu
<n3ph> [ 1.166822] gpu_sched: exports duplicate symbol drm_sched_entity_destroy (owned by kernel)
<n3ph> but I am still on llvmpipe
<n3ph> hmm, under FAR `dmesg | grep gpu` is empty too
<chaos_princess> can you post `zcat /proc/config.gz | grep ASAHI`
<chaos_princess> lsmod | grep -i asahi
<n3ph> not loaded
<chaos_princess> modprobe drm_asahi
<n3ph> maybe they are missing in initrd
<chaos_princess> could be
<n3ph> ui, it's missing in the main modules: `modprobe: FATAL: Module drm_asahi not found in directory /lib/modules/6.9.12-p2-asahi-dist`
<chaos_princess> equery f asahi-kernel
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<n3ph> chaos_princess: any recommendations how to? it's too much to `wgetpaste`. compressed archive is ~150k
<chaos_princess> just post first 100-ish lines, should be enough
<n3ph> great, now it's 500... :-/
<chaos_princess> it is installing it to the correct location i guess
<chaos_princess> weird that it can't find the kernel module
<chaos_princess> maybe try posting the build log of asahi-kernel?
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<n3ph> find /usr/lib/modules -name '*asahi*'
<n3ph> /usr/lib/modules/6.9.7-p1-asahi-dist
<n3ph> /usr/lib/modules/6.9.7-p1-asahi-dist/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/asahi
<n3ph> /usr/lib/modules/6.9.7-p1-asahi-dist/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/asahi/asahi.ko
<n3ph> /usr/lib/modules/6.9.9-p5-asahi-dist
<n3ph> /usr/lib/modules/6.9.9-p5-asahi-dist/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/asahi
<n3ph> /usr/lib/modules/6.9.9-p5-asahi-dist/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/asahi/asahi.ko
<n3ph> /usr/lib/modules/6.9.12-p2-asahi-dist
<n3ph> /usr/lib/modules/6.9.12-p2-asahi-dist/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/asahi
<n3ph> /usr/lib/modules/6.9.12-p2-asahi-dist/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/asahi/asahi.ko
<n3ph> modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'asahi': Exec format error
<chaos_princess> anything in dmesg?
<n3ph> ah sure
<n3ph> dmesg | grep drm
<n3ph> [ 0.067895] [drm] Initialized simpledrm 1.0.0 20200625 for 107d36be880.framebuffer on minor 0
<chaos_princess> no
<n3ph> [ 0.068310] simple-framebuffer 107d36be880.framebuffer: [drm] fb0: simpledrmdrmfb frame buffer device
<n3ph> [ 1.166822] gpu_sched: exports duplicate symbol drm_sched_entity_destroy (owned by kernel)
<chaos_princess> just last several lines
<n3ph> [ 1.177488] apple-drm soc:display-subsystem: Adding to iommu group 4
<n3ph> [ 1.755355] apple-drm soc:display-subsystem: bound 38bc00000.dcp (ops hdmi_audio [apple_dcp])
<chaos_princess> do not grep
<n3ph> [ 1.757009] apple-drm soc:display-subsystem: bound 289c00000.dcp (ops hdmi_audio [apple_dcp])
<n3ph> [ 1.757214] apple-drm soc:display-subsystem: bound (ops __mod_of__of_match_device_table [apple_dcp])
<n3ph> [ 1.896540] [drm] Initialized apple 1.0.0 20221106 for soc:display-subsystem on minor 1
<n3ph> [ 1.897321] apple-drm soc:display-subsystem: [drm] fb0: appledrmfb frame buffer device
<n3ph> [ 8.513802] systemd[1]: Starting Load Kernel Module drm...
<n3ph> [ 8.522114] systemd[1]: modprobe@drm.service: Deactivated successfully.
<n3ph> [ 8.522193] systemd[1]: Finished Load Kernel Module drm.
<n3ph> [ 8.880152] drm_exec: exports duplicate symbol drm_exec_cleanup (owned by kernel)
<n3ph> [ 1722.136939] drm_exec: exports duplicate symbol drm_exec_cleanup (owned by kernel)
<n3ph> [ 1772.938317] drm_exec: exports duplicate symbol drm_exec_cleanup (owned by kernel)
<n3ph> dmesg | tail -n 10
<n3ph> [ 12.343132] Bluetooth: RFCOMM ver 1.11
<n3ph> [ 38.494949] sched: RT throttling activated
<n3ph> [ 185.384548] fbcon: Taking over console
<n3ph> [ 185.394387] Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 189x61
<n3ph> [ 1251.992047] macsmc-rtkit 290400000.smc: RTKit: syslog message: apComms.cpp:375: SMC HID Event: 01 06 01
<n3ph> [ 1252.020439] macsmc-rtkit 290400000.smc: RTKit: syslog message: apComms.cpp:375: SMC HID Event: 01 06 00
<n3ph> [ 1567.408014] landlock: Disabled but requested by user space. You should enable Landlock at boot time:
<n3ph> [ 1722.136939] drm_exec: exports duplicate symbol drm_exec_cleanup (owned by kernel)
<n3ph> [ 1772.938317] drm_exec: exports duplicate symbol drm_exec_cleanup (owned by kernel)
<n3ph> [ 1781.481129] spi-hid-apple-of spi1.0: Read package crc mismatch
<chaos_princess> ok, just to make sure, you are booting the right kernel, and you did rebuild initramfs after installing it
<n3ph> I have seen dracut being executed. I think. I am on 6.9.12-p2 yes
<chaos_princess> and you do _not_ have ccache or anything
<n3ph> not intyentionally - let me check once more
<n3ph> no I don't
<n3ph> I am already reemerging `sys-kernel/asahi-kernel-6.9.12_p2` once more to get a build log
<chaos_princess> idk what is with the duplicate symbol, can you try installing asahi-sources and using that instead of asahi-kernel
<n3ph> tmpfs on /var/tmp/portage - *sigh*
<chaos_princess> ?
<chaos_princess> full tmpfs and things broke beacuse of that?
<n3ph> I don't think so... but I am double-checking at the moment
<n3ph> no, I just don't have the build log anymore, as I've rebooted
<n3ph> aha
<n3ph> modprobe -v asahi
<n3ph> insmod /lib/modules/6.9.12-p2-asahi-dist/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/drm_exec.ko
<n3ph> modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'asahi': Exec format error
<n3ph> insmod /lib/modules/6.9.12-p2-asahi-dist/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/drm_exec.ko
<n3ph> insmod: ERROR: could not insert module /lib/modules/6.9.12-p2-asahi-dist/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/drm_exec.ko: Invalid module format
<j`ey> run `file` on that?
<chaos_princess> no, it is a duplicate symbol somehow as seen in dmesg above
<j`ey> ah
<n3ph> lsmod | grep drm
<n3ph> appledrm 49152 5
<n3ph> apple_dcp 278528 1 appledrm
<n3ph> drm_dma_helper 49152 3 appledrm,apple_dcp
<n3ph> /proc/kallsyms does not help (me), how do I proof `drm_exec_cleanup()` is exported by `asahidrm`?
<chaos_princess> i'd recommend rebuilding it from asahi-sources and seeing what happens
<n3ph> and why is it `asahidrm`. Anyhow, you're right. I'll go that way
<n3ph> hm, great. I thought I've lost the build log through rebooting. m( But I need to make use of `FEATURES="keepwork"`
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<n3ph> chadmed: we should try stripping down the kernel config.
<n3ph> WDYT about `make localmodconfig`?
<chaos_princess> the kernel config is the way it is to be able to be used as livecd kernel
<n3ph> uff. it's just too much stuff...
<n3ph> but I see what you mean. It is basically taken from the livecd, isn't it?
<chaos_princess> well, thats what asahi-sources is for
<n3ph> IC
<n3ph> Well, that's odd: DEPMOD /lib/modules/6.9.12-asahi-1-asahi-dist
<n3ph> somehow it's prefixed wierdly
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<n3ph> \o/ OpenGL renderer string: Apple M1 Max (G13C C0)
<n3ph> So, I wonder whats going wrong with `sys-kernel/asahi-kernel`. But TBH, i've made my boot parition too small to have more than 2 kernels laying around.
<chaos_princess> are you using the exact same config for asahi-kernel and asahi-sources?
<n3ph> m) I'll need to fix that first for having more space available and playing proceeding debugging.
<n3ph> I've used `cat /proc/config.gz | gunzip > .config` on `sys-kernel/asahi-sources`.
<chaos_princess> ok
<chaos_princess> the whole thing is weird, but w/e
<n3ph> And that one came from the 6.9.12 dist kernel I've already had
<n3ph> So, I don't think it's related to the config. It couldn't be rust vs. rust-bin. I've got rid of rust-bin already
<n3ph> resizing boot is PITA
<n3ph> IDK why I made it 512M -_-
<chadmed> n3ph: no, we should continue to follow the fedora config
<chadmed> as is done for all gentoo distkernels
<chadmed> they are dist kernels for a reason
<chadmed> if you want a stripped down kernel config, emerge asahi-sources and roll your own
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<n3ph> chadmed: where do I find the fedora config?
<chadmed> its a bit of a PITA to get to, have a look at the asahi-kernel ebuild. we grab it straight out of the copr's git repo
<n3ph> thx
<chadmed> look at line 34
<chadmed> thinking we're gonna need a fex ebuild sooner rather than later
<chadmed> that somehow deals with whatever fex root solution alyssa sanctions
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<chaos_princess> fex even without rootfs would be quite annoying to package, just look at how much stuff it vendors
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<chadmed> yeah thats why i havent looked at it yet
<chadmed> most of these should be in ::gentoo, we _might_ be fine
<chadmed> urgh no it explicitly expects them to be vendored
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<mps> do macbooks have light sensor
<mps> I guess they have so correct question should be 'does asahi kernel have driver/s for light sensor'
<j`ey> it doesn't currently, no
<j`ey> eiln did some starting work on it, it's part of the same processor as some of the mic stuff
<mps> aha, ok and thanks for info
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